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Kano, Nigeria. THREE YEARS LATER At The Royal Palace Abbi Yamir, His Royal Highness entered his house which is so empty as usual. The death of his wife Hajia Fatimah whose death was three years now had shattered his existence. Before her death, the palace was always full of people,most especially the needy ones and apart from that, it had always been full of politicians who want to contest for senatorial or gubernatorial position. She was a successful senator apart from being the queen, who is also very close to the President and owned a construction company. Ever since her death, Abbi Yamir had locked the meeting room Hajia Fatimah used to conduct for her political activities. Alhaji Amir and Fatimah son, Yamir, who is now two year old equivalent to Alhaji Nasir's son Samir. He was sitting in his own meeting room when his thoughts was interrupted. "Welcome your highness, I was at the kitchen with ummu Kulthum when I heard the sound of your car" Ummu Jalal said. Ummu Jalal is the wife of His Royal Highness right hand guard's wife. He has been serving him for the past twenty years now. Nor has his Highness ever treated him or his wife like a servant, instead, he treated each and everyone of them as his own family. They had a son Jalal, whom they promised to serve the Prince once they are both old enough. "We're done with the cooking, do you wish to take your food now?" Ummu Jalal inquired politely. "No Ummu Jalal, I think I should take a shower first" He answered her while heading toward his room. He undresses and entered the bathroom for a quick shower when he started imagining his habibty(His belove).  " Ya rabb, when am I going to get over this? What is wrong with me? I can't even do anything with out thinking about my habibty" he sighed. He finished his bath and performed ablution for magrib prayer as it is already 6:40pm. At Abbi Samir's House Lady Zahrahu is now Alhaji Nasir's wife, she has been a good mother to the lovely baby Binta had given birth to before her death. She treated him like her own son,she showered him with so much of love and Abbi Samir was so happy as he witnessed all of this from her. He couldn't believe she would treat Samir like her own true son. It been two years of their marriage. He married her a year after Ummi Samir's death and ever since then, she haven't conceived. She is always troubled because of this but believes that Allah knows the best for her. She believed when the right time comes, she'll be a mother of her own. Zahrahu was in the kitchen preparing their meal, even though they had maid all around the house, she still prefer to do most of the house chores her self. She don't mind at all. "My lady, is there anything else you would want me to do?  I'm done ironing the cloth" "Thank you Nazmeera, but I can handle the rest. You can just take a rest" she replied with a smile. "Okay my lady" she turned around to leave but Zahrahu's voice stopped her again. "Or probably, you can change Samir's diaper. I'm sure it must have been wet by now" "Okay, my lady" "Plus, I bought you some cloth and food stuff for your family, before you leave for home remind me Okay?" "Okay ma. Thank you so much for everything. Jazaakillah khairan" she said with so much happiness laced in her voice. "Ameen...Don't mention Nazu" Immediately Zahrahu turned around to what she was doing, Nazmeera also turned to leave but her face came in contact with Zahrahu's husband who was just few feet away from her "Sir-" "Shuush".  He silenced her by placing his index finger on his lip. "You can leave" he whispered. Nazmeera nod and quickly left there to give the two lover birds some alone time to enjoy themselves. Unknown to Zahrahu that her husband was behind her watching her every move, she kept washing the plate while reciting Suratul-Yasin off head. She moved towards the gas and placed a pot on it. Today, she wished to prepare her husband's favorite food Semo and Vegetable soup, even though her husband is a Fulani man, he loves eating Semo and Vegetable soup always. He once told her the reason why he loved that food more than the other meals. A friend of his then in their University time, Ismaeel Oyeezah do prepare it nicely for him and ever since then, he became addicted to it. She heat her palm oil for some few minutes, added the mix blend of tomato, onion and pepper mixture. She added her favorite maggi cube and fried for like 3 minutes. And Nasir on the hand, his nose was filled with the aroma of the soup but still tried to compose him self.  He wonder how could a woman like Zahrahu be so perfect in everything that she does. She just finished washing the plates whilst cooking a  delicious meal at the same time. And still, the kitchen looks neat, not even a single dirt around. After 3 minutes, Zahrahu opened the pot and added water, liver, crab, smoked fish and stock fish. After allowing it to bubble thoroughly, she then added the balanced leave. She allowed it to stir and then later reduce the heat before tasting it. After five minutes, she simmer it and turn off the heat. "I'm sure, he's gonna love it". She giggled as she can't help but to feel proud of her cooking skill. "Of course I'll, habibty".  He replied as his hand wandered around her waist from her back. "Subhanallah!". She jolt in shock.  "You scared me Habibi!" She glared at him but later composed her self. "I'm sorry, I just couldn't hold it anymore, I missed you".  He turned her round making her to face him. "And this".  He pointed towards the soup in the pot which he knows will be very delicious. "I can't wait to taste it, it looks delicious" he attempt to open the pot and probably taste from it before she dish the food but Zahrahu was so fast as she smack his knuckle with her spoon. "Ouch!  What was that for?!!" He glared. "For being childish". She replied with a sly smile on her face. "You're wicked" "I know" "You're mean, walahi (I swear)" "I've heard that countless times".  She smirked. "I hate you!" He walked out from the kitchen stumping his foot on the floor with the hope that his wife would run after him  but instead, she turned around and continued with her work. "Poor leg, I'm sure if it has mouth, it would have begged him for mercy". She murmured to her self. • "Habibty you know what, truth be told. I truly enjoyed your meal. My wife is really the best when it comes to food" "You hurt my feelings Habibi, was I only good in making food? What about the rest?" She pout. "Oh! Sorry my love, you're so good in everything. Most especially when it comes to that..." He trail off with a mischief smirk on his face. "That?..... What that?" "I mean that, in the room-" "Subhanallah!" Zahrahu glared the moment it occurred to her.  "You're so naughty" "Only for you, my beautiful wife" he winked. "So.... I have a surprise for you, want to have a look?" "Sure, so eager already" she squealed with a bright face. "Come on, let go. And please, don't tell me you need to clear the table, the maids will do that". "But-" "No but, just follow me" • "Masha Allah Habibi, these shoes looks beautiful" she said gasping out in surprised.  "Yeah, I know right". He answered cockily.  "That's  because I had asked someone to specially made them for me" In front of her lays a very beautiful golden balance heel for a little girl at a age of 10, shinning and sparkling like it was made out of diamonds and the other four pairs of shoe, which are black. They are all beautiful shoes and could easily caught anyone's attention. "But I don't understand my love, these shoes are for who?" "Our children" "Our children?". She laughed a little.  "I'm not even pregnant yet". The sadness in her tone didn't go unnoticed by him. "Not having your own child now doesn't mean you won't have in the future, Allah's time is the best,and we'll have to wait,even if it takes us up to twenty years, it doesn't matter. What matter most, is our love for each other and moreover, it won't be up to that before we have our own children, I promise you" "I don't know Habib"  Nasir was taken back by the sudden tears streaming down his beautiful wife's face. He hate seeing her in pain. Her pain is his pain and he wouldn't be able to endure it if she's going through that. "Please habibty, don't cry.  I'm always here with you" "I know Habib, but what about your family? You're my husband and you love me, but what about your family? Most especially your Mom, non of them ever liked me in the first place. Remember, how they  got you a wife just so you wouldn't be with me. What if they comes here someday and throw all of my belongings out of your house just because I couldn't bear you a child?" "Zahrahu my love,I want you to know that everything has it's time and your time of becoming a mother of your own is nearer my love.  What ever you might be thinking right now, I want you to know that it's not right and I'm promising you, nothing as such will ever happen to you. You're now my wife and no one else, I repeat, no one else will ever dare take your place again...I promise you". "Thank you my love". She hugged him tightly. Her body shivered due to the uncontrollably tears. Nasir broke the hug and wipe away her tears with his two thumbs. "So, you had bought this beautiful shoes for my baby Samir and the other one, is for our future son?" "Yes. First, one out of these three shoes is sure for Samir and these other two is for our future baby" "Baby? And not babies?" She asked with a scrunch brow and he hummed in return. "Then why bother to buy for different gender? You seems to only want one child from me?".   "You, my wife and I are not sure yet of the future. In future, you may give birth to a beautiful baby girl or handsome boy. And once it's a girl,you my wife Zahrah will be the one to gift her this beautiful shoe Immediately she turned 10 as a birthday gift to her and if it's a male, I Nasir will be the one to gift the shoe to him". He said but quickly beat Zahrahu to it because he knew she would definitely ask about Samir.  "And as for Samir, I'll gift him this shoe once he's also 10" "Wow! But what if I gave birth to twins?" "That will be so wonderful! we will both gift it to them on their tenth birthday" "So. you my dear wife will keep this shoe for my future beautiful daughter and I will keep these two shoes for my future handsome sons" "That's so thoughtful of you habib". She awed. "You don't have to praise me my dear, I know I'm the best" he said in his cocky tone. "And who said something like that?" She decide to tease him. "Hey! I could read your eyes.  You face shows it all, you're so proud of me" "Ew! ...You wish" "Don't test me, Zahra...." "As if you can do anything" she stick out her tongue at him. "Oh really?" He smirked and tried to grab his wife's hand only for her to ran up to her room in a full speed with her baby's shoe clutched tightly on her chest. Her melodious laughter filled Nasir's ear and he felt proud of her. Sure, she's a great woman with a great heart and nothing can separate the two of them. He promised him self. • Two Months Later Nasir was going through some office paper work in his study room when suddenly his phone started ringing. Groaning out of annoyance, he stopped whatever he was doing and took the phone. He looked at the screen in complete surprised or probably amusement. His one and only enemy Chief Hamza Mai kudi calling him? "Let's hear what he has to say".  He thought as he swipe to answer his call. "Congratulations, your dreams will finally come true Alhaji Nasir. His Royal Highness just died" "Wa iyya zubillah! Are you now crazy? What...what are you becoming now, Alhaji Hamza? You're one of my brother trusted Chief's. I know you are still angry with me for what happened two months ago at the palace, I know you're not happy with my brother's decision of making me become the next king but joking around with such expensive joke is not funny!!" "I'm dead serious!  and if you think I'm lying or you don't believe me, then you can check the news, His Highness just got into a terrible accident some hours ago!" By his tone, he knows he's not joking at all. A strange tear suddenly stream down his cheek. "Innalilahi wa'ina illahi raji'un(To God we came from and to Him we shall return back to)! "And according to the CCTV footage that we had seen, it was a deliberate attack" "Subhanallah! Wh...wh...can you...can you please....who di....did this to my one and only brother?" The pain is becoming unbearable, he can't lose his friend too at a moment like this. First, it was his wife and now, his friend?  No! Not now. He will never forgive the person who ever did this. He will makes sure to find that person and make him or her pays for whatever they had done.  Not only that person but also his or her entire family. "Plea... please te...please tell me...wh...who did this to him?" He asked again in a crack voice. "Though, it isn't proven yet if he's the one or not but the evidence that the police men has gathered for now shows that the car that crushed him belongs to your WIFE'S FATHER, ALHAJI ISMAIL" WIFE'S FATHER, ALHAJI ISMAIL WIFE'S FATHER, ALHAJI ISMAIL WIFE'S FATHER, ALHAJI ISMAIL The name kept ringing in his head. Zahrahu's father? "WHAT?!!!!" His phone fell out from his hand.
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