A New Friend

1827 Words
ESTRELLA POV POOMM!!!!! I opened my eyes and saw it was dark outside. What the hell is that sound? Is it not morning yet? Could there be a fire somewhere or what? I stood up and walked to the door. I opened it and saw I wasn't the only one who got out to check what was going on. Last night, we were taken to a building where we were given rooms to stay. Because I am the only female, I am the only one who gets to stay in the room given to me. I wasn't going to share with anyone, which is far much better for me. I have my alone time to be able to think well and make my personal plans. No one is going to distract me. “Everyone out right now.” was the order we heard. I walked out and joined the rest to stand outside. Some were still looking so sleepy. But all the sleep in me is gone. I was eager to know what was happening. “Listen up, everyone. We are going to start testing you all right now. First of all, you are to run around that field. I need fifty laps.” The man who was speaking yesterday who introduced himself as Zander said. I'm guessing he is the beta because he seems like one. I heard some people murmuring, making me turn to see why they were complaining. I saw the field, and damn it's huge. It was so big and large. “Anyone who can't make it to thirty laps should be ready to leave the pack ground.” Beta Zander said. “Now everyone moves to the field.” he instructed. We all walked to the field and stood waiting for him. He finally arrived and gave us a cue to start running. We all began to run. I noticed now that some men ran so fast in the very beginning. They were in a hurry to get to the finish line. While I, on the other hand, ran at a low speed. I wasn't being slow but being smart. I took my time jogging around. I noticed I was the last who was left behind. But that didn't bother me. I kept jogging around. When we got to twenty laps, I noticed that those who were in front were slowing down gradually. They were losing their breath and panting so hard. Some began to pull out when they couldn't do it again. I continued jogging, and in no time, I was right in front of those who were in front of me. I continued jogging and finished thirty laps. I didn't stop. I continued jogging because I wasn't feeling so tired. Well, I am used to running around as a rogue, so this is actually nothing. It is like I was exercising. I got to forty laps and noticed it was just me and two other guys who were still running. In forty-three laps, they both pulled out, leaving just me on the field. I refused to stop because I wanted to finish up. I must prove to them all that a woman can also do better than men. I finally finished the last lap before I stopped running. I fell on the ground as I tried to catch my breath. Beta Zander himself was the one who ran to me holding an oxygen bag. “Here breath inside it.” he said. I took it and began to breathe inside of it. Slowly, I began to calm down. I pulled it out and looked at him. “Thank you.” I said. “Are you okay now?” he asked. “Yes I am fine. Thank you.” I said. He nodded and helped me up. I walked to where the other men were. “Alright everyone listen to me. You all did well in running around, although some of you didn't reach thirty laps. If you know you didn't reach the number of laps, please kindly go get your bags and leave this pack immediately. No one is allowed to move around in here.” Beta Zander instructed. I noticed that it was six people who were actually leaving the pack. Beta Zander left us to rest. The men were talking to themselves, leaving me out of their conversations, which didn't bother me. I laid on the grass and shut my eyes to rest for a while. After a few minutes past, I noticed someone sitting beside me. Out of habit, I sat up, getting ready to attack whoever it was. “Woah calm down. I didn't come here to harm you.” a guy said, raising his hands up. He had blond hair and his eyes were so brown. He looks so slim like he has been starving, or maybe that's just how his body is. “What do you want from me?” I asked him. “Hi I am Gerald from Dew pack.” he said, introducing himself. “I didn't ask you who you were. The question I asked is, what do you want from me?” I asked him again. I needed to know what he wanted because clearly, I thought everyone is here to mind their business and focus on what they were here for. Besides, why is he trying to talk to me who is a girl? “Calm down. I don't mean you any harm. I am just here to talk to you since I noticed that you are alone and no one is talking to you.” he answered. “Well thank you for being caring, but I don't need you to come keep me company because I am fine alone. You can go ahead and have fun with your friends.” I told him. “Actually I have no friends here. No one wants to talk to me, just like how they don't want to talk to you. That's why I thought to just come talk to you instead.” he said. I looked at him and noticed he was saying the truth. “So what do you want from me?” I asked again. “Can we be friends? Promise I am not evil or the type to betray anyone because I want to win.” he said quickly. “You telling me this sounds so suspicious like that is what you have in mind.” I said. “I am being serious. I am not that kind of person.” he said. “Fine my name is Estrella.” I told him. “Wow Estrella. That's a beautiful feminine name. It actually doesn't suit your looks.” he said, smiling. “And how do I look?” I asked, finding this sentence interesting. “Well you look so fierce, and you are always having a straight face. You don't seem to be feminine. But that's okay. It's not a bad thing.” he said. “Oh I see.” was the only thing I could say. “So I have a question that I need to ask you. Please, I hope you won't be offended by it. I just need to find out the answer from you.” he said. “Okay what is your question?” I asked him. “I want to know why you want to join the Golden Pack Warriors? You are the only woman here. Doesn't that discourage you from being a warrior?” he asked. I didn't want to answer his questions, but then I remembered he first asked in a polite manner. “I don't feel discouraged at all to be a warrior. Yes, I am aware that I am the only female here, but that is not going to stop me from achieving my goal.” I answered. “And what is that goal?” he asked. ‘Goal to get my revenge.’ I thought. “My goal is to be a warrior. It has always been my wish and desire to be one. That's why I am here.” I answered him smiling. “At least you are here because you wish to and you want to.” he said, sounding down. Now that's means something. It seems he doesn't want to be here himself. “You seem like you don't want to be here. Am I right?” I asked him. He let out a sigh before answering. “You are right. I never wanted to be a warrior. But then I can't lose. I have to be a warrior. That's the only way I can help my parents and siblings out. I come from an omega family. And you know we are known as the poorest werewolves. I need to do this so I can be able to provide for my family.” he said. His words got to me. He is here for his family and not for himself. Omegas are the weakest in the pack. Back in my pack, my Dad made sure that all omegas were treated with equal respect, and that's what I wished to do also when I became the alpha. No omega should be maltreated because of how they were born. They should be given good jobs and paid well so they can take care of theirselves and their families. I looked at Gerald and fell pity for him. Maybe it's not the same in his pack, that's why he is here. “I hope you get to be a warrior. You just need to try your best and not get distracted. That way, you can win.” I advised him. “Thanks. So does that mean we are now friends?” he asked, smiling. I looked at him and began to think. I am not ready to have any friends at the moment because friends can be a distraction. But then I can't see myself telling him no. He seems like a good person, although I am not going to trust him. “Fine we can be friends. But the moment you snitch on me, I will catch your balls off.” I warned him, making him make a face. “I hear you perfectly well. I will be careful around you because I know you are going to do what you just said.” He said, then he smiled at me. I smiled back at him. Then I heard a cough. I turned to see it was Beta Zander. “Now you all have rested for a long while. We need to continue. Now, the next exercise is a hundred push-ups.” Did he just say a hundred push-ups? How on earth does he expect us to do a hundred push up. I doubt if I can do up to forty. Does that mean I am going to go home today. I felt my heart fall because I could see my failure flashing right in front of me.
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