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Kano, Nigeria. My dear Friend. A person who can make the good times better and the hard times easier to live with. A person who makes life more fun, more fulfilling, and well, just better all around. Sometimes, we are at our best. And other times, we are at our worst. Our friendship was so good, which there is mutuality. We can be really good to each other when the chips are down, laugh together more often, and be honest with each other when we need perspective. A great person who supports me in every way. Definitely,life will be very hard to bear with since my friend is no more and won't be there for me anymore. Ever since Binta had heard about her friend's death, she haven't been herself anymore. Though, she had been very weak after the birth of her son Samir. She went through a lot after the birth and was still not able to regain her old self after the delivery and the news of her best friend's death had caused a lot to her health too. She engrossed her self in a deep thought, she couldn't believe that her best friend since childhood had died. Yes, Fatimah and Binta had been friends ever since childhood. They were both married to their husband's by their parents order, it was an arranged marriage made by their two parents. At first, His Royal Highness did not have feelings for his wife nor does Alhaji Nasir do. But with time, Alhaji Amir suck in his ego and learn to love his beautiful wife while Nasir on the other hand, could never find it in his heart to open his heart completely to his wife because already, his heart belongs to Zahrahu. He has been in love with her for the past years, in fact, ever since they were kids. But since his parents are involved in his marriage with Binta's, he had no other option but to follow their will. Amir and Nasir have been friends ever since their childhood, in fact, more like brothers and so was Binta and Fatimah. "Indeed, life is nothing" She thought. She glance over at her son who was staring back at her innocently, a very beautiful baby boy. He looks exactly just like his father. He took his father's eye, lip and face, but his nose and complexion is just exactly like his Mom. Very fair. They were both lying down on her queen size bed. It's been 10 days after she had given birth but she's still very weak. "Son, am I that bad?  I mean, I'm just fighting for my right but is that bad? You know, I always find it strange how it was so hard to get your father's love? I thought, he will love me dearly just like how he did for her but I guess, I'm never going to get his love back like the way I had wanted.  I think it's high time for me open my eyes and see the truth, and the truth is that your father can never love me just like he does for Zahrahu. You know baby, she was his choice from the beginning and would still forever be his choice. I shouldn't have agreed to get married to him then, but what can I do? My parents might disown me if I don't follow their wishes. It was their wish for me to get married to him but what I should have done then was to have allowed him marry the woman of his dream, I shouldn't have come in between them. And due to my jealousy, I vent all of my anger and frustration on him. I shouldn't have done that baby, I shouldn't have gone against him because he is my husband. I've done so many terrible things to him in the past and it's high time, I correct my mistakes...don't you think?".  She asked her baby and he giggled in return. As if, he heard what his Mom had just said. "I love you son" she said in tears. • "Hey!". Alhaji Nasir's voice brought Binta out from her thought.  "Are you still thinking about your friend?  It's been a week already".  He said as he move towards her and take a sit beside his wife at the edge of her bed. "I know" . She said wiping off her tears as she stood up to take a proper sit  "It's just that, I can't just believe that she's gone". "Come on Binta, don't be like this. You're a Muslim, you know it's normal for things like this to happen, it's very common and it's bound to happen to each and every soul. Death knows nothing, death  doesn't know who we are. Either a man, woman,  young, old, child, pastor, Imam, presidents, governors...it doesn't matter who it might be. Who ever we might be, once it's time, we don't have a choice. As we speak amongst us, we don't know when God has written for us, the only thing is just to try and be a good Muslim. We should try to make sure that all of our deeds are nothing but the good ones. Though, we're not perfect, but we can try our best to be a good Muslim" "You're right Nasir, and that's why I want to take this decision of mine". She chimed in. With a quizzical face, he asked her. "What decision are you talking about?" He scrunch his eye brow in confusion. He knows his wife very well, she can be sweet at a moment and be mischievous at another. "Relax, I'm not...I mean, I won't do anything bad today,I only want to mend my mistakes" she chuckled at his expression.  "Actually, I'm... I'm giving my full support for you to marry her" Just as that statement came out from her mouth, It was like Nasir had just seen another woman in front of him "This is not the woman I got married to, the woman I got married to won't be this nice all of a sudden, she won't easily give in her support for a second wife. But what went wrong?" He thought. 'Nothing went wrong". She said answering to the question on his mind. "Look Nasir, I'm just trying to be a good wife, a good partner and also a good mother to my baby. Even though, I know I may not be able to fulfill my responsibility as a mother on him" "For goodness sake what are you saying Binta? Look, I know we didn't build a good relationship together. I mean, it's very obvious that we both don't like each other-" "I like you Nasir!  I loved you!  I really do but it was unfortunate that you don't love me back. I know we were both forced into this marriage, and I thought we'll try and adjust just like how Amir and Fatimah had adjust in their marriage but I got furious with you day and day when I realise that you're not even ready to give me a chance.  She's got all of your heart and love. And do you know that it hurts? It really hurt seeing your man in love with another woman" she expressed and poured her heart out as she tried so hard to control the threatening tears that were about to fall out of her eyes but it did not, as it was now flowing down her cheeks uncontrollably. "But do I have a choice?  I don't. I can't change your heart nor can I change the destiny" she chuckled again at the same time. "I know, I've been a horrible wife to you for the past 4 years, but believe me or not it wasn't intentional. I never intends to do all of those things to you nor do I have any excuse to give. All I know is that, it wasn't coming from my heart. I was only doing what I thought was right not knowing that, I was pushing my husband more far away from me" "Binta-". He started but she cut him off.   "Well, I've learnt my lesson because I now know my mistakes".  "I'm ready to accept her as my second wife" She said with a genuine smile plastered on her face, even though the tears were still strolling down her cheeks. "Binta". He tried to say something but he was so short of words, he doesn't even know what to say at the moment. He was happy that he would finally marry the woman of his dream. "but why does it feel like, I'm cheating my wife?" He thought. "Just promise me one thing" "What is that?" "I have a wish, will you please make it come true for me?" "What's that? I'm ready to do anything just to make you happy" He meant that word when he said it. He now realised that he has been a bad husband towards his wife and All For What? Nothing! Pure nothing!.  He realised he was not the only one that had been going through a lot but also his wife. "And for me to support her as a devoted husband, instead, I turned into a jerk. Shame on me Nasir! A big shame on me". He scolded himself.  From now onwards, I promised that in future, I'll never put my son or my children in this kind of a situation. I'll make sure, they marry the man or woman of their choice. "Did you even hear what I had just said?" "Erm...sorry, you said what? What is your wish Binta?" "Please, promise me you'll always be there for our son, nothing bad must happen to him in the future. You will always make him happy and no one will dare treat my son badly.  And I know, he'll take after you,most especially your stubbornness" She smiled.  "But please, promise me that you'll always protect our son from any evil. You'll always be there as his father. Promise me you'll do anything just to protect our son, promise me that he'll always be in safe hands" "What are you saying Binta?" He asked confused. "Why is she talking like someone who's about to die?" He thought. "Think positive, don't think negative Nasir" he scolded him self again. "I know what I'm saying Nasir. Who knows, I might be the next" she said as she shrug off her shoulder with a small smile on her face. "Next for what?" "To die" she said simply. "What?! Are you crazy? What are you saying?!!" He bursted. "Don't mind me" "Don't try such jokes with me again, you scared the hell out of me" "I'm sorry"  She mumbled.  "But why are you so angry?  It's not like you cared about me" She whispered the last part but enough for him to hear her. He felt bad, no doubt that he has been a bad husband towards her. "I'm sorry Binta, I'll make it up to you" he promised. "It's too late Nasir, please just promise me you will always look after our son" she suddenly clutch his hand into her's tightly. "Please stop scaring me Binta. Your son, our son will be raised by us. No one will ever take your place as his mother. Got that?".  He's scared with the way she's started acting. "You promise?" "Of course,and please stop saying things that will scare the s**t out of me again" "I can't promise you Nasir. And I'm sorry if I've failed you as a wife,I'm sorry for the the bad things I've done to you. Please, will you find it in your heart to forgive me?" She said in tears as she still clutched his hand tightly. "I forgive you and please forgive me too. I know we're both at fault, I've also failed you as a good husband, please forgive me and stop scaring me please" "I...I truly love you Nasir" She coughed. "I... truly... I truly" Cough "lo..love you Nasir" Cough "Please don...don't forget your pro...promise yo..." Cough "You made to me please" Cough "Take good care of m...my son" Cough "I...I love you both" She dropped her hand and slowly close her eyes. "Binta! Binta!! Binta!...what's this? What are you doing? Open your eyes!" He slaps her cheek lightly. "Come on, open your eyes! Okay, I'm sorry. I said I'm sorry, just open your eyes. I won't misbehave again, I promise.  Just please, open your eyes for me" "Binta! Binta!! No!!!!! Binta!"  He screamed her name as he hugged her cold body tightly against his with tears on his face. "Please don't do this to me, don't do this to our son! He really needs you, please!!!!" "Binta please!!!" He screamed as he kept shouting out her name in tears. "You can't just leave me Binta! I still need you, your son still do please!!!" "Innalilahi wa'ina illahi raji'un!(From God we came from and to him we shall return back to)  Binta!!!" He was still in the state of shock when suddenly, his phone started ringing. He brought out his phone from his pocket and saw the caller ID Bro "As salamu alaikum(May peace be upon you?" he said in a low voice. "Wa alaikumu salam(May peace be upon you too). Bro,are you okay?" His friend asked in a concern tone. "Amir...." He called and burst into another fresh tears again. "Subhanallah! Nasir, what's wrong with you? Why are you crying?" "She...she's ....she's gone, Amir" "What? Who is gone? Wait a minute! You mean...You mean,  Binta is also dead?" "Ye...yes Amir" "Innalilahi wa'ina illahi raji'un! Innalilahi wa'ina illahi raji'un!! (From God we came from to him we shall return back to) La aula wala kuwata illa billah! (There's no one except Allah)  I'll be there in the next 15 minute. Please, take care till then" He nod his head in response only to realise that he can't see him. "Okay" he mumbled and hang up.
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