Chapter 17

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Asher's POV "And this is the last part of The Superno. The entire space is for the werewolves to shift and practice runs, war skills and various other skills in their wolf form" the faculty of The Superno school shows us a vast land that starts from where I am standing to the wall that is probably a couple of miles away. This is actually enough area for a wolf to shift and run within the boundaries. "This is good" Ivan says as he looks around too and I nod. "Thank you so much Alpha Asher, for your huge donations. We could build this well and fine because of it" the lady who I think, Mrs Knight tells me. There are so many people here I just can't remember the names! "This is not just for you or me or the school. This is for the next generation. For my kids and their friends" I smile looking at Gigi and Deedee who are just holding hands and staring at everything. They are both in a stroller. "We cannot wait to have your children study here one day" she smiles again and I nod. With that, we all bid our bye and pile up in the car again. "Oh nooo. The vacation's over" Ivan groans as he revs the engine up. "Vacation? It was a two day trip to a supernatural school inauguration" I roll my eyes but he just shakes his head as he starts driving. Ivan is in the driving seat, I am in the passenger seat while Sienna is in the backseat with the babies. She is already breastfeeding Deedee while Gigi is in the baby seat, looking outside through the window and her fingers in her mouth as she sucks on them. Gigi is the chubby one while Deedee is the lean one. Sienna told me that it's because Deedee wasn't breastfed for the first few months. And that breast milk contains enough nutrition for baby growth. I just nod and nod and nod until she eventually stops talking. I mean, I already know what she is talking about. "Roger would never be this calm, I tell you" Ivan says as he looks at both the girls through the rearview mirror. "Don't say that. He is nice in his own way" Sienna backs up as she places DeeDee in her baby chair. She usually waits for half an hour until she starts feeding the other baby. Meanwhile both the girls are now taking their naps peacefully. I did not imagine they would be this travel friendly. Even last night they slept well through the new environment. "You should really spend a day with him, Sienna. Sometimes I wonder if he is going to be a good Beta or if he joins the rogues and becomes a gangster" Ivan jokes again making us laugh. But all our laughs come to a halt when we see witches surrounding our car. I look around and even though they don't say it, it is pretty clear that they are from the Phoenix Fire Coven and they are here for my Deedee. And there is no way I am giving them my baby girl. "Lock the f*****g doors, Sienna. And stay with the girls no matter what" I say as I step out and Ivan steps out as well. "Give us the baby and we will be on our way" one of them speaks and that really hit a nerve in me. "Really? Really? f*****g -" I try taking a step towards them in anger, but the lady just points her hand at me and as she chants, my head aches like it is going to explode. I fall on my knees with my head in my hands. The pain is excruciating and I even feel like I might die the next second. "You really think so, Alpha Asher? We are twelve and you are two. You are already down, and all we have left is to take the baby" she says and then tilts her head towards the man beside her who starts walking towards the car. Ian is on his knees along with me and we both look just a step away from the death. Sienna is just staring at us with worried eyes. She has Deedee in her arms and she is shielding her from them. The man who reached the car tries to open it but realizes it is locked. He looks around and finds a rock. I look at Sienna in horror but she acts quick as she places DeeDee in her seat and jumps into the driver seat. The man already reaches the door again and raises his arms with the rock to break the glass. Without wasting a second she drives and as she does, she runs over four witches and the chain is now stopped. I have no pain, Sienna is on her way to the pack with my babies and locked door, and witches are four down now. "You f*****g little shits" I mutter under my breath as I growl at them. Just in a couple of minutes. All of them are dead. Every single one of them. Ivan and I shift into our wolf forms and start running towards our pack. If there is another level of attack then we will protect Deedee in our wolf forms as Sienna keeps driving to the pack. I am sure I am going to kill Katherine for this.
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