
An Alpha Can't Be Rejected


“You will never want me and I don't dare desire someone as powerful and high as you. I am leaving and I don't want you as a mate as much as you don't want me. I, Anne Anderson reject you Lucas as my mate. Goodbye Lucas”

After rejecting and running away from her Mate who was an Alpha and also her best friend since childhood because she felt inferior compared to him, Anne reunites with him after 4 years, only that, he is not the same and has developed a certain kind of hatred for her throughout the years.

As Anne tries to live through his hatred, her safety and his are threatened by past enemies around them!


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I rejected my mate
Anne's POV WHEN I WAS 18, I REJECTED AN AlPHA..... It wasn't a thing of dissatisfaction, but rather a thing of inferiority. My heart had been severed when I stared into his eyes filled with rage and contempt upon finding out I was his mate. It was obvious what was going on in his mind. How could an Alpha get an omega as a mate?. A total abomination, something that never happens. I was utterly dismayed. It was no doubt he was stunned at the same time disappointed about how things turned out. He probably believed he was going to be mated to a daughter of a powerful Alpha like himself and not a mere weak Omega His action towards the news was not promising a bit and it sent my brain going through a rollercoaster of different thoughts and assumption. It wasn't supposed to be like that since he had been my one and only friend from childhood even before he became the Alpha. He was practically the family figure I never had. While at school, he would stand up for me against the bullies. He treated me as his equal and never for once belittled me. While as Alpha, he didn't change his ways with me. Well until the night we both found out we were mates. He didn't speak to me for days and the silence pricked my skin like a needle because I knew what was coming next_ rejection. It wasn't a new thing for an omega to be rejected by her mate because most times, nobody wanted an omega. We were the lowest rank amongst the werewolves. Hated due to how weak our wolves were and most certainly our different scent. The overwhelming scent that seemed to piss the other wolves off. He had called me into the room one night and when I couldn't stand the tension that came as he stared at me keenly, finding it hard to say anything. I let the words out. “You will never want me and I don't dare desire someone as powerful and high as you. I am leaving and I don't want you as a mate as much as you don't want me. I, Anne Anderson reject you Lucas as my mate. Goodbye Lucas” I turned to leave and I never got to hear how he felt about it. I left the pack and I never returned ever since. I was 20 now, far away from the pack in a different pack_ moonlight pack, where they made my life basically hell. They treated me like a slave and Lucas wasn't there to shun anyone who would make fun of me, especially about my overly curly brown hair. I was never much of a beauty. My skin wasn't flawless with freckles resting on my cheeks. I had brown eyes and I was petite in nature, about 4ft 10 in height. Maybe that was why I was always being picked on. They considered me wolfless since no normal wolf couldn't be that size. I did have a wolf, but she was too weak and easily intimidated. The trauma of being treated meanly through out the years had gotten to her. She had learnt to stay quiet within me, praying for a day for all this to end, just the way I did. It was a Tuesday morning and I went on with my regular morning duties. I would wake up before everyone else, have my bath and begin cleaning. I would also do the dishes and then I would cook for the entire pack house. That was tedious, but I couldn't complain since this was my way of returning the favor for accepting me in the pack house. Thinking about my plans for my future, stole the pains from my chest. I was so close to completing my savings. I could finally leave the pack and start a better life outside the pack. That way, I wouldn't be subdued to any form of abuse. emotionally or physically. “What are you stalling about, you should be washing the plates!“ Screamed Mrs peculiar. I jolted from the wall I was leaning on and scurried to the dishes I was earlier washing. Although my legs were numb from standing over the sink for a long while, I couldn't say no to her because it would end drastically for me. My hands were so soft from being soaked in soapy water for almost the whole day, but no one cared. I still couldn't get why I was always left to do all the work when there were other maids She sighed."When you are done, get some ginger tea for the Alpha's brother” I turned to look at her. I didn't know Alpha Jean had a brother. "His brother?" I asked and immediately regretted it due to how a frown took over her face. “Get back to work!" She screamed at me so much that I flinched and returned to washing the dishes. My heart was in my throat and it only came down when I heard her leave. I had thought I was going to have some peace of mind, not until two maids walked into the kitchen. They giggled at themselves like high school girls which of course pissed me off. “He is so hot. How could someone be so Angelic? I refuse to believe he is the Alpha's brother. They look nothing alike!" Stella said to Bianca and I was forced to roll my eyes. “Just imagine, I turn out to be his mate" Bianca smiled as she moved her shoulder from side to side in a playful manner. “Oh please grow up, he probably has a mate. He looks mature enough." Stella said and Bianca frowned at her. “ He might not ha__" "And what is she looking at?” Stella cut her short, staring at me in fury. I swallowed hard, turning to the dishes I was busy with while they continued their talks. After washing every single plate on the sink, I started preparing the tea the best way I knew. I didn't know why I was asked to serve the guest. None of the guests liked being around an omega because of my overwhelming scent. Did she perhaps forget I was an omega? After preparing the tea and placing it on a tray, I carried the tea to the study room where she told me they were. All I yearned for was to get over with the serving and rest my tired back and I was also anticipating to see this Alpha that the maids were talking crazy about. I knocked on the door of the study room. “Who's there?" Alpha Jean, the Alpha of the pack asked. The man who had taken it upon himself to make me more miserable and inferior than ever “Tea" I replied firmly holding the tray with my hand. “Come in," he said faintly and I opened the door. The moment I entered the room, a familiar scent hit my nose and my wolf jumped for joy immediately. I panicked because the scent belonged to someone I once knew. I looked up with the tray shaking in my hands. I started from his shoes, up to his trousers, his shirt, and then his face. My brown orbs widened when I glimpsed him. The room which appeared big suddenly felt small as I beheld him. He stared at me like he had seen a ghost, but the countenance didn't delay for a bit, giving rise to a casual demeanor. The tray which I held slipped off my hand to the floor. I wasn't myself, not until the shattering of the cup brought me back and I looked at me the mess I had created.

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