Chapter 15

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Sienna's POV "Do you think he is sick?" I ask Ivan as we get our food and he just stares at me. "I don't know. You should ask him" Ivan shrugs. He places a pile of chicken nuggets on his plate before strolling Gigi forward. Deedee is with me. I just grabbed a salad and a piece of chocolate cake to balance the healthy diet. Ivan placed his plate on the table and went back again. I know he has a great appetite but I did not know this huge. I sit with Asher who still looks flustered. "Is everything alright Asher? Are you sick? Shall we leave?" I ask him but he only shakes his head. Just when we are talking, someone from the mermaid world greets us. I am always fascinated at the way their legs are modified by themselves whenever they are on land or water. It depends. Maybe they are fascinated by us equally , that we can change our entire body into animalistic form. "Good evening Alpha Asher, Gamma Sienna" he says and I smile at him. "Well, last year I heard that you two were engaged. I intended on sending you wishes, but the mermaid world was having issues. So I am a little late" he smiles, and when he smiles.. his eyes are almost closing. "Now here you both are, with two beautiful kids" he says again and Asher coughs just by hearing that. I look at Asher, giving him a glass of water and then turn towards the merman. But before I could even say anything, Asher held my hand under the table. My heart is beating crazily fast and I have no idea why. Asher takes it from there and he talks to the merman with a smile and here I am, wondering if I am sitting here or if it is my soul. The merman then wishes both Asher and I good luck and leaves. Just then, Ivan comes back with another plate and places it before Asher. Oooooh. So he went to fetch food for Asher? Wow why didn't I do that? I look at Asher who is still holding my hand. I am surprised to see that he is looking at me as well. Suddenly, everything around me feels like a blur. It is just Asher and I. Everything is silent and the only sound I am hearing is my heartbeat. It is not beating anymore. It is pounding. "Aren't you both eating?" Ivan asks us and I jump a little, pulling my hand away from Asher's grip. Wow I should really maintain physical distance from Asher. We had s*x in the past but that's different. I don't know why just the way Asher held my hand made me feel things I didn't feel since Logan. I don't say anything else as I focus on my food. The rest of the evening goes by in a blur mostly because I did not focus on even one word. It is a good thing that we were soon sent to our allotted rooms. They told us that these are supposed to be dorm rooms for students and I think this is great. Everything about this place seems great and I cannot wait to send the kids to this school. "Oh now would you look at that" Ivan says as he shows us his token. Asher and I look at mine. We both are given the same room while Ivan is in a different one. Is the Moon Goddess playing with my feelings and emotions? Ivan leaves for his room leaving just Asher, me and the kids. Of course both Deedee and Gigi are here, but it's not like they can control their parents. Because I don't want to repeat the history again. No. Not this time. Not with Asher. No no no no no. I don't want to fall in love again. I realized that everyone I ever loved, either ended up leaving me or dying. I don't want that to happen with Asher. So what little feelings are left, I must bury them deep before something terrible happens. Because if it affects Asher and me in any way, then I am not going to forgive myself in this lifetime.
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