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please, please and please!!! do not forget to check out my two books here on Dreame. I promise, you will enjoy them so much. Dark Desire and, Behind The Veil Do not forget. they are both here on Dreame. just type the name and it will pop out. thank you for all of your supports. • "Okay... What... The... Heck... Is... Going on... Here?." Samir asked in a very shock tone. Yasmeen pushed Yamir and arrange her veil properly while looking at everywhere except for Samir's face. And Yamir in the other hand, was so calm. He isn't shock or annoyed seeing his brother. In fact, he was happy that he saw them in that state. At least, he will now back off concerning Yasmeen'd case. He doesn't like it when guys are close to her, even if it involves his brothers. "Hey man, you here?." He aske

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