Episode 32-A princess save

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Crystal was uneasy as she tried to stabilise Damian why his body shook, she knelt beside his body that had now collapsed and draw him close.   “Damian stay with me, you’re gonna be okay” Crystal assured but she was panicking and didn’t know what to do. Her state of panic started to make her hiccup and as she hit her chest to stop the persistence problem, her view started to get blurry and headache unfortunately set in but she tried to fight it holding Damian close to her chest as she went into a state of high panic which unfortunately sent her consciousness into sleep.   “Crystal, Crystal; Are you okay?” Andrea called as she also watched in helpless what was going on but then her eyes flustered but she was suddenly looking confused and pushed Damian away from his thigh but then she figured the boy was poisoned, she sniffed and turn to Andrea next to her.   “You poisoned him you filthy demon” She spat grabbing Andrea by the neck and choking her.   “Crystal, you know I didn’t do it and I don’t even know how to help…why don’t we call Helen; she can figure something out” Andrea said with utmost difficulty while holding Crystal’s hand back.   “Did you just say Helen?” Crystal let her go and Andrea let out a huge sigh of relief.   “I told you don’t you, don’t you remember. She asked me to stay with you and keep you safe-   “Why would my sister collaborate with a demon to keep me safe?” Crystal demanded confusing Andrea for a second.   “Well, she thinks having a demon protecting you will be better as their aura was too powerful and they’ll keep drawing demons to you and you’ll be attacked and she was right. They attacked Damian because you like him…now look at him, I don’t even know how to help. I’m a young demon…It took me a while to even know what I am” Andrea explained with a glossy eyes while trying to stop herself from crying.   “You mean demons did this to him?” Crystal asked again before moving to Damian whose colour has now started change as a result of the poison in his body. Crystal started to examine the Damian and eventually found three marks behind his neck which was slightly covered by his hair.   “It’s a claw poison…the poison was from the demons claws and so to find a solution I have to find the demon’s claw…the boy don’t have that much of a time left…30mins at most” Crystal said while still examining the wound.   “Well, I know you wouldn’t let him die would you..you care about him too much to let that happen” Andrea said while watching Crystal closely as she was beginning to notice the sudden changes in her behaviour.   “Oh, what happened here?” One of the teachers in the school stroll towards their direction horrified by the scene.   “We don’t know to be precise-   “Then what are you waiting for take her to the hospital” The blonde teacher insisted while Crystal met Andrea’s eyes.   “Why don’t you deal with this Andrea, I’ll go find who did this to him-   “They are three in number, how would you know?” Andrea questioned while narrowing her eyes at Crystal.   “You know who did this to him?” The teacher questioned after she had successfully dialled the emergency number while other teachers and students rush in to see what happened.   “Well, not really but I’m gonna find them” Crystal declared while standing to her feet and immediately heading out to the door.   Angelique knew too well the boy must have meant a lot to the girl, she had been fighting her for control but she was a strong one, but just that one accident she instantly gave in like she was asking for her to help, though Crystal had no idea but then, she still did…she willingly gave up her fight to control her body or just the panic made her lose her hold. Nevertheless she was going to help her find those demons and s*******r them if the need arises but she had never felt so vulnerable, being in the body of a 18year old woman…like…she was 180years old if she didn’t miscalculate, she felt weak and she hated her mother for it.   “Mother did went too far with this” Crystal gritted harshly and she search every nook and cranny of the whole school only to see the demons in the basketball court teasing one particular girl like that.   “Leave her alone” Crystal roared even though she was vulnerable and weak she still sounded pretty intimidating but the moment the they all turn to see who was talking they all laughed.   “You better get out of here before I make it your turn” One of the demon boys voiced and Crystal scoffed with a spiteful look on her face before her eyes fell on a mop stick not far from her and she immediately went for it, then she broke it into two before advancing towards the guys.   “Why don’t you run along and let me handle them?” Crystal told the girl who looked scared to even take a step at first but then Crystal figured out one of the guys could compel so she moved closer to the girl standing protectively in front of her.   “Close your eyes” Crystal muttered softly to the girl who did just that.   “Now walk slowly, don’t look back…once you’ve walked far enough run…make sure not to look back” Crystal instructed the girl who was in basketball jersey and shorts. The girl nodded and immediately did as told.   “Impressive” One of the boys applauded.   “Now you are going to go and get that girl for me” One of the demons tried to compel Crystal but she just laughed.   “She…she-   “You can’t compel a water angel, we are just too transparent” Crystal sounded like Angelique for the first time and then her aura start to ooze out seeping fear in large quantity into the body of the young demons.   “I don’t like bullies…I’m one myself but I still don’t like them” With that said the boys gulp slowly moving back as Crystal continue to sound and advance towards them in an intimidating stance.   “What are you? Why are you…why does she suddenly have an aura?” One of the guys who had a curly blonde here spoke this time with a voice that sounded as if he had been holding his breath for quite some time.   “Princess…Princess Angelique” Crystal smiled mischievously and throw the sharp edge of one of the two pieces of the broken mop to one of the demons in an extremely fast speed, the momentum was fast enough that the piece of wood immediately stick into the boys stomach.   Angelique knew the boy who had tried to compel him wasn’t the one that poisoned Damian so he instantly executed him, limiting her numbers. Then the other two growl in distaste and tried to run for her, the action that had almost got her killed if she hadn’t been skilled enough to move out of the way as the boy with poisonous claws aimed for her neck. Unfortunately, he was the demon with the curly hair something Angelique think was cute except that she had to kill him, she wish she had another way, being in a human body limited her strength to fight making her vulnerable but Crystal herself wasn’t that weak for a human so her strength and agility served her advantage as she face the demons in combat dodging and hitting them…being a an angel warrior had its own purpose; Angelique concluded when she skilfully and swiftly grabbed the curly hair boy by the hand and grab the other one by the vest since he had took off his sweatshirt while preparing to fight Crystal.   Angelique while engaging in hand to hand combat with the second boy with blonde hair and vest; managed to stick the second part of the of mop into his neck, watching his black blood stain her as he bled out while the last one of them froze in terror watching the other two boys slowly disintegrate; , the boys she wished she knew their name.   “Will you co-operate with me or you want me to take the matter into my own hands, I don’t think you’d like that pretty much” Crystal smiled devilishly while walking up to the last boy standing in terror.   “What…what…what do you want?” The boy questioned as sweat instantly bubbled to his forehead while trying to control his fear. Crystal ignored that and walked up to remove the knife pocket hanging by his belt side.   “I know you meant no harm to that poor innocent boy but you really shouldn’t have done that. I don’t like demons so much…so-” Crystal pursed and raise the boys fingers up, cutting the tips and watching him scream while she tried to take his claws.   “My claw can’t heal him” The boy struggled to say as Crystal sent to cut his third finger.   “What can?” Angelique got curious and questioned despite knowing the boy wanted to trick him, she was far too old for that she declared within herself but played along nevertheless.   “I have to…” The boy tried to attack Crystal with his free hand but Crystal caught it as fast as he tried, then Crystal smiled and declared.   “I think I’m done now…if you don’t mind now” Crystal smiled right before driving the small knife into the boys heart watching as he fell unto his knees while slowly disintegrating, then she looked around and stared out to see the young girl she had asked to run without looking back staring at her in horror but she ran immediately their eyes met, Crystal let out a sigh of relief realising the only person that saw was just the girl, the boys chose a quiet place to go by their silly business, she till couldn’t arrive at the conclusion of what they plan to do with the poor girl by luring her so such a quiet place. Not wanting to waste anymore time, she knew she had to find a way to dissolve the poison and make an antidote out of the claws but then…only an angel from the Prasinos family to make that happen.   -----------             
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