Chapter 5

1249 Words
Asher's POV I tuck Sienna under the blanket and close the door behind me. Gigi is now with Deedee and they both are sharing a crib because they are literally inseparable. I installed the baby monitors and gave three more wrist bands connected to the baby monitors. One for mom, one for Sienna and the other for Holly. Holly is an Omega who willingly came forward to take care of Sienna and the babies while my mom and I carry on with our duties everyday. I walk my way to the pack house but Lucia and little Roger find me mid way. "Alpha! There is a petition on your table about a supernatural school that needs permission. I think the idea is good and our kids can experience school life. Please please please go through it for me?" She asks and I laugh. "For sure. It would be great if Roger, Delilah and Genesis go to school together and where they wouldn't have to hide their identity" I say and I really think it is a good idea, whoever came up with it. I greet Roger a happy morning and he just gives me his small smile. Kids really do grow up fast. I remember he was even smaller than Deedee when he was born. Ivan is right outside my office and I nod at him, letting him know that I will take it from there and he can carry on with his usual Beta duties. "Good morning, Alpha Asher. Feels nice to finally meet you" Katherine stands up as soon as I walk in and I just nod at her. "It's nice to meet you too. Take a seat, please" I tell her, making my way towards my seat and sitting comfortably. "Would you like to have something? Tea or coffee or water?" I ask her again and she shakes her head with a smile. "I will keep my introduction short. I am Katherine Lambert. Recently made the leader of the phoenix fire Coven of the witches" she says. "That's great to hear, congratulations. But why haven't I seen you at the coven?" I asked her. Because I did travel to that coven many times and not even once did I see her. And witches don't simply make someone their leader. So I am just curious. "Oh. I am Agnes's distant relative. Not very distant actually. But equally powerful as her. Lost my parents to the fire that I accidentally created. Found my way to the coven knowing I have the Phoenix Fire gene in me. I was made the member around the time Avery was in hospital fighting for her life" she says and I sit straight, with a nod. Even though I love Sienna, it doesn't mean I hated Avery. I did like Avery and I wanted to move on from Sienna. I wanted a new beginning. I wanted someone who would love me like I do. And who else than Avery? But life had been cruel to me in that aspect too. "And it didn't take people to know I am far more powerful than many over there. I am now the leader" she says. "Good to hear" I tell her, making her smile. "How can I help you?" I ask her to get straight at the point. "The Phoenix Fire Coven recognised a new gene on this planet. The hybrid of a Phoenix Fire Coven and a werewolf. Someone who could either destroy the world or make the world a better place, if she sets her mind on it" Katherine tells me. I know where she is getting at but I just stare at her, as I wait for her to keep talking until she is done. "Your daughter. She has Avery's Witch Gene. I am talking about Avery!! The one who single handedly carried on an entire ritual. The witch who was powerful enough to cast a protection spell on an entire pack like this. The witch who is still the pride of The Phoenix Fire Coven" she talks as if Avery is her idol, and may be to the witch world.. Avery is indeed an idol. "And your genes. The most powerful Alpha! The one who can kill hundreds of rogues and anyone for that matter and walk out without a scratch. The person who built this empire that everyone calls the Dream Kingdom" Katherine says again. "Your daughter is destined to make this world her bubble. She can either burst it or cherish it" Katherine concludes and I am already starting to grow a little impatient. "What do you need?" I ask her making her stop talking and look at me for a second. She is slightly taken aback but I don't care. Because I already know where this is going. I just want to be sure before I lash out. "Send your daughter to our Coven. She can stay with us and we will send her back to this pack once she becomes a witch of her kind" Katherine tells me. And that was all I needed. "Kindly do me a favor and get out" I say, making her look at me wide eyed. "The disrespect can go both ways, Alpha Asher. I am a leader to a Coven myself" she says and I roll my eyes. "Do I look like someone who would care?" I ask her and she has a straight face. All of the excitement and joy in her face sucked out. She doesn't say a word and I don't either. "Trust me when I say this, Alpha Asher. Your daughter is not meant to be an ordinary person. She is a hybrid and-" "That doesn't give you the right to take her away from me. She is a 4 months old baby!" I say and she looks at me,"werewolf babies don't really spend much time in their mother's womb. Five months top. They grow up fast" I tell again and she nods. "No one is going to take my daughter away from me. Thanks for paying my pack a visit. Ivan will show you the way out" I say, mindlinking Ivan to come to my office. The next few minutes, Katherine tries convincing me but I do not even budge. Why would I? Delilah is my daughter. She will grow up with me. When she is old enough, she can choose if she wants to be a witch or an Alpha or both. I wouldn't send her away and force her to be something she doesn't want to be. Especially when she is just months old baby. She is my kid and I don't want to be apart from her. Ivan walks in and he bows to me once before shifting his gaze to Katherine. "Alpha Asher. I am asking you again. Please-" "Ivan. Take this from here please" I say as I grab the supernatural school document from the table and walk out, without turning back. I can go through the document while sitting in Sienna's room. She can hear about this and tell me what to do. Because even though she is resting, she is still the Gamma and my best friend. I like the days and moments where we would discuss everything before coming to a decision even if it's Alpha related. Just when I am a little far away, I see Katherine looking at me as she is walking behind Ivan. She mouths me the words, "You are going to regret this"
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