
Clash of Royalty


Meet YASMEEN and YASIRA who found themselves in a very Cruel Fate, where one has to live in another one's Shadow. Yasmeen finds out the truth about her true identify as the princess of Kano State, she had no other option but to keep mum because she was threatened by her own very sister.

Will she be able to come out from her sister's shadow?

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Katsina, Nigeria. Days turned to week, weeks turned to month, months turned to years. Time flies so fast as it was now 26 years that Zahrahu left Kano. Leaving behind all of her past and started a new life in Katsina. A year after she gave birth to Yasmeen, her first daughter, she got married to Sani. Sani had been there for her, always supportive and caring. Especially, when she was about to give birth to Yasmeen, he tried all of his best to support by her. Zahrahu and Sani lived a quiet life for the past years. A town called Babban Saura was were they rented an apartment to when they left Kano, just two rooms. One for she and her husband and the other one, for their girls. Being a wife to Sani, Zahrahu tried all of her best to learn how to do so many things. They were five in their compound; Her family, Ummu Sa'eed,Ummu Shafa'u, Ummu Faisal and lastly Miss Fadeelah, who was a divorcee. Faisal was three years older than Yasmeen,while Sa'eed was same age as her and was also three years older than Yasira . Their parents had seen the affection both Faisal and Yasmeen shared, which they all coincide that in the next few months, they will get them married to each other. On the other hand, was Sa'eed who also love Yasira, Yasmeen junior sister, but Yasira wasn't interested in all of that. All what she's been dreaming of, is to get married to a prince or a rich guy someday. • The cold breeze blowing outside immediately woke Yasmeen up. She rubbed her two eyes and sat down as she crossed her leg on the bed. She scrunch up her brows in confusion as she couldn't spot Yasira on the bed beside her. "As salamu Alaykum Ukthy (Peace be upon you, sister), you're awake?". Came her sweet melodious voice. Yasira slumped her self back on the bed lazily. "Wa alaykumu salam(Peace be upon you too), where were you, and where have you been, habibty?" "No where" she answered shrugging her shoulder. "Just finished my fajr prayer few minutes ago. And after that,I went down the street for a walk" Yasmeen looked up at the wall clock above her head and turned back to glare at her junior sister. "Subhanallah! It's 6:00am already! Why didn't you wake me up?!" She squeaked. "Excuse you Ukthy! You're the senior here, whose job is to wake who?". Yasira answered with her eyes rolled at her sister. "Damn you!" "Whatever". She mumbled as she lied down and went back to her beautiful sleep.  Yasira is the definition of beauty, she really took after her mom's beauty. She has a beautiful caramel skin, smooth long hair and her beautiful but yet sexy plum lips has made everything perfect for her. She has a long pointed nose and was also fairer than her elder sister, Yasmeen. One problem she was facing with her family was that, she's way too classy for their liking. Indeed, her Mom's blood runs through her vein. Though, the children are not aware of their parents past because both Zahrahu and Dani have never shared their story to them. Yasira is a lady who always ettle for a high taste. She just turned 22, few weeks ago. Even at school, before they both graduated last year from Ahmadu Bello University (ABU),she preferred mingling with Rich kids than being with her sister. Yasmeen had always been her backbone, always covering up for her to their parents. Yet, that didn't stop her from always being rude to her elder sister. Yasmeen on the hand unlike her sibling had a very sweet personality. She's a true definition of her Mom when it comes to character. She has a very great and clean heart not to forget that, she's a very cheerful lady and also knows how to cook just like her mother. She always tried not to be noticed by anyone. She's a person, who was so contended with whatever she has. She's also beautiful, but not too fair like Yasira that one could easily identified that she's a Fulani girl. She also had plump lip, big round eyes and a V face. At the side of her neck on the right, is a beautiful mole, a birth mark. Yasmeen is not too tall like her sister nor is she short,she is an average. She will be 25 in next few days. Yasmeen is an extrovert.  Yasira is an introvert. "Allah, ya shirye ki(Only God can help you)". She mumbled shaking her head. She picked her brown hijab and wore it as she sauntered out of the room to perform her ablution. After she was done with her prayer, she packed all of the plates they had used to eat yesterday's night into a big bowl, she took it outside to washed all of it, Faisal spot her on his way coming back from masjeed(Mosque) and decide to walk over to her. After exchanging their morning greetings, he squat beside her and help her rinse the plates, making everything faster for her. "Iyyeh! Ana soyyaya kenan(Wonders! You two had started playing love already?)".  Sa'eed's Mom teased and Yasmeen only blush in returned. "Atoh(Yes), what do you expect? An fara practice kenan mana(The two had started practicing of course)" Ummu Faisal said as the two women burst into a laughter. Yasmeen on the other hand was too shy to even utter a word, while Faisal decide to help her from these two women. "Haba mama, ku dai na mana. (Come on Mom, you two should stop all of this teasing)" Faisal said rolling his eyes at them. Once Yasmeen was done with the plates, she went back to their room and sweep the floor, she tidy up everywhere as Yasira was still into her deep sleep. She went to their parents room and knock, after hearing the deep husky voice 'Come in' she opened the door and entered the room. "As salamu alaikum Abi(Peace be upon you, Dad), Good morning" "Wa alaikumu salam(Peace be upon you too). Morning my princess, how are you doing and your night?" "Alhamdulillah Abi, it was great". She answered and Dani hummed in return. "I'm sorry to disturb you father. I had thought to come tidy up the room, but seeing as everywhere was so clean, it seems ummi(Mother) has done everything already" "Masha Allah, God bless you my princess. Immediately your mom was done with everything, she left for Kasuwan Gwari(Gwari Market) to get some food stuffs. You know today is Tuesday" he explained. "Oh! Okay then. Bye Abi". She said and walk out from the room. • "What the hell are you doing?!" Yasmeen exclaimed as she just caught her sister secretly taking one of their mom's jallabiya(Gown) out of her closet. Sometimes, the girls always ponder where had their mom got all of her beautiful dresses from. It's not like they were rich or once rich.... "Shuush!  Someone might hear you" Yasira rolled her eyes before taking the beautiful golden gown out. "What are you doing?" Yasmeen half yelled. "I'm stealing, as you can see". She rolled her eyes. " Duh! I'm trying to borrow mother's cloth of course". "What?!  Are you crazy?! That's one of Mom's gown! You know she won't like it!" "I know!".  She replied curtly.   Suddenly, she turned to her sister. "Sis, you know you're the most beautiful lady I've known in my entire life, right?" Yasira said sweetly to her sister battling her long eyelashes at her. Yasmeen narrowed her eyes annoyingly at her, she knows that look very well.  Yasira always gave that look whenever she wants something from someone, she always use that tone and it's not going to work on her this time around. I won't fall into her trap this time around. She promised herself. On a normal day, Yasira would never accept that her senior sister is prettier than her, else, she wants something from her elder sister in return. "No way Yasira. count me out on this. I'm not in for your silly games this time around". "Please ukthy(sister), kin min alkawani fah(You had promised me). You once told me, you'll always be there for me" She said pouting. "But this situation, it's different! You just took one of mother's cloth! Do you even of what will happen to us if she learn about it? And, what stupid game are you scheming up in that crazy head of yours this time around?" She asked placing both of her hands on her hips. "Ukthy! Please you really have to help me, one of my friend is coming to Katsina today from Abuja, and we had promised to meet each other at that best restaurant Sweetie and Disney. You remember the restaurant right? It's one of the best in town" she announced excitedly. "Okay wait a minute, if I could comprehend you clearly, a friend of yours is coming to meet you all the way from Abuja to here in Katsina?!" She asked wondering who the hell is her new friend this time around. Nodding her head, she replied with a "Yes". "A girl or a Guy?" "A girl" Yasira lied. She knew once it mistakenly slipped out of her mouth that the person she's about to meet was a guy, her elder sister would definitely not help her. "And how did you know her? And,  if she's a girl, then why can't she just come over here to meet you at our house?" "What?! No way!" "No way?!  And why is that so? Care to explain?" "Ukthy, she's a Senator's daughter. Remember Khafila?" She asked. Yasmeen nod her head indicating that she remembered her. "Good! She was the one who had introduced me to her, and if I play my card well, she might help me secure a job in Abuja, then I can live a luxurious life, Ukthy. I'll become one of the most richest girl in the whole world. What do you think? I, Yasira ordering people around 'Hey you! Get me this, get me that' oh my God Ukthy!  It will be the best moment of my life! It will be a dream come true for me!" She dreamily said. "What are you saying Yasira, I've always told you countless times without number, money isn't everything in this world. Family is the most important thing, all of this material things are just for merely decoration, it means nothing. When you have family, you have everything". "You can scold me later Ukthy, but now, isn't the right time for that please. Are you helping me or not? She just phoned me and said she would be at the restaurant in the next one hour, please Ukthy you really havr to help me! Please! Please!! Please!!! I beg you please!!" She begged using her puppy eyes to lure her into her trap. After so many different tricks from her, she finally agreed.  "Fine! You know I can never say no to you" "Yay! Thank you Ukthy.  I swear, I love you" • "You look so beautiful" Yasmeen said as she scrutinize her sister with so much adoration. "I know right" she replied cockily. Yasmeen shook her head at her silliness. Yasira had always believe that she should be worship by so many people in their town, most especially the guys. And why is that? Because people always praise her for her beauty. She always tried to be noticed by everyone, little did she know that she really don't have to try. She's wearing a long beautiful golden gown, with a little dark brown embroidery at the wrists including the front and back. It fit her body perfectly, matching her skin color. The light make up she did for her self made her looks good. She picked up her black baby hijab Hajara had bought for her when she went to Mecca, she slide her leg into her black heel and pick up her clutch from the bed. "Tell me Ukthy, how do I look?" She asked for the umpteenth time. "You look absolutely stunning. But, are you sure it's a girl you wanted to meet? This dressing of yours is too much. You dress like you're trying to impress a guy" "What?! No! I mean, of course it's a girl.  I'm meeting a girl sister. And, I'll definitely introduce you two to each other".  She awkwardly replied. "Okay then, let go. This is 4:00pm already, we need to be back by 5:30pm before ummi returns from market. We wouldn't want her suspect anything." "Alright then, let go." • On reaching the restaurant, Yasmeen gasp as she saw who her sister had come to meet. It was a guy! It's really a guy! "You lied to me?!" She turned to face her and glared hard at her sister angrily. "I'm sorry Ukthy, but I really have no other choice but to lie to you. Please don't cause a scene here, don't ruin my plan" "This is absurd Yasira, you came to meet a guy without our parents permission!" "Please stop all this drama of yours, we're old enough to meet whoever we wish to. It's not like he's sleeping with me, please" "You won't meet him" she said with finality in her tone. "You can't stop me, we're already here. And if you think you can't do it, then you can just leave" Stubborn crazy girl!. Yasmeen thought. "Please Yasira, don't do this. This is wrong" "Go back home or you support me till the end..you choose?" After so many hesitation, she finally decide to succumb.  "Fine! But eemember, once it's 5:30pm we're leaving this place" "Stamp!". Yasira smiled as they both walk over to where the guy was sitting. "Hi!" "Hey babe!" They both greeted each other and took their sit. "As salamu Alaykum" Yasmeen whispered. "God! This guy is really handsome. But not like my Faisal. Faisal is much more handsome than him" she thought. "Wa alaykumu salam" he replied back with a small smile. "Babe, you never told me you'll be coming here with your maid?" He asked Yasira, taking both Yasmeen and her sister by surprise. Yasira facepalm her self annoyingly. "Now she will definitely ruin her plan" she thought. she had lied to him that her Mom is a Medical doctor and her dad is the V.C of Kaduna State University. Yasmeen smiled in return "actually, I'm not-" "You're right, Rasheed".  Yasira quickly cut her sister off before she could ruin everything for her. "Actually, I wanted her to get me some few things from the super market that's why I had asked her to tag along with me" Yasmeen who was so surprised by her sister's confession wide her two eyes in shock. Yasira looked up at her and gave her a pleading look. And being the nicest that she had always been, she fake a smile and said. "Ma'am, I'll be back in the next one hour. I'll get all of the things you had required for".  "Al.. alright then. Yo..you can go" Yasira stuttered.

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