Chapter 3: I own you

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His eleven and a half inch c**k has been throbbing ever since he entered the room and if Sophie was not so deeply arousal she would have seen it and also would have widened her pretty eyes from how thick the male was. He suddenly pushed two fingers inside her p***y making her to cry out in happiness, her p***y throbbed whilst her lips parted even more, the male's d**k jumped again and precums has started oozing out from it. He gulped down and added a third finger inside her p***y which she moaned from pleasure. Her gorgeous body was displayed for him and only him to see and he was having it all and would never have enough. Sweats has started dripping down his defined frame and it was an unforgettable sight to see. "Oh god... nngghhh f**k!" Sophie gathered a little reasoning to moan because she was sure that her mind would be completely gone if this continued. The male's d**k kept on pulsating but instead of succumbing to his desires he instead added a fourth finger into Sophie's p***y and increase the rate he pumps in and out of her. His lips were already parted whilst his eyes were drowsy from arousal and unquenchable want that was visible to any eyes. "So gorgeous..." his baritone reverberated and he scouted closer and captured Sophie's lips with his. He dived inside her mouth and soothed every taste her mouth graves for whilst still finger f*****g her. As he pulled off, his other hand went to her breasts as he fumbled and squeezed. Sophie's body was already shaking, moans were coming out from her lips nonstop whilst she squirmed on the bed, the level of pleasure and arousal she was in was indescribable, every part of her body was already sensitive and craving for attention. As the male's fingers thrust in and out of her she couldn't help but to shoot her load whilst screaming. Her voice would have been heard outside her room if not because of the room's soundproofing. Her p***y was pulsating, her mouth was wide open, and her eyes tightly closed while she shot cuts after cums "Ahh ahh! Oh my nnghhh..." After a few minutes she opened her eyes and was immediately greeted with a thick and big monster that could hit anyone to death, thinking of where that 'thing' would enter made her gulp hard. The male chuckled and was about to approach Sophie when a knock came through the door. Sophie cleared her throat to get back her voice a little and asked "Who is there?" "Good day princess, I'm one of the servants, I came to inform you that dinner is ready" the male replied from outside the door. "Okay, I will be there in sec," Sophie replied and heard the sound of 5he male footsteps as he left but suddenly she heard an angry groan in the room and she gulped, not daring to look at the male. "You don't have to worry, let's go and have our dinner, take it as your moment of rest because after the dinner you are getting the real thing" Sophie shivered from pleasure and slightly fear of that thing, her body is a real betrayer of oneself. She nodded and went to her bathroom to take her bath but what surprised her was that the male came into the bathroom with her. To her surprise, he minded his business but her eyes couldn't stop from darting to his body whilst checking it out, she couldn't get enough. Suddenly she heard a chuckle "If you kept on looking at me like that you should forget about the dinner because I will f**k you till the next day, you can try me then" he said not even looking at Sophie. When she heard that she felt her p***y clench and a witness started to reawaken from deep inside. She blushed and tore her eyes away from the inevitable. After a while, they were done and were almost near her room door to exit. "What is your name? You haven't told me" Sophie asked curiously. "Just call me Tae" was his only response but Sophie was muddlehead for seconds from his voice. As they opened the door to leave, that same voice entered her ears once more and she clutched her door handle so hard to avoid releasing a moan right there and then "Remember what I said, you are just taking a break in preparation to what awaiting. Tonight I own you and I will do whatever I want with you" and with that, he left her there to gather her thoughts together. Inside the dining, sexy laughter and voices could be heard as the royal family of the households were gathered at a crystal-blue table whilst fisting on a sumptuous meal. "Ruler Adonis, I heard that your people love you so much, and also that immediately you were enthroned you stabilized the issue that had been troubling the angel household for a long time. The ruler of the golden household said jovial looking but was actually trying to inquire about the inside information of the angel household because after Adonis was enthroned he secretly cut off every way that spies communicated to the outsiders resulting in the other households being unable to know what's happening inside the household and at the same time insulting Angelo for his inability to solve a minor problem that his son was able to solve in days. "How we the angels manage our people has nothing to do with you Lanesboro, so it would be a favor for you to keep your mind shut-in anything that relates to the angel's forbidden region" Adonis replied with a neutral face and Lanesboro immediately laughed it off as if it was nothing but there was a glint that flashed through his eyes as if he was planning something in the future. Sophie was busy eating whilst minding her business because a lot was on her mind now so she had no spare time to waste on listening to the baseless jokes of the rulers. What also baffles her is what the male that just made her forget how old she was moments ago doing here in the royals dining?
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