The Lycan Prince and Princess

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Gerald POV I couldn’t believe that this perfect person was our mate. Aiden had always been by my side, no matter what happened. Even when I had f****d up so badly, he was the only one that stayed with me. He really was my best mate. Now we got to share this beautiful creature for the rest of our lives. I wasn’t sure how it was going to go at first, to be honest, sharing my mate with another. But then the more time we spent together, the closer we came. When I thought that Balto had killed her, my heart had been ripped out and stomped on. It woke me up. There was nothing more important in this world than my two mates. I still wasn’t attracted to Aiden, I wasn’t going to be able to f**k him, but watching him f**k Audrey just does something primal to me. There was a knock on the door. I didn’t need to ask who it was, because the mate bond told me it was Aiden. “Hey man, dropped her off. She has been feeling anxious all morning. I don’t think it's all because of Andreas and Ricker. Something else is going on with her. She wants to talk to Amos.” He said sighing sitting down on the couch. “Aids, you know it wasn’t your grandad's fault. It was fate. As cruel as it can be, look at what it brought us.” “Yeah, I know, man. I just worry about her. She has been through so much already and now something else is happening. Is it ever going to end? To the point where we can enjoy our mate for more than a few days?” He asked me. I had a feeling that our lives were never going to be the same. When I met her, I knew straight away I would do anything for her and follow her anywhere. I had f****d up pretty badly with Jules, but she still stuck with me when she should have dumped my ass. But here we were a few hours away from Audrey, becoming my Luna and my best mate, being an Alpha. “Honestly, man, from the moment I saw her, I just knew that my world was never going to be the same again.” “Same here.” I poured us both a whiskey and we just sat there, enjoying the silence and the comfort we got from the bond. “Well, I think it's time to get ready. I need to make sure everything is ready in the ballroom.” “You know you don’t have to have it there if you don’t want to? I am sure she will understand. Why don’t we have it outside, under the trees near the lake? I reckon she would like it better.” Aiden suggested it was actually a fantastic idea. The ballroom was going to have to be knocked down soon. I couldn’t even stand to be in that room, and Audrey didn’t need to be able to pick that up. “Alpha.” Rhys' voice came into my head. He sounded worried. “What’s up Rhys?” “There was a movement on the south side of the pack land. We came across some scents we didn’t recognise. They were too quick for us.” “Stay where you are. I am on my way now.” “Ok Alpha.” Rhys said to me, and I cut the link off. “Rhys said there was movement to the south side. Didn’t know the scent, and they were too quick. I will go check it out. Do you think you can get the ceremony moved then, before everyone arrives?” I asked Aiden. “Of course, man, go, leave this with me.” He said as he got up and left to get everything ready. I felt bad that I wasn’t there to help, but nothing was going to get in our way today. “Duron, you up for a run, buddy?” I asked him. “Where are you?” He said back. “Meet you on the oval in five minutes.” I took off out of the building, shifting into our new form. I wasn’t able to do this until a few days away. I was quicker, sharper in this form, fiercer. With Duron at my side, whoever messed with us was going to regret it. Duron was waiting for me. Athena was with him, but not Zale. I wonder where he was? “You two ready?” I asked them both. “Lead the way. We will follow. We have your back.” Athena said to me. She was amazing. She matched Audrey so much, they were honestly like twins. Audrey was anxious again, but why? She was longing for something. Since the situation with Balto, she was not the same. She needed to tell me what was going on. Duron and Athena were on my sides. We reached Rhys in no time. He was waiting where I told him to. “Alpha, this way.” He took us to where the scent had started. This was a scent I didn’t know, either. But there was something about it. It didn’t feel like an enemy. We traced the scent to the river, where there was a man standing. He wasn’t alone. There was a female with him. They looked like they had been waiting for us. “Stay on alert. They don’t feel like enemies, but we can’t be too careful. I will shift back, but stay how you all are. Be ready to attack.” I said to the others. Shifting back, I went to the bushes, where I knew we left clothes for a situation like this. Stepping out after I was changed, I walked towards the river but stayed on the other side of the bank. “Hello, I am Alpha Gerald. May I ask how and why you are on my pack grounds?” I asked them without trying to sound too hostile. “I am sorry Alpha Gerald, I didn’t realise we were on your grounds already. I am Prince Liam and this is my mate, Princess Charlotte. We have come for your mates Luna Ceremony, as our future Queen we thought we should attend. We mean you no harm. We come as your allies.” “May I ask how you know my Luna? What pack do you come from?” “No one actually knows we exist anymore, Alpha. We are from the north of here. Our elder was part of the original council.” “Well, that is interesting. We have someone else here that you may be interested in talking to. Are you werewolf? We could not pick up what your scent was?” I asked them. “We are Lycans.” Prince Liam said. I gasped. They couldn’t be. Lycans had been killed out long ago. No one had seen or heard from any in hundreds of years. “But, how? I thought your kind had been killed out long ago?” I asked him. “It seems, Alpha Gerald, that we have much to discuss. Would it be possible to get accommodation as your guests?” He asked me. “Of course, if you would like to follow me.” I said to them.
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