1750 Words

Oh my God! I can't believe my eyes. From 68 subscribers, only to check today and see 191 subscribers. Thank you so much to everyone that supports me. I truly appreciate it. Secondly, I'm sorry if I can't give two or more updates in a day. I'm working on so many different books and it has not been easy for me. That's why. Just keep supporting me and accept the little that I was able to give per day. Thank you so much for your support. Thirdly, I'm fighting with writer's block. For the first time. Though sometimes a chapter might give me a little bit of headache but to the extent of not knowing what to write, this is the first time it's happening to me... • "Oh my God! I can't believe this. Am I seeing Yasira?." Yasmeen thought when she reached the garden house. At that moment, her breat

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