
The Vengeful Luna

opposites attract
kickass heroine

After watching Alpha Gustavio murder her family and pack members, Estrella sworn to revenge even if it caused her to lose her life.

As she was finally about to fulfil her promise, she found out that the same Alpha Gustavio who murdered her parents was her mate.

Unlike other mates, Alpha Gustavio doesn't want his mate. He can't even trust her because he knows she is up to no good. He can tell she is dangerous to him.

Will he reject her, or will he fall in love with her?

Will she forgive him or still have her revenge?

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Vengeful Daughter
ESTRELLA POV I put my both fists in front of me getting myself ready to attack. I ran shouting as I charged my opponent. I swing my hand trying to hit him but he was too quick to move to the other side. I let out a frustrated growl and turned back to strike a punch but this time around I used my brain. I knew he will try to dodge again so as he was moving, I used my other fist to hit him right on his side. I laughed and clapped as I watched his surprised look. One second I was laughing and the next I was laying flat on the ground. Now I wasn't the one laughing this time. “You acted smart little boss lady but you shouldn't have pulled down your stance. Always remember to celebrate after you have won.” my dad who is also my trainer said as he stretched his hand for me to take. I smiled and took it then got up to my feet. “Hope you didn't hurt yourself?” he asked gently as he helped me clean the dust on my leggings. Although he trains me the hard way, he is always careful not to hurt me because I am his princess. “No dad I am fine. I was carried away because I finally got to hit you. That means am getting stronger. Right dad? Admit that I am. You were also surprised when I hit you.” I said to him. “Alright fine you are getting stronger and I am so impressed of you. I won't have any worries when you finally take over to the pack.” he said looking at me proudly. “Dad stop lying to her. You know she isn't that strong. She is still a weakling. You looked funny laying on the ground.” my annoying younger brother, Justino who loves to pest my life said as he laughed. I growled in anger because clearly he is mocking me. I decided to get back at him. I ran to him and tripped him using my legs and strength. He fell on his butt to the ground. I stood laughing at him. “Now who is laughing now? Next time don't call me a weakling.” I told him. He growled at me in anger but I showed him my tongue because I know he couldn't do anything to me. “Dad warn your daughter. I am only letting her get her way because I know she's my elder sister.” my brother whined like a baby making me to laugh hard. “No way. Don't bring me into this. I can't come in between you both when you are having your differences. I am sure you will settle your issues soon so leave me out of this.” my dad said smiling. “Can you stop acting like a baby and stand up?” I said to Justino. “No one to help me up. I think I broke my rib. I can't stand up.” he whined clearly faking it. “You are a werewolf for goodness sake. Can you stop with the pretense and stand up?” He just turned his head to the other side. Sometimes I wonder if he is a three years old toddler in the body of a seventeen years old. Out of the love and compassion I have left in me, I helped him up and what did I get in return? He pulled my hairband letting my black hair fly as he ran fast. “I WILL DEAL WITH YOU.” I shouted at him. I am Estrella Santiago. I am a daughter of the alpha of Snowball pack. My pack isn't that big but at least we are doing so well. There is love, peace and unity in my pack. My dad is doing a good work as an alpha in taking care of the pack. He is praised everywhere he goes and although he looks cold outside, all the pack members love him. He is my role model. I just wish I can be as good as he is when I eventually become the alpha. My Dad picked me instead of my brother as his successor even though I am a female. He believes that I can do it as the alpha even if I am a female. I don't want to disappoint him when he believes in me that's why I am trying my best to train hard and also know everything that is about packs and also how to be a good leader. “Enough with the training already. Lunch is ready. I need you home in a minute.” my mother said through the mind link. I looked at my dad who already had a smile on his face. He is so whipped for my mother. They both are always lovey dovey when ever they are together. I love what they have together and I wish to have the same with my mate. Although I'm not ready to have a mate right now. I still want to keep staying with my parents and also I don't want to be distracted with love when I'm still training hard. “Let us get going before we get punished for coming late. We can take our shower at home.” my daddy said. We carried our bags and left the gym as we headed home. I know Justino is already at home. He always run home to his mummy after annoying me. We got home and my mummy gave us some minutes to freshen up and hurry back to the dinning room. After we were done, we went to the dinning room to eat our meal. “Dad I need your permission.” I said looking at my dad who looked like he was enjoying his meal. Well good for him because I don't like veggies at all. “Where are you going to this time little boss lady?” he asked with a smirk on his face. He knows me so well. “Actually dad, remember Tayla from the neighboring pack? Her dad is an alpha.” I started trying to create an atmosphere that will be appropriate. “I don't know any Tayla from another pack but go on. I want to know what you have to say.” he said. “Well she is hosting a birthday party for herself and she invited me to come over to celebrate with her. I kept declining her request but then she kept insisting till I couldn't say no anymore.” I let out a sigh. I really would love to stay at home with my family and have a nice time with them than to be out there for some party. “You can go. But make sure you are back to the house before nine. Am I understood?” he asked. “Alright Daddy thank you so much. I will come back before then because you know I don't do well with partying.” I said. “You need to get use to it. How then will you get friends and even a mate?” my mum asked. That's what she loves to talk about most times. About me finding my mate. She is so eager for me to find him while I am not bothered at all also my dad supports my decision. “Mummy I will find a mate soon. You don't need to worry.” I told her. “You will almost be twenty. Your no longer a teenager. I found your Dad when I was just eighteen.” she reminded me again. “My dear just let her be. If she isn't ready now, we shouldn't force her.” my dad said helping me as always. “You will always support her even when you know I am right. I know you are happy because you threaten that she can only have a mate when she's thirty.” my Mum rolled her eyes. “I am not the moon goddess who is delaying. So don't put the blame on me.” my dad said innocently. “Mum I think it's best if she stays single because I doubt if anyone will be able to live with her.” Justino said making all of us to look at him. I smacked his head hard making him to laugh. “Enough now let's just eat peacefully.” my Mum said. We continued eating our food till we cleared our plates. After I finished washing the dishes, I quickly rushed upstairs to get ready for my party. Although I didn't want to go for it, I still had to try my best to look good. I can't embarrass myself. I stood in front of my wardrobe looking at the clothes I had inside. Although it was filled with different clothes, I still had no idea which one to wear. “Can I come in?” I jumped to see my brother who was already inside my room. “Why ask when you already welcomed yourself in already?” I asked sarcastically. “I see you don't know what to wear. How about I help you out? I can't have you embarrassing me over there. You need to look beautiful although you are not.” he said as he pushed me away from my wardrobe. I wanted to smack his head but since I needed his help, I decided to let it go. He pulled out different clothes from my wardrobe. “Put them on let's see how they will look on you.” he instructed. I let out a sigh and began to try the clothes one after the other. We both finally agreed that I go with a black short gown. I loved it so much because I am free inside it. “Now you need to get prepared. I will go get mum.” Justino said as he ran out of the room. “Oh you picked the right dress my dear. Come sit so I can curl your hair and do your makeup.” my mum said as she walked in with my brother. I sat down and she began her magic on me while my brother watched and made videos of me. After she was done she allowed me look at the mirror. “Wow Mummy I look beautiful. Thank you. You are so good in this. I will find some time so I can learn how to makeup from you.” I told her as I smiled while staring at the mirror. “And I will always be available to teach you. You look really beautiful.” she said smiling proudly. “Thanks to mum, you now look like a human.” my brother said. “Just admit that I look beautiful.” I rolled my eyes. “Never.” he stubbornly said. “I think it's time for you to go. It's almost time for your party and the journey is far.” My Mum said. I hugged her and kissed her cheeks to show my appreciation. “You all left me alone and decided to have fun without me. Really now.” my dad said as he walked in. When he laid his eyes on me, he began to smile. “You look so beautiful my little boss lady.” he complimented. “Thanks Dad. Come let's take pictures together. I don't know when next I will put on makeup again.” I said as I pulled him. Justino took some selfies. We put on our best smiles and also put on funny faces making us to laugh as we looked at the pictures. “I need to go now. You should not miss me too much okay.” I said smiling. “Of course we won't miss you at all.” My brother just had to talk first. “Have fun my baby.” my Mum said. “Make sure you be careful with surroundings.” my Dad advised. I smiled and hugged my parents and kissed them before playfully hitting my brother. I picked my bag and left my house. I drove my car because I can't shift into my wolf not after I have done all this make up and worn this beautiful dress. Besides it is just an hour drive. I got to the party and it was filled with people already. I looked for Tayla first to tell her am here before I went to look for what to eat. I rather eat than to join this people to dance. Apart from Tayla, I know no one in here. I ate a lot of cake and other desserts which really tasted so amazing. I sat down and kept watching as others were having fun but I wasn't having any fun. I just wanted to go home and watch movies with my family. I saw a spot for games and decided to join. I played chest game. Thanks to the experience and teachings I got from my Dad, I was always winning. That's the only thing I did which was fun. Some people tried to make conversations with me. When they noticed I loved talking about leadership and not about makeup or boys, they left to have fun. I checked the time and saw it was time to go home now since my journey is a long one. I went to tell Tayla good bye before I left. I entered my car and drove back home. I played music enjoying my self. I drove into the pack territory and immediately I entered, I felt something was off. “Something isn't right here.” I whispered looking around. First of all where are all the guards who always guide the pack territory? None of them welcomed me back which is totally weird. They have never done that before. “Stop the car and check around what's happening. I have a bad feeling about this.” Stella my wolf said. I packed my car and got off the car. I removed my heels and held them on my hands so I can walk well. I began to search around then I smelt blood. It was coming from the pack house. I quickly walked towards the pack house. I kept a good distance and hid to watch what was happening. What I saw from a little distance made me to freeze. My body began to shake in fear as I watched as people were laying lifeless on the ground. These are my pack members. What the hell is going on? Are we being attacked? My answer was revealed right in front of me when I watched rogues running out of the pack house. I wanted to join them but Stella held me back. “Calm down first. What if they come for us? They look so strong and ready to kill.” “But Stella they are killing everyone. We are supposed to protect them.” I told her. “Right now I don't know why but I don't have any strength left in me to fight anyone. Something is weakening me. Try mind linking your parents.” she said. I looked and saw they were heading to my house. I need to warn my parents. I quickly mind linked everyone at home. “MUMMY, DADDY, QUICK ROGUES ARE COMING TO THE HOUSE. YOU NEED TO HIDE. HURRY UP.” I alerted them. “Estrella is that you?” my Dad asked calling my full name which he rarely calls. “Daddy.” I answered. “Stay wherever you are. Don't let them see you. Am I clear?” he asked. “Yes daddy. Please be safe. Where is mummy and Justino? Are they with you?” I asked him as I began to feel so worried that they didn't answer me. “Just do what I say. I promise I will come find you.” he said and blocked me from mind linking him. Something is not right. He didn't answer me. He blocked me. I wanted to run to my house but my wolf kept me down. “Sorry human, the alpha ordered me to keep you here.” Stella my wolf said. I wanted to scream because I can feel it that something isn't right here. I just hope my family will be safe. My heart shattered as I kept watching them kill everyone including women and small children. This is getting really scary. Please my parents should be fine. I looked at my house and saw my younger brother limping out of the house. I was just about to shout his name when he fell on the ground. I waited for him to stand up but he didn't. I called him using the mind link but he didn't answer. Tears began to fall off my eyes. “JUSTINO SANTIAGO YOU BETTER NOT DIE PLEASE. LOOK, I WILL FORGIVE YOU FOR EMPTYING MY PERFUME SO YOU BETTER NOT DIE PLEASE.” I begged him hoping he will hear me and stand up but he didn't move at all. No this can't be happening. My younger brother is gone. No please no. I can't lose my brother. Moon goddess please safe him. Where is my daddy to come safe him? Where is my Mum? Why isn't she saying anything? I want to know if they are both fine? Please they should be fine. I saw some rogues killing more people. I felt so angry knowing they were the ones who killed my brother. If only I can go there and kill them all. I want them dead for what they have done. I waited and waited till I saw my dad walking out of the house in his wolf form. He doesn't look good. I tried my best not to cry although tears were dropping off my eyes. He began to walk down the stairs in front of my house. He went to a body which from the dress I could tell belongs to my mother. I didn't know she was the one laying there. I felt my world shatter. I wish this is a dream. This better be a dream. I want to wake up from this dream. My dad's sorrowful howl made me realize it's not a dream. It's real. My mum is gone. I was about to mind link my dad when I saw a man walking to him from behind. I was still trying to figure out who he is when I watched him stabbed my Dad making him to let out a very pained howl. I closed my eyes not wanting to watch anymore. This is too much for me. I can't. “Daddy please don't die on me.” I mind linked my daddy. His walls were down. “Sorry princess I couldn't keep my promise to you. Make sure you run away from here. Never let them get you. I love you so much. Your mummy loves you too. I am sorry my little Boss lady.” he said with a pained voice. I kept crying as I opened my eyes. I looked at him and watched how the man kept stabbing him repeatedly. I felt a sharp pain on my chest making me to realize my dad, the Alpha of Snowball pack is gone. Stella wanted to let out a mourn howl but she dare not or we will be caught. I looked at the man who killed my father. I felt so much rage in me. How dare he take my family away from me? To add more to the pain I was feeling, he began to walk around looking at the number of deaths he has caused. It was like he was happy with what he just did. He is acting all high and mighty. Fucking bastard. He deserves to rot in hell. I wonder who he is? I need to see him clearly. I need to know the person who murdered my family. I kept looking at him till his face came close to the light. Then I saw his face so clearly. I recognized him so well. It is non other than Alpha Gustavio. I know his face. I felt like shouting his name then digging my claws into his chest. I just want to see him get struck by lightning. Such an ugly beast. The urge to kill him overfilled my mind. I looked around and picked a stone. I stood up slowly and began to walk to him when Stella stopped me. “We need to leave now before they come for us. Hurry.” “But I need to get my revenge.” I told her. “We will get our revenge. When we are stronger. If we go there right now, we will be killed by this people. It's best to become stronger then we will find him and get our revenge. Trust me. I won't stop you when the time comes. I promise.” she said. I decided to listen to her although it was hard for me. I badly wanted his blood in my hands but then I wasn't too strong. I looked at the person who murdered my family and pack members one last time before I could run away. Then I made a promise to myself. “I swear with my life that I must kill this bastard. I must get my revenge.”

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