Aura of a White Wolf

1841 Words
ESTRELLA POV I tried to dodge, but I was too slow. I got hit right on my nose. I heard a crack before I felt the pain. The pain was so much for me, but I didn't have time to examine my nose. I need to keep fighting. I don't know how many minutes we have been throwing punches and kicks. I must say he is a good fighter. If I were someone who is weak, I would have given up since, but I refused to because I am also as good as he is. He doesn't even hide his surprised look whenever he sees that I was able to dodge him. I am sure he isn't expecting me to be this experienced. Well, only if he knows I am more than this. I felt like ending this fight because it is dragging too far, and I am getting tired already. I began to fight harder. I guess he felt so weak because his blocks weren't as strong as before. I was able to bring him down to the ground. Just when I was expecting him to give up or tap out, he decided to play the dirtest trick on me. I don't know where he got a dagger from, but before I could block him, he was able to cut me right on the side of my stomach. The pain was unbearable, making me realize that the dagger he used was not just an ordinary dagger, but it was soaked in wolfsbane. Wolfsbane is a deadly poison that doesn't only weaken werewolves, but it can also kill us too. It is so dangerous. It is only used for rogues while interrogating or for a war. This arrogant liar must be a psycho because where the hell did he get it from? He really is going to do anything just to win. Such a sick dirty fool. I let him go as I held my stomach. My fingers felt like they were on fire as I tried to stop the bleeding. I can't lose much blood right now, or else I might end up dead. I could feel the wolfsbane going around my body. This is not a good sign. I might die or be paralyzed. “Stella I need you to do anything you can to stop this poison from killing us.” I warned her. She didn't answer me. I felt her getting so weak. It is hurting her more. My poor wolf. She shouldn't be going through all these pains. I need to do something to get rid of the poison inside my body. I put my fingers into my mouth down to my throat so I can be able to vomit. I began to vomit everything in my stomach, including a potion of the poison that was inside me. I know that vomiting won't remove everything, but at least I will be able to feel a little bit better with the little I have vomited out. Derek saw what I did, and he didn't look happy because he didn't assume I would figure out such trick. Only if he knows that my true identity is a rogue. I have to learn so many tricks to be able to survive every day. Here, I thought that only using dagger is his dirtest trick, only for him to prove me wrong by shifting into his wolf. Everyone that fought before us never shifted. Now he is shifting. He shifted into his brown, ugly looking wolf, which looked like it had been fed so well. He stood tall and let out a loud growl as he looked at me with his red blood shed eyes. He looks so dangerous right now. I noticed everyone was so quiet and they were watching us. My eyes went to Beta Zander to see his reaction, but his face was so emotionless. Well, he said it earlier that anyone can do whatever they wanted, so he can't stop Derek now. Now it's just me and me alone. I have to be strong to fight for my life because no one is coming to help me out. The arrogant liar ran to me in his wolf form, and he threw me right to the ground, making me break some bones. I screamed out loud in pain. This is too much. I have lost a lot. I don't think I have any more strength left. My whole body is in so much pain. He began to jump around happily. Such a devil. I tried to stand up, but my body was screaming of pains, making it so hard for me to move. I stayed on the ground and kept looking at him. It seems he was enjoying watching me on the ground because he didn't make any attempt to come to me. He just kept looking at me, giving me an evil look as I kept jumping around. “Stella can we shift right now?” I asked my wolf. “Just a minute. I am trying to fix our broken bones, or else shifting will hurt as hell.” she said weakly. She sounded like she was really busy “You have to hurry up because this dude looks like he is going to kill us any seconds from now. I am so sorry I am pushing you this hard when I know you aren't having it easy because of the wolfsbane in your system. But we need to win this guy, or else we might die.” I told her. She didn't reply to me as she continued healing me. He began to move close to me. I am guessing he is done celebrating, and now he wants to finish me up because his face looks like he is ready to kill me any seconds from now. I put on a straight face not to show my fear. I didn't want him to feel so special that he got me. I have to keep confusing him. That way, he won't feel so proud. He came too close to me and looked down on me. The look his wolf gave me made me realize he was mocking me for being under him. He thinks that's the end. He is now the winner. Well, I am going to show him who the hell I am. I am Estrella Santiago. Daughter of an alpha. I have the blood of an alpha running through my veins. I am way above him and also stronger than him. Unlike him, I know what it is to be a rogue, and that's a plus advantage for me. I am never going to let him win because winning is what I love to do. And no wolfsbane poison or broken bones can stop me from winning. “SHIFT NOW.” Stella ordered in a low growl. In less than two seconds, I shifted into my wolf and stood up. I heard gasps here and there, but I didn't bother to look at what the problem is because I already know what the problem is. I am the problem. I looked at the arrogant liar and let out a wolfy smirk when I saw the fear in his eyes as he looked up to me. Yes, he is basically looking up at me because I am bigger than him, which is something that is rare for a she werewolf. A male werewolf is always bigger than a female werewolf. But I am no ordinary female werewolf. My wolf Stella is not just an alpha, but she is a plain white wolf, which makes us so special and powerful. Whenever rogues sees my wolf form, they also get so scared of me. It's not always I shift because I don't want to bring too much attention to myself. I only shift when it is necessary. I let out a loud howl to show my aura and authority, making the ground shake. Then I looked down at my enemy, who looked so frightening. I am guessing he wasn't expecting me to shift after he has used a wolfsbane on me. He doesn't know I have the strongest wolf ever. I wish I could laugh at his face, but just as my Dad has said, I shouldn't celebrate just yet, not until I have won and completely defeated my enemy. Now it's time to get my revenge for everything he has done to me since I got here. He should know that there is no way I was going to let him go just like that or even forgive him. I walked to him at a slow pace while he was walking backwards. I patiently kept walking to him as he kept walking back. I didn't chase after him because I loved the fear I saw in his eyes. He barked for me to let him go, but I refused to. I don't take orders from him. I stood walking and looked at him. I continued looking at him before I unexpectedly jumped on him, taking him by surprise. I used my fangs and digged them anywhere I wanted to. My claws were all busy tearing his skin. I felt so much joy when I heard his pained howl and whines. He tried to push me away, but he couldn't because I was bigger than him in size, so it was hard for him. When he saw that I wasn't letting him go, he quickly tapped out. I felt so satisfied when I realized I was now the winner. But it wasn't enough. I needed to get my respect back. I threw me just the way he did to me. I walked to him and stood in front of him, looking at him right in the eyes. He doesn't look in good shape. I really did injure him badly. He was bleeding all over. I let out a very low growl while I was still looking at him. Just as I wanted, he bent his head so low, showing me his full submission. Now I feel so satisfied because not only did I win but I also got my respect back. I raised my head up and allowed Stella to announce her victory. To my greatest surprise, everyone stood up to clap for me. Including Beta Zander, who still had a shock look on his face. I smiled, feeling so fulfilled that my goal is going to come true now. It will be so easy for me now to get my revenge. I thought I could go on, but then my body collapsed. I shifted back as I lay on the ground naked. I couldn't move my body, not even my fingers. It was the poison. I began to feel my eyes shut down on their own. I kept fighting myself to keep my eyes open, but it was so hard to do that. The last thing I saw was the nurses running to me before I finally shut my eyes. It's now time to rest.
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