
The Lycan King's Chosen Mate

kickass heroine

Audrey and her two mates are still coming to terms with what happened when they defeated Balto, but there is still an enemy out there that will try to kill Audrey at all costs. While they are trying to figure out what Andreas and Ricker's plan of attack is, they don't notice the new larger threat at bay.

Ever since she had seen the mysterious Elder from the original council of super natural creatures, Audrey has felt a pull towards the Lycan Elder. He needs her help to restore his soul back to his body. But at what cost? Will she lose her mates? What happens when the Lycan Prince and Princess come out of hiding to try and take Audrey as their Queen? So many enemies, who can she really trust?

This is Book Number 2 in the Blood Line Series

Book 1 is Bitten By An Alpha

#Dreame Writing Marathon -- Love Story Contest

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Worrying About The Ceremony
Looking in the mirror at the dress that had been chosen for me to wear today had me smiling at the thought of being closer to my mates. Aiden was watching me, smiling as I was getting introduced to the pack today as the new Luna. Since we defeated Balto a few days ago. The three of us hadn’t left the room for two days. We had been getting to know each other. Then Gerald had disappeared this morning and had not returned yet. “Gorgeous, why are you so anxious?” “Its nothing really. I am nervous about being Luna. I did such a terrible job as Alpha of my pack that I don’t want to stuff this up as well.” “The pack will love you, Audrey. You have nothing to worry about. Plus, it's not really being Luna you will be an equal Alpha with us. We are just calling it a Luna ceremony to explain to everyone.” In all honesty, it wasn’t just the Luna ceremony. Ever since Ricker’s voice had been in my head about coming after me, I couldn’t help but worry. I know I killed his parents, but I had said I would kill anyone. Balto needed to be stopped, and he had nearly succeeded in killing me. Life was precious and I could see that now. I wasn’t sure how long it would be until Ricker and Andreas came after me, but we would come up with a plan together. “Come on, that’s enough worrying, gorgeous. Let's just focus on tonight. I can feel that you're worried about them, but let's just concentrate on us tonight and we will deal with them another day ok.” Aiden said to me as he was still looking at me. Well, I would give them this. Putting the dress back down on the bed, I went over to Aiden, leaning down, kissing his forehead. He really was the one that kept both Gerald and I centred and calm at the same time. He looked at up at me, wrapping his arms around my waist. “Come on, time to take you to the girls or I will never let you leave this room.” Laughing at him, I hold him in the hug for a little longer. I would never be able to get enough of Aiden. He pulled himself off the bed automatically, taking my hand. Sending tingles through my entire body. He led us out of the apartment down the stairs. He had my car waiting for us. “Where are you taking us?” I asked him, giving him a look. “To the saloon in town, on the orders of Cassie.” Who was Cassie? I hadn’t met her yet. “Your driving.” I said to him, more a statement, not a question, because I knew how much he loved my car. He just looked at me with a drop dead gorgeous smile, while c*****g his eyebrow at me. I got into the car. He revved the car and she purred to life. He takes off sideways, laying my head against the seat. I got lost in my thoughts. I couldn’t help but think about the old council member that talked to me. I needed to know who he was. I knew this would help us and the only person still alive that was there was Aiden Grandad. He and Aiden hadn’t been talking since he had had to kill me. But my intuition had gotten stronger since he talked to me. I was drawn to him. We needed his kind to help bring everyone together, but what was he? I needed to talk to Amos. “Aiden, I need to talk to Amos.” “I have been waiting for you to ask me that. If you want to talk to him, you can. I won’t stop him. I have sensed through the bond that you want to. I just can’t yet babe, I just need time. I know it's not his fault.” He sighs as he pulls up outside a saloon. We get out of the car and he walks me inside. It is one of the most elegant saloons I had ever seen. There was no one here. A lady with long curly was behind the counter. “Aiden, you're late. I told you she needed to here at ten and it's ten thirty.” She scolded him. “She is harmless, but she is the best in town. She knows we are supernatural, but she doesn’t tell anyone.” Aiden says to me through the mate bond. “Now shoo. Leave me with your lovely mate and I will send for someone to pick her up when I have finished.” She says as she was pushing Aiden out the door. “Love you babe.” Aiden says as he gives me a sorry look. “Now you, my darling, please come with me and we will get started.” Cassie said, grabbing my hand and taking me to the seat. I got a glimpse of the old man when she touched my hand and I gasped. “It’s ok darling, I will explain what I can give the answers to.” “How did you know?” “He still comes to me in my dreams for guidance and he told me about you and that I am to help guide you or tell you what I can without getting involved.” “He was like me, but different, wasn’t he?” “He was love. He was a more powerful species. That Balto tried to hunt them all and kill them, but it didn’t work. There are a few that have been hidden away. They have been waiting in the wings, waiting for you to go and find them and bring everyone together again.” “What is he?” I ask without knowing if she would answer that or not. “He was the original Lycan.” She said as she continued to work on my hair. A Lycan, I didn’t think there was such a thing called Lycans. But I shouldn’t think any different, there were vampires, so why not Lycans?

Dreame-Editor's pick


His Redemption (Complete His Series)


Revenge On The Rejected Alpha


Wolfe's Blind Moon


Descendants Of The Moon Goddess


Her Forbidden Mate


The Fake Omega and Her Quintuplet Mates


The Betrayed Luna's Second Chance


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