How to please the Alpha

1980 Words
Anne’s POV I woke up the next morning with the words of Mrs. Yvonne ringing inside my head. ‘You are to report to the Alpha’s room by 7 on the dot.’ ‘You are to clean his room every day and deliver him food every time he needs it. Starting from coffee in the morning and every other thing he asks for throughout the day.’ ‘You must be at his beck and call and do whatever he asks you to do.’ ‘And lastly, if you want to survive with him, you have to please him and you must note, he is very hard to please I clung to the last statement like a coat because that was solely my aim. If he wasn’t pleased with me, he was going to fire me like the 6 other personal maids he had previously fired. I had never known Lucas to be so hard to deal with. He had once been the most unserious, friendly person in my life, but the case was completely different now. I slipped down from the bed as I checked the time. It was just 5 o’clock and I knew I had enough time to get down to his room before 7 am. I headed to my small bathroom to take my bath and do some other morning routine. I tried to comb my rough curly hair, but as it was almost impossible for me to do that in a short while, I packed it up, and off I went. I was trying to keep up with time. The last thing I wanted on my first day was to piss him off. On getting to the mansion, I had an issue with the guards again, but after spending so much time, trying to convince them that I was the Alpha’s new personal maid, they finally let me in. Was this how I was going to continue trying to convince a group of people who hated omegas so much to actually believe one? I reported to the kitchen to get coffee for the Alpha, just like Mrs. Yvonne had told me among the rules she laid down. He loved his coffee very hot and not too sugary. Even without her telling me that, I already knew that. I pretty much knew him more than I knew myself. Perks for being his once closest friend After getting the coffee, I made my way to his room. After checking my time, I was pleased with myself since it wasn’t yet 7 am, meaning I was extra early. He was going to be impressed and that was what I needed to make sure I didn’t get kicked out soon. I stopped at his door and was about to knock, but then I realized the door was slightly open. I resisted the urge to just walk in because I remembered what happened the last time, but after knocking for a while, I started getting impatient. I wanted to leave, but then I remembered I was trying to get him impressed by my promptness. After all, it was too early for him to be banging another girl, so I did the dreadful; I poked my head from the tiny creek of the door and I found him right on his bed, sleeping peacefully. How could he be such a heavy sleeper that he couldn’t hear the sound of me knocking? I made up my mind that I was going to drop the coffee on the table and leave. At least he would know I reported early enough I sneaked in and this time I held the door wide open to prevent me from getting trapped inside like I had done the previous day. The plan was to drop the tea on the table and leave, but one look at his angelic face as he slept and my agenda was canceled. I didn’t know what spell made me stay back after dropping the tea. Not only did I stay back, but I went closer to his bed, staring at his flawlessness in awe. His long lashes that coated his lids were down. He was shirtless and I couldn’t help but admire his masculine perfection. I had never admired him so intently before. How was it possible that this man used to be my best friend, yet I survived without him driving me insane every day? Maybe because I wasn’t his mate at that time and I didn’t have a being inside of me that was craving desperately for his touch. After staring at him to my satisfaction, I wanted to leave, but before I could accomplish that, his eyes flung open. My heart dropped as my eyes widened. I moved back immediately, back as far as the table I had kept the tea. It took some time for him to adjust to waking up, but when his eyes landed on me, they killed me. The glare he sent at me sent shivers down my spine. “What are you doing here?” He asked coldly as he slipped off the bed and I was as alert as ever. Why did I think he was going to grab me by the neck again? Well, he did do that before. “I… I…I” I tried to find my words “Speak!” he barked at me. My soul almost left my body due to how his deep strong voice attacked the cells of my skin with his eyes placed firmly on me with immense rage. “I was assigned to you as your new pe…. per... Personal maid and I came to hand you coffee” He brushed past me and then walked to the table I had kept the coffee. Then he turned to look at me. “You walked into my room without knocking,” he said as though he had just realized that. “I’m sorry” I bowed my head, “I knocked, but no one answered. The door was opened and I just walked in. I didn’t want the coffee to get cold. Forgive me” I pleaded with my head still bowed. The last thing I expected was a wicked chuckle. “Forgive?” he asked mockingly. “I’m so sorry” “Listen omega, I give an order and I expect you to follow it without any excuses” “I didn’t mean to defile y…you” I stuttered and that was solely because he was coming closer to me and I didn’t know If I would survive the tension that came with that. “But how would you learn?” he asked calmly, but I could still hear the viciousness in his voice. “Get the cup of coffee” he ordered coldly. I thought he was going to send me out with the coffee, but he didn’t ask me to go out after I had grabbed the coffee. “I didn’t ask you to grab the tray” he added. I didn’t know what he was trying to do, but I did as he asked. I dropped the tray back on the table. The hotness of the tea attacked my palm, but I did fine because I kept my hand right on the handle. “Place your hand under the cup” he instructed. I swallowed hard. He was indeed the devil. The Lucas I knew would never ask me to do that knowing fully well that I could hurt myself during the process. “You won’t dare keep me waiting” he added in the same calming voice that sent fear to my soul. “Y…yes Alpha” I took a deep breath and then I placed my hand under the tea. The hotness of the cup attacked my palm the very instant and I sucked in air, closing my eyes shut, preparing my body to deal with the pain that was building up slowly. “Your right leg up in the air” he further ordered. I opened my eyes, staring at him in disbelief. Was he being serious right now? The stern look on his face answered my question. “The tea drops and you are dead” he added I took my leg up in the air without complaining, but I was soon starting to hate him, especially the satisfied look on his face as he stared at me while seated on one of the couches in his room. At first, the pain that came from the hotness of the cup overwhelmed me, but when minutes passed, my leg started to ache too and it was hard to keep my balance. “When did you show up today?” he asked. Was he trying to have a conversation with me when I was literally dying from the pain he subjected me to? “Almost 7 sir” “That was late” he let out. “You should be here by 5 every day. Anything above that and you’d have my wrath to face” I had a lot of complaints about the time. Mrs. Yvonne had said the other maids started by 7 am. Was he changing the time to make my life miserable? Minutes had passed and the cup wasn’t as hot anymore, but I was struggling to keep my balance with one leg off the floor. Suddenly the door opened. Due to where I was standing close to the door, as soon as the door opened, it hit my back and I fell to the floor, spilling the coffee on the little white rug that surrounded where I stood. The lady who caused the chaos was the same woman I saw him pounding in the shower the previous day. She scowled at me like it was my fault I fell to the floor. I couldn’t even dare to frown at her even though I was tempted to. “All these omegas” she let out with a disgusted look on her face. She walked straight towards Lucas and sat right on his legs. I swallowed hard as I kept my head on the floor, trying to clean the mess away. “I didn’t ask you to come today,” he said coldly and my heart leaped for joy because he had just shown that he didn’t want her now. “But I am here. Aren’t you happy to see me?” she asked. His eyes landed on me and then he smirked, turning to look at her. “Of course I am” he caressed her wildly spread thighs. My wolf growled inside of me. He knew I was his mate and he knew of the torture it would cause me to watch him with another woman. I shook my head. I couldn’t do this. After picking up every piece of ceramic from the rug, I stood up to leave. “And where do you think you are going?” His voice rang out. “I am leaving” “And who asked you to?” Was I supposed to stay while he carressed another woman? I turned to look at him. “I thought you_” He cut me off. “You thought wrong. Who’s going to clean up the mess you created” he said, looking at the brown stain of coffee on his rug. “You are not allowed to leave until you find a way to make that spot as clean as the rest” I couldn’t understand. He was going to make me do that while he fondled another woman? After informing me what to do, he turned to look at the lady. “Take your clothes and lean against the table” he ordered her. From where I was crouched, my eyes widened. He wasn’t just going to fondle, he planned on having s*x with another woman in front of me!
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