Arrogant Liar

1951 Words
ESTELLA POV I laid flat on the bed. I was so dead tired. Like I have worked my ass out today. I was able to do half of the push-ups, which is fifty. It wasn't easy but I had to do it. I tried my best and put more effort into doing it. My hands kept shaking so fast, and I was on the verge of giving up, but the thought of my dead family flashed into my mind, making me push harder. Thank goodness, I was still able to stay. I was scared that I would be sent out of the pack. I closed my eyes to sleep because I needed to rest. Who knows what they will make us do next? I began to sleep when I heard Justino calling me. I was looking around, searching for where he is. I needed to see him. I began to follow his voice, and suddenly, I woke up only to Gerald looking at me instead of Justino. “I am guessing from that look on your face, you seem so disappointed to see me. You must have been expecting someone different, right?” he asked, smiling. “I have no idea of what you are saying. Now tell me, why are you here in my room?” I asked, wondering what made him come in here. “Oh I didn't see you come out when they made announcement for us to go eat. So I came to check up on you when I saw you fast asleep.” he said. “It is time to eat? What are you waiting for? Come on, let's go eat.” I said in a hurry and stood up as I rushed out. I need to fill my stomach with some food. Gerald was walking behind me as I left my room and headed to the hall where the food was shared. We got in right in time because the food was still available, and we were able to get our share. I walked to a table and placed my plate before I sat down on the chair. Gerald sat opposite me, and he began to eat. I joined him and ate my meal in a hurry. “I can't believe you are a lady? Even from the way you eat, you don't act like one.” I heard someone say behind me. I turned to see it was the first arrogant fool who I saw when I came in here. I turned back to continue my meal because I really did not have any strength for him. My food is much more important than him, so it's best to ignore him. “Am I not talking to you?” I heard him ask. “And can't you see that she isn't interested in listening or talking to you?” Gerald said to him. “Shut the f**k up you omega. Incase you don't know, I am of a higher rank than you are so you better watch how you talk to me.” he said to Gerald. “And so what? If I am an omega and so what? I see nothing's wrong in correcting you because you are being a nuisance here. So just as she her actions said, leave us alone.” Gerald said getting upset. The arrogant dude grabbed his shirt trying to start a fight. I stood up and tried to separate them but his grip was so tight. Gerald didn't do anything. He only stood and allowed him to do what he wanted to do. Everyone were watching yet no one made any attempt to stand up or say anything. A loud growl silenced the whole hall making the arrogant guy to drop his hand immediately. “What is the noise all for?” It was Beta Zander. He wasn't looking so happy. “It is nothing Beta. I was just having a friendly conversation with them.” the arrogant guy said lying right in front of me. “He is l.....” I wanted to say but Gerald stopped me immediately. He shaked his head trying to tell me to leave it and not say anything. “You wanted to say something Estrella.” Beta Zander said looking at me. I badly wanted to tell him everything that has happened but then because of Gerald I had to let it slide. “Nothing Beta. He was only telling us something like he said.” I said through my teeth. I hate the fact that I have to lie. “I don't want to see anyone fighting or causing a commotion here or else you will be sent back to your pack. Am I understood?” Beta Zander said. “Yes Beta.” we all chorused. He walked out and left us. Everyone went back to their meal including the arrogant liar. I sat down and looked at Gerald who was eating silently. I needed answers to why he stopped me but it seems he wasn't ready to talk. After I was done eating my meal, I stood up and left. I was walking back to the room when I felt Gerald hold me back. “What do you want from me now huh?” I asked him. “I am sorry for earlier.” he apologized. “Look you didn't do anything wrong. The only thing you did was not let me report that bastard to the beta. Now can you give me a valid reason why you stopped me because I want to know why you did that.” I told him. “I was scared when the Beta walked in okay. I didn't want this to cause an issue for the both of us. Since that guy lied, I am sure he will be able to tell more liars about us if we had spoken up. He might even used the rest against us and they will all lie with him. Remember no one likes us in here because you are a female and I am an omega.” he said. Now I understand what he is saying. Truly his reason is so valid that I can't say anything against it because he is so right. I let out a sigh because I was getting so stressed out with the whole issue. “I will make sure I get that arrogant liar. I must make him regret ever doing bad to the both of us. He should get ready because I will make sure he pays for everything he has done and also every bad words he has spoken to us.” I said making a promise. “I also can't wait to make him pay for looking down on me because I am an omega. I can't wait for the day he will be evicted. I will celebrate happily.” Gerald said as he began to smile. I smiled also when I imagined what will happen when he gets evicted like Gerald has said. It will be fun to watch him leave. “Lets go now. We aren't sure if they will call for us later. Let's go and rest some more.” I told Gerald who agreed with me. We both went to our separate rooms. I entered mine and closed the door. I picked my bag and began to search through them. I picked a dagger which I got. I stared at it and began to think of how to stain it with my enemy's blood. Different ideas flood my mind as I was thinking of how to carry out my plan when I heard a sound of them calling for us once again. I hid the dagger in where it has always been hidden then I stood up and left the room. We all gathered again and waited for Beta Zander who didn't spend much time before he joined us. “Don't worry everyone. I am not here to give you any task. I am only here to tell you two news that is the good one and the bad one. Which one will you like to hear first?” he asked. I shouted the bad news but the men voices covered mine as they all shouted the good news. “Alright fine. Since you all have decided to go for the good news. I will disclose it to you. So you all, tonight is going to be a fun night for everyone. It's going to be like a party or get together something where all of us here will all eat, drink and have lots of fun.” he announced. They all began to cheer happily while I on the other hand was waiting for the bad news to be announced. I was so anxious to know what it was exactly. After the cheering had finally died down, Beta Zander continued his announcement. “Now for the bad news, tomorrow a lot is going to happen. I can't inform you about what is going to happen but most of you are going to leave this place and go to your packs. So just be prepared because you might be among those who will be leaving and be going home.” he said. No one cheered time around. I am sure they were all thinking hard about what he just said. No one is ready to go home. But with the way his voice was serious, it means that most of them are definitely going to go home. But not me. I don't care what is going to happen tomorrow but I will never lose to anyone. I must try my best to win whatever challenge that comes for me tomorrow. I need to win because I have come this far. Can't just fail and leave without accomplishing my goals. “Now it's time to party.” Beta Zander said making everyone to begin to shout for joy. I looked at Gerald who was already looking at me. “Would you like to join them?” I asked him. “I know you don't want to join them and since you don't want to then your decision is my decision also. Because I can stay alone. I won't have any fun.” he said. “Are you sure you don't want to go have fun with them? I am sure you can still make yourself feel among.” I tried to advice him. “No Estrella. I am going to go with you. So where are we going?” he asked. I knew that at this point I honestly can't stop him any longer. “Alright why don't we go to the field and practice for a while to prepare ourselves for tomorrow?” I asked him. Since I can't have fun with the rest and I have a goal which is to win, it's best to use my free time on something that will be helpful. Which is practicing so I can defeat whoever comes to me. “I love your idea. Let's get going to the field. I just hope we don't get punished if we are caught missing the party.” he replied. “I am sure we will be okay. We aren't going there to have fun. We are there to train harder so it's fine.” I told him. As the rest walked through another direction, Gerald and I walked to the opposite direction without anyone noticing our absence. We ran to the field and began to train so hard for the next day. I don't know why but I can't shake the feeling that something huge is going to happen tomorrow. I wonder what it is?
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