Chapter 4

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Asher's POV "And just for a while, make sure no one stresses her. She needs to take rest both physically and mentally, Alpha" Steph tells me again and I nod. "Trust me, I understand Steph. You are repeating the same set of instructions for the fourth time in the last half an hour" I say, making her smile sheepishly. "I am sorry, Alpha. It's just.. it really took a lot of willpower on her side and a lot of effort from the doctor's end for this outcome. Moreover the pack needs a Gamma. This is our chance to not screw up" Steph says. And to be honest, I agree with everything that she is saying right now. In other words, I need to look after her like a baby until she is completely alright. Once Steph is done giving me instructions, we both step out of her office to the room Sienna is in. "It's good news, Gamma Sienna. You are getting discharged and are free to go home in a few minutes" Steph smiles as she looks at Sienna making Sienna smile wide. "Thank you so much! It is starting to get a little suffocating here" Sienna answers. Steph then leaves the room to give us some space. Sienna is playing with Genesis. It's been three days since we named my baby Delilah. I am calling her little DeeDee while Sienna is calling Genesis as Gigi just so the names can rhyme. Also, Sienna is an angel who is breastfeeding DeeDee along with Gigi. "Both the babies are sound asleep" She whispers and I nod, looking at the crib. When Steph came to know that Deedee and Gigi are sleeping together, she asked the hospital management to fetch a slightly larger crib that can fit both of them and something that can keep them comfortable. They are both now like sisters. Wouldn't stay apart even for just a while. Deedee is already obsessed with Sienna. Just this morning when I came to visit Sienna, I saw Deedee laugh out loud for the first time for something silly Sienna did. "Where is my mom? She hasn't visited even once. Is she even in the pack?" Sienna asks out of blue and I just look at her trying to come up with something that can make her believe what I'm saying. "She is out of the pack. Since there is no Gamma in your absence, she is carrying out the chores" I say in a whisper and add a smile at the end so it could make it look more realistic. Sienna doesn't say anything. She is just staring at me and I resist the urge to wipe the imaginary droplet of sweat on my forehead. "Sometimes you forget that we were both best of friends all our lives. I can see through you" she says with a straight face and I close my eyes, hanging my head low. "What happened to her?" Sienna asks again and this time, it is hard for me to lie. We have indeed been best friends ever since we can remember. To be honest that closeness and the bond was what prompted me to fall in love with her. It was like, the more I spent time with her.. the more I fell in love with her. But I had to shove it all down because she had Logan and I had to have someone so Avery was always there. I do like Avery, but not like I love Sienna. "Asher, what happened?" She asks me again and I finally look into her eyes. "She killed herself," I whisper. "Oh" is Sienna's response and she still has a straight face. Just after she came to know that Logan had died and Sienna was in a coma, she went into depression. Of course she lost her husband not too long ago. So when Steph said Sienna's consciousness was a 50-50 chance, she couldn't take it. Michelle slipped deeper and deeper into depression until one day, my mom saw her in the kitchen, in her own pool of blood. She slit both her wrists. It was even harder for me to carry on her last rites. "Michelle" Sienna finally whispers and I look at her. Michelle is her mom's name. "Middle name for my baby. Michelle" she pauses and looks at me in the eye,"Genesis Michelle Jones" I nod as we both look at Gigi who is sleeping peacefully. "And you are moving to the pack house. Mom wants me to do so. Dad is on his way back here after his Alpha meet tour. You will have everyone around you" I tell her and she just nods. "Of course I don't have a place other than the home I lived in, that also saw more deaths than I did" she whispered under her breath but I heard it. "Let's get you going now!" Ivan screams in excitement as he walks in with a wheelchair. Sienna is out of coma but she still has trouble walking. Steph told us that she can walk in less than a couple of weeks and that is nothing to worry about. But Ivan's screams woke both the girls up earning him a glare from Sienna and a punch from me. I take both the girls in my arms and give Deedee to Sienna while I have Gigi in my arms. The more I look at Gigi, the more I see Logan in her appearance. "Alpha Asher and Beta Ivan! The leader of the phoenix fire Coven, Katherine is here and she wants to meet Alpha Asher" the patrol lead mindlinks both Ivan and me. "Sure. Let her in and escort her to my office. I shall be there shortly" I mindlink her back and send Ivan to receive her and keep her busy until I come. "Who was it? What's wrong?" Sienna asks but I only shake my head as I help her sit in the wheelchair. "Asher! What's wrong??" Sienna asks again while I take Deedee in one arm, as she is old enough to lay her head on my shoulder and be stable. Sienna has Gigi and I am pushing the wheelchair with my other hand. "Nothing. Just a rogue activity" I say and I am glad she cannot see me right now, for her to see through me. But it had been a while since we heard from the phoenix fire Coven. They weren't keen on being allies with me or my pack after Avery's death. Agnes died before Avery who was also a Phoenix Fire Coven witch. Now I wonder what they need from me. Sienna woke up. Gigi is here. Deedee is finally getting a motherly figure. I would chop anyone into pieces if they tried to throw any sort of disturbance into my or Sienna's way. Even if it is a leader of a witch coven. What does she need anyway?
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