I will break you, Anne

1046 Words
Anne’s POV At first I thought to stay, but when her loud moans started getting to me as he carressed her, I knew I had to leave. Slowly I fell to the floor and crawled out of the room, carefully closing the door and I sneaked off into the hallway. Right in my hand were the pieces of the ceramic cup that I had shattered because of that lady. Thinking about her made anger surge through my veins. I resisted the urge to go back into the room and drag her out with my fist tightly wrapped around her hair, just to get her off my mate. I disposed the ceramic pieces when I had gotten to the kitchen. I didn’t know what else to do. I was only the Alpha’s personal maid and now that I wasn’t serving him, I didn’t know what else to do. Out of boredom, I slipped to the floor, raising my knees, placing my hand on top of them and then I buried my head. I didn’t know when I fell asleep until I was tapped on the shoulder after some time. I jolted from sleep as I looked up at who called me. In front of me stood 2 guards. “The alpha sends for you” one of them mentioned before I had the chance to ask what the problem was. My heart sank. What was I thinking when I left his room? I started asking myself. I meant to leave, but now the realization had dawned on me that I could be potentially punished. I felt stupid instantly. But was I supposed to wait around while he slept with her? Nervously, I clutched the hem of my blue dress and walked slowly at first. Then I remembered I wasn’t supposed to keep him waiting and that made me walk even faster. On getting to his door, I made sure I knocked. The last thing I wanted was to make him pissed more than he was already. “come in” I heard his voice and my shaky hands twisted the door handle, going in He was seated right there on the same couch, fully dressed and I wondered if he slept with the girl at all. His face held anger and his legs bounced repeatedly where sat, as he glare hard at me. “yes, alp_” He cut me short. “number one” he raised his index finger. “You left the room when I clearly stated you should stay. Number two, you stained a rug that cost 3000$ and you left it unattended” he added. My eyes widened as I looked down. For a mere rug. Was anyone that crazy? “number 3, you had the effrontery to stay back when you are supposed to always be at my beck and call”. I shifted uncomfortably where I stood. I had violated all those rules and I didn't know what would become of me because of how pissed he looked. "It's never going to happen again,” I said even though I knew he wasn't just going to let me go. I noticed he had developed the nasty character of heartlessness over the years He shook his head."Sorry doesn't cut it”. My heart skipped a beat for a split second "What can I do to fix this?” I asked looking at his darkened eyes. "What material is your clothes made off" he asked, watching me closely. "huh?“ I became perplexed, staring down at the blue dress I was wearing. “ I think it's cotton sir” I answered. “Very good, take them off” he let out firmly as his eyes scanned my body. My heart stopped for a second and my eyes widened. "Excuse me sir” I must have not heard him correctly. "You didn't have anything in your ear when I said that, did you?“ He asked and I shook my head in dread. "I don't appreciate gestures” "no sir” "Good” he leaned back on his chair. "Now take off your clothes and clean up the mess you created. A cotton dress can do the job perfectly” And then what next? He would have his way with me. All my life, I hadn't been with any man and I didn't plan on giving myself to someone who wouldn't cherish me. I caused this. I dared to reject him and he was probably making sure I lived a miserable life with him. I fell to my knee that instant. Even though he was heartless, I knew there could still be a little bit of the Lucas I knew. I placed my two palms together as I pleaded "I know I shouldn't have gone away without your knowledge and I was supposed to be at your beck and call, but people make mistakes and I did make one” I paused."I beg of you, please forgive me. I wouldn't... “. "Are you doing this or should I do it myself” he cut me short and my lips parted in a gasp. He sure was serious. I didn't know when tears trickled from my eyes. How was I supposed to stay naked in front of him? “I have done wrong and You are bent on making me suffer, but please, I'd do another thing. Anything at all, but not this. I beg of you Alpha Lucas” I stared at him with tear-filled eyes, but the cold look in his eyes remained He sprang up from his seat and my breathing stopped. I thought he was going to take the dress off for me as he had proposed, but he stopped in front of me instead. "Listen Anne” he began. A cold shiver ran down my spine when he said my name. "This is just the beginning. I am not even close to being down with you. I am going to break you Anne, way past your breaking point. I will make you suffer, so much that waking up every morning would be a nightmare ” he cupped my chin, making me shudder. "And I will make you curse the day you ever thought of rejecting me”
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