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"What date did all this happened?." "I think she told me.... If I can recall vividly, she told me, 12th of December 2020." "That's like six months back. Right?." "Right?." "And, that was the same date, your Ummie Khair came to the palace." "And, what are you trying to insinuate?." Yamir asked as he narrowed his eyes on his brother in anticipation. "What I'm trying to insinuate is that, I don't trust that girl at all. She came here on the same date Yasmeen lost her family. She was alone and... Till now you were not able to find out anything about her." "What are you saying, Samir? Both Yasmeen and Ummei Khair are of same age. Ummei Khair is not Yasmeen's junior sister and... Umme Khair had the Royal blood flowing through her veil while Yasmeen did not." "Well, if you say so. But

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