Chapter 16

757 Words
Asher's POV I wake up with a jolt when I hear Gigi mumbling in her sleep. It is that kind of sound she usually makes when she is about to cry. I look around and I don't see Sienna. But her scent leads to the bathroom so I assume that is where she is. I walk to Gigi's crib. Yes. A crib. The Superno management is generous enough to provide us with two cribs. They said they had been making all these arrangements keeping in mind the status of each person's family. That is absolutely amazing if you ask me. I take Gigi in my arms and I gently tap her back while she rests her head against my shoulder. "It's okay Gigi. I am right here" I whisper as she still tries to settle down from her nightmare. I wonder what a nightmare could be to this tiny baby. Someone snatching away her toys? "Go to sleep, baby" I whisper again as I rock her back and forth as I move my body rhythmically. Gigi doesn't take that long to fall back asleep again and I place her in her crib, then stand there for a minute just to make sure she is really asleep. I hear the shower go off and I walk back to the bed. I took the side towards the window because I am the one in both Sienna and I.. who has a habit of gazing at the sky when I don't fall asleep. I close my eyes and pretend to be asleep to save Sienna some embarrassment. She just got out of the shower. But why is she showering even at midnight even? "I love you both so so much, you tiny little strawberries" I hear her coo to the babies and smile to myself. Did she just call them strawberries? I resist my urge to laugh because I am actually pretending to be asleep. I hear some juggling on the other end of the room and I assume it is Sienna trying to choose her outfit. What time is it? Closer to midnight or closer to sunrise? Also, if you are wondering how I know that Sienna is trying to choose her outfit.. we even had s*x, alright? Things like these.. I know even before we had s*x. She is the kind of person who showers first and then takes time choosing her outfit. I stare at the sky as I hear the sounds in the background. Sienna trying to decide what she is in mood to wear and her slow humming to the Earth Song by Michael Jackson. It is her all time favorite and she's been singing it ever since I can remember! "I used to dream I used to glance beyond the stars Now I don't know where we are Although I know we've drifted far" I don't say anything as I stare at the sky, listening to those words. Why does it feel like she is not singing for and about the earth this time? Or maybe I am thinking too much. Just at the same time, I notice a shooting star in the sky. I smiled a little but what I did not notice was that Sienna saw it too. "Ooooh wow" I hear her voice and quickly close my eyes, pretending to sleep again. When I sense Sienna's scent strongly towards the window, I slightly open my eyes. She is standing closer to the glass window and she is just in her bath robe. Moon Goddess please have mercy on me! I know I should close my eyes but why don't I want to? There is this inner conflict within me and I just want to grab her towards me for one second, but turn the other direction and close my eyes for another second. I am torn. Just to make things worse, Sienna opens the window to take a closer look at the shooting star. The sudden gust of wind made her already loose robe fly a little. Sienna just laughed as she adjusted it and tied it a little tighter. I quickly turn to the other side pretending that I am stirring in my sleep. But I am wide awake. And now every time I close my eyes, I cannot shake the image of Sienna with her robe hanging very loosely around her. I know I was proud and all when I told earlier that we had s*x, but right now.. under these circumstances.. things like these.. is definitely considered torture.
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