Chapter 4: Identity revealed

1038 Words
Third person POV Sophie was currently inside Tae's chamber naked, her legs were parted while she breaths shakily. After the dinner, Tae made up an excuse saying that he had something to discuss with Sophie, and with that he guided her away. Sophie on the other hand seemed to be mute from any speech and was only nodding because immediately Tae made that excuse her mind couldn't help but flash back at their adventure earlier which got her excited. She swallowed and followed Tae's lead. When they reached his chamber, she was stripped naked and spread wide open on the king-size bed while Tae was at a corner answering a call, his eyes locked on Sophie without blinking. What was also turning Sophie on at that moment was how the male was slowly removing his clothes. The sight was mouth-watering on its own and his baritone voice that was reverberating in the room was entering Sophie as if he was just right beside her ear. "Call you back, yeah, bye" When he ended the call he was only in his boxer. Dropping the phone he began to move close to her "Hello babe how..." Before he could continue "Knock Knock Knock..." they experienced a deja vu as a knock came through his chamber door. With a deep groan that have the possibility of being heard by even people outside was released from him. "Who is there?" He boomed. "Sir, Ruler Adonis has been looking for his sister and they recently realized that she left the dining with you so I'm being ordered to come and get her" the servant explained and Tae's face darkened from displeasure. "Go back and tell him that we are not yet done with our discussion," said almost losing his patience. His monster was already rock hard, ever ready to do the work it had been anticipating for hours, even before dinner. If any girl were to see him currently with how his boxer bulged, and how the 'thing' inside is threatening to destroy the container and leave, they would automatically go down on their knees and surrender their treasures to him, the curve that is. And if they were to take in his handsome face and body, they would just faint right away with a bleeding nose. "Sir, he said that it's urgent and that if he didn't see her within two minutes at most he will come here to take her by himself" the servant explained further, making Tae's mood that was already sore more unsightly. Sophie cleared her throat as if regaining some head clearance, she stood up and went to Tae's bathroom to wash up because she knew if she were to leave like that, those men would know what she had been doing with a glance. "f**k off from that door immediately, and tell that motherfucker that she would be there in a few minutes" Tae replied to the servant before wearing a pair of trousers and a shirt, picking up his phone, and leaving his room heading to the building exit to God knows where. Sophie left the chamber when she was done to look for her twin. Her mind was not at peace as she was thinking about the reason why she has been so horny these days, her brows were furrowed as she realized that she was unable to resist Tae, not even for once making her confused. Normally she's the one that people can't resist but what has been happening since today was the opposite. After a while, she found Adonis where he was with Fenrir, chatting away and laughing like a long-time friend. She cleared my throat to get their attention. When Fenrir saw her, he smiled bashfully and 'damn' it was so gorgeous and... She shook her head and focused back on her brother "You called me?" she asked and he nodded his head before turning to Fenrir "Can you leave for a few minutes?" he asked and the male nodded before leaving. Immediately he left, Adonis turned to glare at Sophie "What is going on between you two?" he questioned which surprised her because Adonis had not questioned her with whom she saw and talked with in the sense, you know... So, it was quite a surprise. "Why do you ask? I mean, it's not your business right?" She replied but he snorted which got her slightly angry but she chose to remain quiet. "Would you dare to say that nothing has happened between you two?" he asked again but when he saw that she had grown quiet he knew that she was beginning to get upset. Realizing that he sounded so rude and intrusive... well, not sound because he is intrusive, he sighed. He noticed that he had let his jealousy affect his emotions and its trying to get in his sense of reasoning which he never wanted to happen so he immediately bit back that discomfort he was feeling inside and chose to be rational. "Look Angel, I know you are getting upset but I don't want you to, and I know I'm getting intrusive but it's not intentional please, stay away from Tae," he said, although Sophie's anger has receded but her frown deepened. "Why?" she asked looking at the gorgeous male of a twin of his trying to figure out what he was trying to say. He returned my gaze "Do you know who Tae is?" he suddenly asked stunning her for a moment because that was one of the questions that kept her puzzled ever since dinner. She shook her head immediately "Tae is the former Ruler of the sky god household" he said looking at her to put the pieces together but she was too distracted with a lot of thoughts to know what his brother was trying to say. With a sigh he chose to complete his statement "He is the previous Ruler which means he is Fenrir's dad" Adonis said and she nodded, but when it finally sank inside her eyes widened and she shouted, "What?!" "But he looks..." she wanted to justify but then realized how stupid her next word would be and decided to keep shut, her head trying to process everything.
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