A Distraction

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RAMON POV I know I said I didn't want to see the warriors, but then I still couldn't shake the thought of my head, so I had to see them. I decided to go with Zander when he came to get the names of those I have picked. He looked surprised when I informed him I was going to come with him. I knew he wanted to ask questions, but he dared not. The moment I walked into the hall, everyone became silent. It's a good thing they can feel my aura, although I am not their alpha. I stood behind and allowed Zander to talk to them instead while I looked at them with an emotionless face. As I kept moving my eyes, I noticed they were all scared of me and they couldn't hold eye contact with me. That is good. I like that. It shows I am in control here, and I have the ultimate power and authority. I kept looking at everyone until I noticed someone who stood out entirely from the crowd. It was a lady with black straight hair tied in a ponytail. Her black eyes looked back at me. She wasn't like the rest. She didn't lower her eyes when she saw I was staring at her. Instead, she held eye contact with me like she was challenging me. Unlike the rest, she had a cold look in her eyes instead of a scared one. She didn't shake at all. I wonder if she doesn't feel my aura since she is right behind? She must be the Estrella. She has to be the one because she is the only female I can see in here. For her body figure, she doesn't look so bad for a warrior. Although she isn't tall like I expected. She isn't as big as most men in here. But she looks like she has been doing some workout. Rick began to act up again. “What is wrong with you? Don't start now, okay?” I warned him in a cold voice. He immediately stayed still obeying me. He knows when I am dead serious, and when I'm not, that's why he always listens to me. “I will be calling the names of those who have been selected. If you hear your names, please step aside.” Zander said. I brought back my attention to him. I stood and watched as he called the names of those I selected. Looking at them made me realize I did well in selecting them. “Estrella Santiago.” Zander called out. My attention went to her unconsciously. I can't tell why my head turned to her the moment I heard her name, but I just found myself doing it. I noticed how she let out a small smirk before keeping a straight face. If I hadn't closely watched her, I would have thought I was seeing things or mistaken. But I saw that smirk clearly. I wonder why she is happy that she is selected. Maybe she really wants to be a warrior. She walked with her head up to the other side and stood on her own. I noticed she likes to stay on her own. Is she also an introvert? Zander finished calling the names. “For those of you who didn't hear your names, sorry, but you have to go back to your packs. You aren't suitable to be picked as a warrior.” he said. They began to murmur out aloud. Definitely, it's not all of them that will be pleased with my decision, and I don't care. “How will you say that I am not suitable but then you picked her?” someone said angrily, drawing my attention to him. I looked at him and felt happy I made a good decision not to pick him because he looked like a thug. He looked like he was not going to be of any good use here. “The decision has been made already. There is no need to ask why.” Zander said with a straight face. “No I have every right to ask because it's like an insult you picking a female over me. I am a better choice than she is. I mean, just look at her. She is meant to be in the kitchen slaving around than be here. She should join her type where they rightfully belong.” he said harshly. Now that's something I won't accept. A man insulting a woman. That's disgusting. I wanted to interfere when I heard a loud growl. I was thinking it was a man who did that, but I was surprised to see it was her. Her growl sounded so powerful for a normal she werewolf. She walked towards the man and stood in front of him looking so mad. I stood and decided to watch what she was about to do. “Women are not weaklings or slaves. You should never say that to a woman. We are equal to you men, so don't think low of us. Besides, you are the problem why you weren't picked. I am not your problem. So work on yourself. Don't be a shameless fool.” she warned him. “How dare you talk to me like that? I can slap you right now.” the man said, threatening her. She stood so close to him with her head so high as she looked him dead in the eyes. “I dare you to hit me, and I swear you won't be able to use your hands for weeks.” she said. I don't know what it was, but I felt something coming from her. Like some powerful aura. Why do I keep feeling like this is no ordinary woman? The man looked shocked and scared, although he hid his emotions immediately. “Just thank your stars that the alpha is here. I would have taught you a lesson never to disrespect me. But always remember that I am waiting for you to leave this pack. I am sure you will fail the test. I will be waiting to get my revenge, and that's a promise.” he said before walking out angrily. I looked at her and saw she was unfazed by his words. She only walked back to her place and stood. Everyone watched quietly. I noticed Zander looked impressed at her. I let out a sigh when I noticed I had spent much time here. I walked out without saying a word to anyone and went home. I entered the house, and the sound of Rosa crying filled my ears. I rolled my eyes as I wondered what drama she was playing right now. I walked past the living room only to see my dad looking so mad, and my mum was hugging her, trying to console her. Why do I feel like something serious happened? “Ramon you are back. Welcome back, son. I will ask someone to take your food upstairs.” my mum said softly. I nodded and wanted to go upstairs when Rosa stood up and ran to hug me. I felt so stiff and uncomfortable with the body contact. “Rosa what is the meaning of this? I thought I told you not to touch me all the time?” I asked her as I was getting pissed off. “Sorry brother. I just need some support from you. Something bad happened to me earlier.” she said, crying. I calmed down when I noticed she was serious and not dramatic like she used to. “What happened?” I asked. “Some ugly looking men tried to attack me. They wanted to take your card from me. They held an iron rod and wanted to hit me with it.” she said before wailing loudly. I pulled her away from me as I looked at her with a straight look. “Who are they?” “I don't know who they are. They don't look like they are from around here.” She answered. I got so mad that she was attacked by some people who are probably those who I allowed to come into my pack. This is why I don't trust anyone. But then again, I don't play with my family most especially my sister. Yes, I know I can be so cold to her, and I don't like her bothering me, but then she is still my younger sister. I never joke with her being bullied or attacked. “Did they hurt you?” I asked her. “No they didn't. They were about to when a lady came and saved me.” she answered. “A lady? Who is she?” I asked, wondering who could be the lady. “I tried to get her name, but she won't tell me. She just walked away. I was even planning on buying her a gift to show my appreciation, but she refused to accept it. I really owe her for what she did. She saved my life and your credit card.” she said. “Next time, be extra careful because strange people are in this pack. You have to be vigilant. Now, since you are fine, I am going to my room.” I said to her. I turned and walked up to my room. I entered and let out a sigh of relief that I was finally in my most comfortable place. I pulled off my shirt and trousers before putting on my towel. I walked into the bathroom and took a quick bath. My mind went to what happened today. Today is indeed a chaotic one for me. It's been a while since I had such a day such as this. I didn't know why, but I began to think about that lady who looked at me with a cold look in her eyes. She is the first lady who has looked at me like that. Most ladies are either scared of me, or maybe they are trying to seduce me. No lady had ever given me a cold look. I finished bathing and decided never to think of her again. I hate it that she is in my mind. It's a distraction. I walked to my bedroom and saw my food was already. I sat down and ate before and went back to working on some paperwork. It was so late at night before I could finally fall asleep. I closed my eyes and slept. I felt a nudge. I opened my eyes, and the first thing I saw was that a dagger was pointed right in front of my eyes. “You will die today. I am going to end you by myself.” I closed my eyes when the dagger went up and moved fast down to my face.
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