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Kano, Nigeria. "With the expected clear evidence and different witnesses, The court has come to a conclusion that Mr Ismail is guilty of the planned murder of His late Royal Highness Alhaji Amir MT El-Khabir Suleiman. A man of integrity,a leader with a great heart" "His murder was done by that of crashing his car on his way to the orphanage home to help the kids. Mr Ismail is here by sentenced to death with all of his accomplice" "The court is here by adjourned" After the judge was done with the sentence,he hit the gravel and everyone stood up to leave . Everyone has left except for Zahrahu and Abi Samir who sat still. They were both into their own world with tears streaming down their faces. Abi Samir was happy that finally after long two weeks,his friend more like a brother has gotten the justice that he deserves. while Zahrahu on the other hand, kept thinking about her Dad who will be dead in the next few hours. She was very certain that her Dad would never do such a thing, he was not that kind of a man that will kill but instead, her husband turned into a blind eye just because he was hurt. She stood up on her feet and sauntered towards him and placed her hand on his shoulder. Abi Samir looked up and met his wife's face, he felt hurt and at the same time, he can't just ignore her father's sin. Her father had made a very big mistake by killing his own brother whom he loved so much. Above all, the poor baby Yamir, who would look after him?  Who will take care of him?  His wife's father has took away the poor baby's happiness by killing his father and because of this, he can never forgive him. Never! "Nasir, how could you do this to me?". She asked the first question that came into her mind. "How could your murderer father do this to that poor child?!  How could he?!  He killed my brother! He killed him just so he could become the King's in law". "What?!!!" " Yes, you heard me right. Your father wished to become the King's inlaw. Last month, Amir had arranged for a council meeting and do you know what he said? He wanted me to become the next king. But your father was such a treacherous man, he killed him! He killed my friend!" " I had always respected your father for his integrity but now? I've lost all the right for him.  He doesn't deserve anything from me!!".  "But, he didn't do it! I'm sure he's innocent, please believe me" "He could have denied it before the court that he's innocent, he could have said something but no, he didn't. He kept mum and his silence shows it all that he's guilty. He just want to become more powerful by getting closer to the throne!  He's a thief!!" His right cheek turn swiftly to the left as Zahrahu land a tight slap across his face. "You'll regret this Nasir, mark my words you'll regret not believing my Dad. He's innocent and the real culprit is out there rejoicing their victory while you're here punishing the innocent. The day you'll realise your mistake? You'll wish to take your own life because you'll deeply regret not believing I and my Dad" "I won't regret anything because that's the fact! He killed my brother!" He knows he's hurting her. He deeply love his wife so much, but he doesn't have a choice. He can't just overlook her father's crime just because she's his wife. What about his friend? He deserves justice and the poor baby will all be alone by himself. "I have something important to tell you" "There's nothing left to listen to, just go away. I don't wish to see your face" "But Nasir, this is very important to us. I promise you, you won't ever regret it" "I regret the day I set my eyes on you Zahrahu, just leave me alone in peace, please! Just...just go away from here! I divorce you! I divorce you! I divorce you Zahrahu Binti Ismail". He bursted as he turned his back against her. "What?!". Zahrahu wide her two eyes in shock. She stared hard at him through her hot tears, she placed her trembling hands on his shoulder and turned him around slowly.  She sobbed hard more as she saw the blank expression on his face. "Ple...please, tell me you're joking?". She stuttered. "I'm not joking, I'm damn serious. I free you Zahrahu, I'm no more your husband and so you are not my wife. You have no right on me and vise versa" "But..but you didn't even let me tell you what I wanted to say" "I don't want to ever listen to you, just go away from here. Are you deaf or blind? Which of the two are you? I just told you to leave me in peace, please young lady, just go away!".  He begged clapping both of his hands together. "Leave..me...alone!" He bursted through gritted teeth. "Okay Nasir, I accept that this is my Abi's fault, he's guilty. Yes, you're right...but please, don't do this to me, to us. We have something that will make us happy, just spare me five minutes and you'll understand what I'm about to tell you. It's very important, please I'm begging you Habib" she begged in tears as she went down on her knees clutching her husband's leg tightly. "Let go of my leg" he said softly. He hates seeing this side of his wife,he hate this moment,he hates the fact that it was her Dad who had killed his friend. Above all, he hates the fact that it was all because of him his wife is shedding tears right now. He promised her that he'll always make her happy and now? He was doing the opposite. "Nasir please, just spare me five minutes of your time. Please" "I said.....let.....go....of....my leg" he said through gritted teeth. "Please, don't do this to me please, I won't be able to live without you please" "Let go, you b***h!!" He forcefully kicked his leg out of her tight grip. And mistakenly, his leg hit her stomach. He was shocked by his action because Zahrahu now lay on the floor groaning in pain as she clutch her stomach tightly. "I don't want to ever see your face again. I'll give you just 4 hours to pack all of your belongings from my house and leave. You're just like your father. b***h!!" He spit on her and walk pass her. Definitely, she will never forgive me again. She won't. She will now hate me. Sani, who was hiding few feet away from the couples came out immediately Nasir left. He had been in love with Zahrahu ever since they were kids but didn't have the courage to talk to her. Firstly, he was just a merely servant for her Dad and was never her spec. Secondly, Zahrahu was madly in love with Nasir which didn't go unnoticed by everyone in the tribe. "Are you okay?  Are you hurt?". He asked with a frightened look on his face. "Let me help you up" he attempt to carry her but her protest made him stop. "Don't you dare touch me, you servant!" She glared hard at him. "I'm sorry my lady, but you need to go to the hospital" "I said, don't touch me! Don't you dare touch a married woman!!" "Married woman?" He scoffed. "Should I remind you that you just got divorce by your husband few minutes ago?" He didn't know why he had to say that to her. He felt, may be he needed to bring her back to her senses. "No! No!! No!!! Nasir will never divorce me! He didn't mean it! He loved me! Everyone knows that he loved me!" "Yeah, everyone in the tribe knows that he's madly in love with you and no one else. But now, what can you do? He just divorce you" "Now, shut up because I'll help you to the nearest hospital. You seems to be in pain". He snapped. "No!!!" She stopped him again. "No?" "I mean..I mean, I'm fine...can you please just help me to his house. I..I need to pack my stuffs" "Of course, my lady" he helped her up as they both went home. • "My lady, please don't leave me. You've always been there for everyone. You've given I and my family a shelter, If you go away, who will take care of me and my family? Who will take of young master?  Please don't leave me, please". Nazmeera looked up at Zahrahu in tears as she plead her not to leave. "I'm sorry Nazmeera, I have to. I and my husband are now divorced. I'm no more his wife, I no longer have the right to stay here so, you can't serve me anymore" "But I can follow you to wherever you're going to, just allow me to be by your side my lady, please" All the maids in the house are already in tears, they all don't want her to leave but the deed has been done. She don't have any other choice but to leave the house if she don't want to face her husband's wrath. Even after so many hurtful words from him, she still loved him. "No Nazmeera, you can't follow me because I'm going far away from here, I don't want to be a burden to anyone" "Take this check, it's for you. All of my money, I'm giving them to you. Give half of it to the orphanage home and take the rest. Go, and withdraw the money.  Start a new life with it and always remember the poor and the needy ones. Good bye and take care of yourself".  After handing her the cheque, she told Sani to drop her off as they both walk out from the house, leaving behind all of the maids in tears. "I'm sorry my dear son Samir, I'm sorry that I won't be able to take care of you like a real mother could, I'm now separated from you, but you'll always be in my heart. Please forgive me,I'm a bad mother. I wish your Dad could have given me the chance to tell him what I had wanted to,may be he would have reconsider his decision. Our family would have been complete but I don't think Taqdeer(Destiny) permit me to be your Mom. My new responsibility has come and I have to do this alone because of your Dad's decision, believe me, I didn't want to hide anything from him but he wasn't even ready to listen to me. Good bye and take of your self, my son". She thought in her mind. "My lady, where are we going to?" Sani asked immediately they were both inside the car. "To Mallam Yahaya, our same mechanic. I want to sell this car....Now drive". She instruct. "O...okay my lady" he ignite the engine and drove out of the big mansion. "Good bye my son, Good bye my love Nasir" Two Weeks Later Today, Alhaji Nasir coronation will take place at exact 12:00pm . He wasn't happy, he felt like he was snatching his friend's position. And at the same time, he kept reminding him self that he's doing all of this for Yamir his friend's son. "Your highness, everything is set" Abi Jalal, the previous King's right hand guard told him. He served the previous king and now, Nasir had begged him to serve him too with his whole heart. After so many persuading,he later obliged. "Thank you, Abi Jalal" "You don't have to thank me your highness, this is my job and responsibility. The prince your son is dressed already. You two will be crowned in the next few minutes together with the new queen" "Abi Jalal?" He called his name. "Yes, Your highness" "Bring the two prince here before me, now" "But-" "Please, bring them to me now. And no one should know about this.  You must not be seen by anyone, send all of the guards away for now, I don't want anyone to see what I'm about to do " "Okay, your highness" He left and came back few minutes later with the two prince. "Here they are, your highness" "Close the door". He ordered and Abi Jalal did as he was told. "Abi Jalal, whatever you are about to see here today should not be disclosed to anyone. You must always keep your mouth shut, don't ever utter a single word to anyone till eternity...is that clear?" "Ye...yes..yes, your highness" he answered in a frightening voice. "Good. Now, swap their clothes" "What?!!!!!" "You heard me, swap the children for me. My child Samir, will not become the future king of Kano, instead, Yamir would be the future king. He deserves the position from the very beginning, Samir can never become the crown prince but Yamir will be" "But your highness, your son Samir, he'll... he'll have to live with Chief Hamza Mai kudi! He hates you so much! He'll never love your son, Samir" "Only if he knows that Samir is my son. No one will tell him and I believe you won't do that either, right?" "Ye...yes, yes of course your highness, you can count on me" "Good! He loves my friend Amir. likewise, he will shower Samir all the love that he deserves, he would  think that Samir is my friend's son" "Now do it, swap their clothes and take Samir out of the room" "O..okay your highness". End Of Flashback
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