Cold eyes

1820 Words
ESTRELLA POV The rumours are right. The Golden Pack is indeed so big and beautiful. I have never seen a pack that looks just like this. It screams wealth just by looking at it. The land sure is blessed with amazing nature. I couldn't help but get captivated by the environment. I was still looking around when I felt someone push me. I looked to see it was some dude who actually bumped into me, and he didn't even apologize for what he did. He just walked past acting like I was invisible. “Hello excuse me.” I called out, making him stop walking. He turned to look at me, raising an eyebrow up. “Are you talking to me?” he asked. “Of course I am talking to you. You just bumped into me, and you didn't apologize for doing that.” I told him. I watched as his eyes moved up and down at me. I can tell he is judging me with his looks. “So?” was the question he dared to ask. “Wait did you just ask me so? I deserve an apology for you bumping into me. What if I had fallen down?” I asked him. “Well clearly you didn't, so you don't need any apology from me. Now will you excuse me, little girl, I have important things to do.” he said before walking away. I stood in disbelief at his arrogant and rude attitude. He called me a little girl. I am not seven but twenty-two years old, yet he called me a little girl. I hope to see him again. I will definitely make him regret being rude to me. I let out a sigh and began to search for where I was supposed to go. I noticed some people walking in a direction, so I began to follow them behind. I don't know why, but I just followed my instincts that told me to go with them. Thank goodness I did because they led me right to where other applicants were. I joined a long queue. I could feel eyes on me, but I didn't bother about them at all. I have no business with any of them, so why bother. It finally got to my turn after standing for long on the queue. “Good afternoon.” I greeted respectfully. The man who was seated in front raised his head and looked at me. He looked at me with a confused look on his face. “Sorry but are you lost?” he asked. “I don't think so.” I answered, getting confused as to why he asked me that question. “I think you are. You shouldn't be here. This is a place for applicants who want to be warriors, not cooks.” he said. “I am aware of that. I am here as an applicant to be a warrior and not a cook.” I said, trying to sound respectful. “You want to be a warrior?” he asked, looking surprised. “Of course. Is there any problem with that?” I asked, wondering what his problem is. “Look around you, do you see any lady here?” he asked. I turned, and I figured he was right. The place was filled with just men. I am the only lady here. Now I get why people kept staring at me. I am the only odd one here. I turned back to look at him, and then I smiled since I didn't know what else to do. “Is there going to be a problem with me being a female?” I asked softly. “Well it depends. The tests are not going to be easy. As a lady, I don't think you can do it. It's better you just go home now than waste your time and end up hurting yourself.” he said to me. The way he spoke to me didn't sound like he was mocking me, but rather, it was out of worry. At least he is being a gentleman. “I appreciate your kind words of advice, but you don't need to worry about me. I am here because I am determined to be a warrior, and I don't mind the test, I will do my very best to win.” I told him. “I see you are so determined. Well, I wish you all the best then.” he smiled. I smiled back and handed to him my profile, which I made before coming here. “That is all for now. Next.” he said. I moved aside for the next person. I decided that since there was nothing to do, I should just walk around and see the pack well. I took a stroll around, but I made sure not to go so far in case they start something. I will be able to run back. I was astonished by the houses and the foresr in this place. The people were all looking so beautiful. I am yet to see anyone who is ugly in this place. It's like they are using special skincare products because their skin was literally shining. Or could it be that their water is blessed, or could it be the food they eat? “Let me go, or else I will have you arrested.” “You little brat. Who do you think you are to get me arrested? You are nothing. Now give us all the money you have on you.” “Never. I can't give you my brother's money. It doesn't belong to you. You thieves.” I looked behind me to see whose voices I just heard. I looked at a corner and noticed that a young girl was being bullied by some big men. They looked ugly, so definitely I can tell they aren't from the pack. They might be strangers just like myself. But why will they just enter someone's pack and begin to threaten the people? They are here to be warriors who will protect the pack and not be a nuisance to the peace of the pack. I hope they don't get accepted and they fail woefully in their test. They don't deserve to be warriors. I wanted to walk away since it was none of my business. But then I can't stand it when a weak person is being bullied. It's is also a girl too. There is no way I can overlook it. I walked towards them. “What is going on here?” I asked, getting their attention as they all turned to look at me. “It's none of your business. Go your way, or you will get hurt.” one of the men said. “Aren't you ashamed of yourselves? You came here to be warriors, yet you are bullying a little girl who you are meant to protect. That is so disgusting of you both. At least pick your size and stop bullying weak people. Let the girl go if you don't want to be hurt.” I warned them. “Look at who is threatening us. Ohh I am scared. My legs are shaking. You know nothing about us, so just leave us alone if you value your life.” the other said laughing. I let out a sigh and dropped my bag. “I warned you before, but you refused to listen. Whatever you get, you deserve it.” I told them. I really shouldn't be caught doing this because it can get me disqualified. But I can't help it. They need to be taught a lesson. The first one walked to me, holding an iron rod. He tried to hit me with it, but then I dodged it and knocked it off his hand. Before he could pick it up, I beat him to it. I held the rod on my hand and used it on him instead. I hit him so hard that he began to bleed. His friend tried to help him. I beat him too with the same rod. They couldn't fight against my speed, so they ran off for their dear lives. I dropped the rod and picked up my bag. I turned to leave when the girl stopped me. She ran to me. “Thank you for helping me out from those men.” she said. “It is fine. Next time, be extra careful.” I advised her. “Can you please come with me so I can buy something for you to show my appreciation?” she offered. “No need for that. I don't need anything from you. You saying thank you is enough.” I told her as I tried to walk away again. “Wait please. I really want to get you something.” she said. “No need for that. It's fine. Use the money for something better.” I said to her. I didn't want her spending money on me when she needed the money more. “Okay can I at least get your name?” she asked. “Sorry I can't tell you my name. You are a stranger who I just met. Not because I saved you earlier doesn't mean we are friends now. You are still a stranger to me.” I told her. “But I don't look harmful. Or do I?” she asked. She seems like the persistent type of person. She makes me remember my brother, Justino. From looking at this girl, I think they will be of desame age group if he was still alive. Thinking about him made me remember what I was here for. I need to get back. “I need to go back to where I am coming from. Bye.” I said as I walked away. I ignored the number of times she kept calling me to stop walking. I went back to the hall to see everyone standing and all quiet. I hope I didn't miss anything. I stood behind, wondering what was going on when I saw what made my blood so cold. It was the same face as the person who killed my parents. I heard people beside me gasping as they saw him. I could hear some heartbeat becoming faster. Some people held their breath like they would be killed for breathing. They were scared of him. After all, he is Alpha Gustavio, the coldest alpha ever. I really don't blame them for acting this way. But I will never be scared of this murderer. In fact, just looking at him makes my blood boil in anger. I just imagine holding a dagger and stabbing it into his chest directly where his heart is located. I honestly can't wait to see him take his last breath. He began to look around until his eyes locked into my cold eyes.
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