This Was All Too Much

1585 Words
“Am I allowed to know what his name was so that I can start from search from somewhere?” I asked her. “His name was Ambrose. He was one of the Lycan elders. He was a kind man and intelligent. He saw Balto’s attack coming, but he was too late. He didn’t think that he had the vampire queen under his control.” She explained as she had finished washing my hair, now she was drying it. I wasn’t sure what she was doing exactly. I didn’t ask her. I was too wrapped up in her story. This was more information than I could ever hope for. “Now, as for the rest, love, you will have to talk to Amos about that. Which I am guessing Aiden isn’t talking to him after everything that happened?” “No, he isn’t, but he knows it wasn’t Amos’s fault. He just needs some time.” Cassie gave me a look, but I wasn’t sure what she meant behind it. She was now cutting my hair. I hope she wasn’t going to take too much off. I liked my long blonde hair. “Your eyes are very rare.” She says to me as she was looking at me in the mirror. “It only just happened when I was marked by my mates.” “Interesting.” was all she said, and she went back to cutting my hair. I was starting to get uncomfortable. “Athena, how the hell did you get out of this?” I asked her, she didn’t answer. I knew she was off in the woods, running with the others. Our wolves had been separated from us for the last few days after everything that had happened. I was sad about it because I missed Athena. “Audrey, why are you sad?” Came Gerald’s voice for the first time today. I sighed, feeling calmer when I knew he was ok. “Just wondering how Athena got out of this?” “How is Cassie treating you?” He asked me. “Its interesting to say the least. I found out where I can start my research about the old council.” I said to him with excitement in my voice. “That’s great Ads. Are you excited for tonight?” “I am nervous as all hell. Is the pack going to like me? I honestly thought I would never be a Luna.” “I keep telling you, love, that you are going to be an equal Alpha of the pack, alongside myself and Aiden.” “About that Gerald, I honestly would like to give being Luna a try. I know I am meant to be the queen, which I still don’t believe. But I think we need to keep it in the traditional way. At least for the moment.” I say to him, trying to convenience him that I was right about this one. He sighs through the mate bond. He had been so tired ever since Balto had died. “Ok love, you win. If that is what you want to do, then we will try it. Aiden will not like this.” “I will see you later, my love.” He said to me as he shut off the link. Looking in the mirror to see what Cassie had done with my hair, my mouth fall open. It was stunning. How did she manage to do that? “Do you approve my Luna?” She asked me. I couldn’t talk so I just nodded my hair. She had done a loose braid that fall to the side, with hundreds of little white flowers in braid and the hair tie at the end was crusted in diamonds. “Right now, time for your makeup. You have naturally beautiful skin, so I don’t think we need to do much.” She says to me, smiling. I was still in awe of what she had done to my hair. After about half an hour, my hair and makeup were complete. She didn’t let me look at the makeup. “Now, my dear, time to get you changed into your dress.” “Um, I left the dress back at the pack house.” “That dress was a distraction for your mates. The actual dress is in the back. Come now and have a look.” She walked towards the back of the shop, so I followed her. She opened the door and hanging there on a rack was a single dress. It took my breath away. This was the most exquisite dress I had seen in my life. “What do you think?” Cassie asked me. “Is this seriously for me to wear? It is breathtaking.” I say to her as I walk towards the dress. I lightly run my hand down the dress. This dress was too expensive for me to wear. “Who picked out this dress?” “Well, now, that is the hard question. Ambrose showed me an image of a dress in my head for you to wear. It took for a few days to find it, but here it is.” “How did Ambrose choose this for me? I thought he was dead?” “How does your mother and aunty guide you, darl? They did not fully kill Ambrose. His soul is waiting to be connected to his body again.” This had my head spinning. I needed to help Ambrose do this, but how was I meant to start? “You already know the answer to that question?” His voice came into my head. “Ambrose?” “Yes, my Audrey. Balto was never the real threat. It is his son Andreas and his mate Ricker. We need to stop them before they complete their plan.” “What is their plan?” I asked him. “We will talk again later. You have a Luna ceremony to worry about my Audrey. I do hope you like the dress.” Then he was gone, and for some reason, I was sad that he was gone. There was a pull towards him, like a need to help him no matter what. “Cassie, do you know why I feel the need to help him?” I asked her. “Darling, he doesn’t just show himself to anyone. You have to be very special. There is always a reason. Just be carful ok, because sometimes it is not always good.” She warned me. “Now, time to get in your dress.” It didn’t take long to shimmer into the dress, and the feel of it on my skin was amazing. It felt like it was part of me. Cassie sat me down, placing on my feet very simple white single strap sandals, but they fit with the dress perfectly. She walked me over to the mirror. Looking back at me was surely not me. The back of the dress sat just above my hips. The bottom of the dress was white. It was gathered in sections around the length of the dress; it flowed to the ground. The front of the dress was more of a golden colour. There were diamonds and unique stones that were placed in an intricate pattern on the front. The back had two straps that went under my arms and attached to the side of the dress. “You look like a queen, Audrey.” “Thank you Cassie, you have done such an amazing job that I don’t even recognise myself in the mirror at all. I hope Aiden and Gerald will like it.” “Honey, you will have every man looking at you, being jealous of their alphas.” Cassie was being kind, of course. Things were going really well today. I hoped nothing was going to happen. We needed this to work tonight. There was nothing more that I wanted then to be officially seen as my mates Luna. “Love, there is nothing more that I want in life is you and Aiden at my side. You have no idea how much I love you, Audrey Harper.” “I love you as well, Gerald. I will see you soon.” Cassie had disappeared, so I thought I would step down to see where she was. Going into the next room, there was a man who oddly reminded me of the Lycan elder. His eyes opened wide when he saw me. “Miss Audrey, I will be driving you to the ceremony.” This man announced to me. I looked around for Cassie. She was trying to find something behind her desk. She looked up and saw me standing there. “Aw, you truly do look like a queen. Now I have one more thing for you, my darling.” She came over and placed something on my wrist. It was a thin delicate bracelet that had a locked heart on it. “Cassie, you can’t. This is too much.” “This, my dear, was Amos’s present for his future Luna and Queen on her Luna Ceremony. This was his mate’s bracelet. If you ever feel like you need guidance, touch the bracelet darling and you will be surprised at what happens.” She said to me, smiling. “Now it is time for you to go.” Cassie said to me as she walked me to the car.
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