Chapter 5: You are mine and mine alone

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'That explains everything!' Sophie screamed inside her head with a look of slight anger but after some time it disappeared as she regained her demeanor. "Thanks for telling me the truth brother. We have not done anything" she replied with no expression on her angelic face. Although Adonis didn't want to see that side of her sister knowing that she had not done anything with the man and knowing that nothing would happen in the future made him so happy, but of course, it was all inside as his face gave nothing away. He nodded "It's good that you know, and now you have realized why I was a little intrusive earlier" he tried to justify his emotion as he continued "He might look to be 20 years old but he is really at dad's age. And it's good to always know who you are dealing with before you get into any 'deep' business with them so that they won't take you unaware" He added, with a slight smile adorning his handsome face. "When will the meeting be done with?" Sophie suddenly asked. "Soon, why?" Adonis asked but deep inside him, he was so happy that his angel didn't find this place pleasant anymore. "Nothing really, just asking" she replied damping Adonis's excitement. "Oh, okay then" he replied. Although he didn't want her to leave just yet, wishing for them to stay like that for a little longer but he knew that it was not possible, that any extra moment would be awkward. "That's all I wanna tell you," Adonis said, and after a little exchange, Sophie left for her chamber. In one of the rooms of the castle stood two males looking through the window of the room that views the whole of the garden that Adonis and Sophie were in a moment ago. They are both very handsome with shoulder-length blue hair and piercing blue eyes. They are also tall and well-defined, anyone that sees any of them would be sure that they are just both 20 years old irresistible males but actually one is as old as a 40s to 50s year old while the other is actually the young one. "It seems the relationship of the twins is as good as the rumors said," One of them said. Those two were actually Fenrir and Tae, the pair of father and son. And the one who spoke was Tae. Fenrir glanced at his father for a while but said nothing. "Why are you quiet today son? What is the matter" Tae asked his son, but his tone was the one that betrayed Sligh fear showing that he was afraid of his son. Fenrir was silent for a while before he spoke "What happened between you are Angel today?" his voice was demanding and overbearing leaving no room for hesitation or a lie. "Nothing happening between us" Tae replied, subconsciously distancing himself from the other male. "Don't lie to me Tae, I can smell her on you, what happened?" he questioned again but this time his tone was more forceful and colder. "I'm saying the truth sire. I... umm, when we were about to do it we were suddenly interrupted by the servant" Tae replied, if anyone were to look closely, they would notice small beads of sweat shining on his forehead. "Before the diner?" Fenrir asked. "We were interrupted" Tae replied. "And after the dinner?" Fenrir questioned again. "Same thing sire, we were also interrupted by the servant that was sent to look for her by her brother" Fenrir stared at Tae for a while before looking away, his face still cold but doing nothing to hide his gorgeous face. After some time he spoke "You better not go near her ever again or have any thoughts about her ever, because if you do, you will forever regret doing so when I'm done dealing with you. Your other son is already in the dungeon locked up for his foolishness. I sent him an errand to go and inform the households about the meeting but he had the guts to f**k my Angel" Fenrir chuckled evilly as he said that. Hearing him, Tae's face paled in fright "Please sire, don't do this, no matter what he is still your brother and your blood, he made a mistake by doing that but he didn't know you would end up birthing feelings for her, please release him" Tae was almost in tears as he pleaded but Fenrir didn't even glance his way "You were just lucky that nothing happened between you two or else, the punishment you will be receiving will be unexplainable" Fenrir replied coldly. As sweats dripped down from Tae's forehead, he suddenly fall to his knees "Please Fenrir, he is still your brother, he is still my other son" Tae said but Fenrir snorted "And so what? Now leave my sight. And if you waste any more time you will be joining him soon" Fenrir said. Hearing that Tae immediately stood on his feet and left. He wants Fenrir to release his son but if the two of them were to end up being locked up it would do no good. Fenrir was still staring at the window whilst muttering "Don't worry Angel. I know you love s*x just like me, besides we both share the same traits but I will not allow you to f**k any other person except me. I will personally get rid of all those people that can't stay without thinking about how good you taste, those that you have f****d that can't f**k anyone else only thinking of you. I will personally take them all away. But I'm a good person. I will give them an option first, if they choose to stay away from you I will leave and let them be, but if they don't, hehe... I will just kill them all. And judging by how irresistible you are their answer is already known" Fenrir smiled, although his thoughts were evil but his appearance was that of a mini god that no one would be able to resist at all "And that one from the vision family, you better not cross me..."
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