Snap Out Of It

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Aiden POV Everything was going to work better this way. I had a feeling that she would like it out here better. It seemed more like Audrey. We were all happier outside. She was feeling anxious again. She was hiding something, and that’s why she needed to talk to Amos. I didn’t blame him for what happened. But to have to be the one that kills your mate. You wouldn’t ever understand how that feels. So every day with her and Gerald was precious. “Do you think you can manage to get this all done? I have to go and get ready.” I asked the people getting things ready. “Of course, Aiden, anything for you.” The girl said to me in a sultry way. Still trying to get my attention even after I was already marked by my mates. I was never one to sleep around. The mate bond was always a sacred thing to me. Audrey was only the second person I had slept with. Audrey was everything that I ever needed without even knowing that I needed it. But Gerald is worrying me, because I can see that possessive look he is getting with Audrey. It was the same look he had with Cleo. Something was wrong with her. She was feeling a pull towards that Lycan Elder again. My Grandad had warned me about them years ago. They will stop at nothing to get what they want or whoever they want. They don’t have fated mates, Lycans; they are allowed to have one chosen mate and they take that bond seriously even more than us werewolves do. “Hey man, how did you go? Was there anything to worry about it?” I asked Gerald through the mate bond. “Um, I think you need to come to my office. There are some people here that you should meet.” He sounded off. “Who is here?” I asked him again. “Just come quickly.” Then he cut the link off. He had closed his feelings off as well. I wonder if that was too not worry Audrey? It had seriously been a long morning since I left her. My body ached for her. “I feel you.” Zale said in my head. “You missing Athena as well?” “No, I actually miss little mate, too. She is so kind to us. She makes me relax.” “Don’t you like being able to leave my head whenever you like?” I asked Zale. I hadn’t actually talked to him about any of this yet. “I do, but I will kill you if you tell anyone this, but I miss being in your head, too.” “It's ok Zale, your secret is safe with me. Ok, let's go and see what Gerald wants.” I suggested to him. “I don’t like to admit it, but I think you're right about Gerald. I have been watching the way he has been looking at little mate.” He let out a growl. I jogged faster to see what the problem was. But Zale had a point. I was going to have to keep an eye on Gerald, for all of our sake. Not that I thought he would do anything. I loved the guy, after all, and he is our mate as well. That scent. They were here, but what did they want? Walking to the office, I tap on the door softly three times to let Gerald know it's me. Opening the door, there were the two most beautiful I had ever laid my eyes on. I couldn’t take my eyes off them. They looked like royalty. “Aiden, snap out of it.” Zale said in my head. Shaking my head, I entered the room and pretended like nothing had happened. Gerald was standing behind his desk, rubbing his head. “Aiden, I would like you to the meet the Lycan Prince and Princess. They have come to watch our mate’s Luna ceremony and to meet their future Queen.” He said to me. It didn’t go unnoticed on the last part. “Pleased to meet you both. I am Aiden, future Alpha of the Blue Blood Pack alongside Alpha Gerald and our mate Luna Audrey. May I ask how you know the Luna?” I asked them politely. “Alpha Aiden, your mate here, has told us all about what has happened. It seems that we have a common enemy. My father had foretold us about the chosen one helping to unite all the species of the supernatural. Once we learned of your Luna, we wanted to come and show our support. We have been hidden away from Balto, but now he is dead we have decided to show our self to meet our future Queen.” “Gerald, what the f**k do they mean by future Queen?” He didn’t answer me, he just kept looking at the Princess. What was he up to? “What do you mean by your future Queen?” I ask them. “Your mate Luna Audrey will be our future Queen also, so we will need to get along. She is destined to be the Queen of the Lycans as well, not just the werewolves.” The princess says. “May I ask why yourself or the Prince are not ruling?” “See, now that is the real question. Liam’s father did not wish for us to permanently rule over our kind. He was an Elder on the council and it was decided that when the new Queen appeared we would wait to find her.” The Princess said again. This didn’t seem right. There was no way that Audrey was going to be taken away from me when I had just found her. She was my heart and soul. She was the third of my soul that makes me whole. I needed to talk to Amos, but it would have to wait. I would not sit around anymore. Our mate would be here very soon. “We will talk about this later. Right now you need to excuse us as we have a ceremony to get ready for. I will send someone across to show you where your quarters will be. Would the penthouse be suitable accommodation for you all?” I asked them as politely as I could. “Something else is going on here Aiden, your right not to trust them. The way they are talking about Little Mate. Gerald hasn’t stopped staring at the Princess.” Zale warned me in my head, echoing everything that I was thinking about myself. “Aiden, are you ok? I can feel you and Zale are worried about me. I promise I am ok.” Came Audrey’s velvety voice came into my head. I instantly relaxed. I would never give her up. She didn’t know how much she meant to us already. I would follow her no matter where she went. She was our life now. “Sorry gorgeous, nothing to worry about it. We just have some unexpected guests that can not wait to meet the future Luna. But we can talk about all of that later.” “Ok Aiden. I will see you soon.” “I love you Audrey.” I said, but there was a growl in my head. Audrey must have heard it as well, because her laugh filled our soul. “And you too Zale.” She says, giggling still. “I have to go now. Someone is here to pick me up.” She said, and she cut off the link. I was feeling empty not being near her. “The Penthouse is too much Alpha Aiden.” The Prince’s voice broke through my thoughts. “Sorry, no, don’t be silly. We don’t have royalty staying with us very often.” I said to them, Gerald was still staring at the Princess, who was watching him back. “Rob, we have some very special guests here. Can you please come and show them to the penthouse, and just keep an eye on them, please?” I linked Rob. “Yeah man, penthouse hey, they must be special. I will monitor them. Where are you?” He asked me. “In the office, but Gerald and I have to get ready for the ceremony.” I said as I cut the link off. “Gerald, come now.” I said to him, but he wouldn’t stop staring at her. What the hell was his problem? We had the best mate in the world and now he was staring at this lady. “GERALD, SNAP THE HELL OUT OF IT NOW.” I growled at him through the mate bond. “I AM YOUR BLOODY ALPHA AIDEN GET THE HELL OUT NOW.” He growled at me back, warning me. “YEAH AND OUR f*****g MATE IS ON HER WAY BACK NOW YOU i***t. OR DID YOU FORGET ABOUT AUDREY ALREADY?” Getting up, I walked out of the room and slammed the door. If he wanted to be an i***t, he could, but I was going to be there at our mate’s ceremony. “Aiden, I didn’t mean it. She had me in some type of trance.” Gerald’s voice came weakly through the link. “f**k off Alpha.” I said, blocking him out of my head. Now I was going to get ready.
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