1786 Words

2 I can't believe my eyes seriously. 268 Subscribers?!!! Just yesterday, it was 191, and today, it's 268! wow! thank you so much for all of the supports. You guys are the best! • "Excuse me, what's going on here?." She questioned in a very sweet, calm tone. Hearing that voice made Yasmeen jumped in happiness, she has been waiting for this day for a very long time now. She had been meaning to meet her sister and here she is. Even though she hasn't turned around to look at her face, she knew exactly who she is. It's her junior sister Yasira. She pushed James away from her and turned around slowly only to see the person she has been meaning to meet for the past months. There she stood, in her beautiful fitted red gown. She can't believe that the person she has been looking for, for the

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