Last Test

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ESTRELLA POV I stood waiting for what Beta Zander has for us today. Gerald and I spent the whole night training so hard. We only had three hours of sleep, but thankfully, I wasn't feeling sleepy or tired. We returned back to the room when we noticed that they were done partying. I was surprised that they kept having such fun for hours. I looked around and noticed some men hadn't recovered from the hangover yet. Some looked so horrible that I began to feel pity for them. But sadly, there is no way they can go and rest except they want to rest in their own packs. Beta Zander stood in front to address us. I looked at him, paying full attention. “Good morning, everyone. Today is going to be the last day you will be tested. After the test for today, we will pick the winners and appoint them as warriors. So I hope you all are ready for your last test?” he asked, smiling. The response was so low because not everyone looked ready. “Alright then, I will take that as a yes. For those who aren't ready, you can talk now so that you can leave the pack. You are free to speak now.” he said, looking around as he waited for response. No one dared to rise their hands up. No one wished to leave. “Good. So now I will be pairing you all in twos. After I am done pairing you all, I will disclose why I paired you both. Now I will call your names and that of your partner's.” Beta Zander said before pulling out a white paper. He began to call names. I stood waiting anxiously for who my partner was. I wish it was Gerald because I know no one except him. I don't think others will be comfortable with me being their partner. They don't even like me because I am the only female. I just hope it's Gerald. “Estrella Santiago....” I heard my name making me look at him. “..... you are paired with Derek Fante.” Huh? Who the hell is Derek Fante? I wondered as I looked around to see who it was. I noticed that arrogant liar walking towards me with a scorn look on his face. I wonder who annoyed him this time, or maybe he is having some mood swings. I want to keep looking elsewhere, but for some reason, I couldn't take my eyes off him till he stood beside me, still frowning. “Don't think I am happy being your partner. I will talk to the Beta later to change my partner.” he said. Then it clicked to me. He is the Derek Fante. Shit. This is bad. Why the hell am I his partner? He is my enemy. I can't be his partner. I can accept anyone but not him. I just hope that as he talks to Beta Zander, he will be given a new partner, and I will also have a new partner. I waited for Beta Zander to be done calling names. The moment he stopped calling names, the arrogant liar walked to him and began to talk to him. I couldn't hear what they were saying, but from the look he had on his face when he walked back to where I was standing, I knew it didn't go well. Now, I am stuck with this dude. This isn't good at all. This is going to be the worst day of my life. He looked at me with a disgusted look. I returned the look back to him because just like him, I am also not happy being with him, and I wasn't going to hide it from him. I turned to look at Gerald and noticed he was looking at me with a worried look on his face. He can tell what is going on, and he seems concerned for me. I gave him a reassured smile to tell him I was fine and he shouldn't worry about me. “Now you all have a partner. The test is that you are both going to have a fight with the partner given to you. You must fight hard to win because the winner is the only one who will be selected as the warrior. There are no rules attached to the fight. You can play whatever tricks you have under your sleeves.” Beta Zander announced. My jaw dropped immediately. I heard what he had just said. I looked at the arrogant liar and noticed his scorn and frown were now gone. He looked so happy hearing the announcement. This isn't good because from the little I know about him, I can tell he is of no good. I need to be careful around him. I am sure he doesn't mind killing me just to win. He is going to do anything and play any foul game to win. s**t I am in a hell of a big trouble. “Now we will start from the first pair which I called from the very beginning. The rest of you go have a seat.” Beta Zander said. We all went to sit down while the first pair stayed in the middle, getting ready to fight. As I sat down, I noticed Gerald sitting beside me, looking more worried than earlier. “Hey what are you doing here? You should be sitting with your partner. Why are you here? Won't you get into any problem sitting her?” I asked him. “Look Estrella I think it's best you just pull out right now. That guy is very dangerous. I heard stories about him from the rest of the guys. He is so dangerous in his pack. People fear him so much because he is of no good. I don't want you to get hurt badly. You need to leave now.” he said. “No Gerald I can't back down right now. Today is the last day, and you expect me to just give up because of some annoying dude? No way. I am not someone who can give up on her goals. I never allow my fears to bring me down. So listen to me,I won't back out. I will fight till my last strength. I hope to win because I came here to win and not lose.” I boldly told him. “Are you sure you will be okay?” he asked. “Yes I am sure about that. Besides, we trained last night. I am sure I will do well.” I said, smiling. He held my hands, covering them with his. This gesture is supposed to look intimate, but I felt cool about it. It felt like a normal gesture, and there was no romantic meaning to it, just pure comfort and care. “Please try your best to win. Don't let him get to you because he will let it get to his head. Just fight hard and make sure you show him how strong you are, so he will begin to respect you. I am rooting for you always.” he said. “Thank you, Gerald. You should also worry about yourself too. Make sure you do well and don't allow that partner of yours to defeat you. I am also rooting for you too, my friend.” I smiled at him. We sat in silence as we watched the fight. Some were so intense, and there were so many casualties, but then everyone was fighting to be a winner. It was Gerald's turn. I watched him with a heavy heart as he walked to the middle. He had a straight face. He looked so different as he was getting ready to fight. He started well, but along the line, his opponent began to fight back. I felt so much pain for my friend, especially when his leg was broken. His scream filled my ears, making me feel so tensed for him. I couldn't sit as I watched. I had to stand up while chewing my fingernails. I was so nervous because I didn't want him to lose. Someone got my attention from afar. I noticed someone was looking at the fight. The person looked so worried for Gerald. His eyes won't leave him. His hands were clenched whenever my friend was hit. This is so suspicious because I wonder why Beta Zander was so worried about my best friend. He didn't have this look when he was watching the others fighting. What could this mean because clearly there is something that I am missing here. Or are they both friends or something? I will ask him after this fight. Gerald looked up at me. From his eyes, I could tell he is tired and wanted to give up. I began to mouth out words of encouragement for him to fight back and win. He has to win because he needs this not just for himself but for his family. He looked at me and gave me a nod before he stood on his feet. He began to fight back even though it was hard for him since he couldn't walk well because of his injured leg. He was able to overpower his opponent, who tapped out when he figured he was in a tight position. The moment Gerald was declared the winner, I jumped and clapped happily because he was now officially a warrior. He fell on his kneels and began to cry. I felt pity for him because at least he got what he wanted. His family will be so proud of him. Some nurses came to him, and they took him away. He needed to be treated, especially his leg. I was so happy for my friend that I forgot all about my own fight It was when I heard my name that I realized I had something to be worried about. I walked to the middle, facing my enemy, who had a smirk on his face. I am sure in his mind he already thinks he will be able to win. Only if he knows I won't allow him to do that. I kept a straight face till I heard the sound for us to begin. It is time to give this my all. I have to win for my family. I took a deep breath as I prayed to the moon goddess to help me out. “Don't worry, you aren't alone. Know that I am here with you, and we will show all these men how strong we are.” Stella said, giving me more confidence. I let out a low growl the moment I saw my opponent running to me. Then I felt something possess me.
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