The Signs

1995 Words
RAMON POV I felt a sharp pain right in my chest making me to drop the glass of water I was holding in the kitchen. It fell and broke into pieces. I only stood still not moving. “Ramon what is wrong with you? Are you okay?” I heard the voice of my Mum. I turned to look at her and she let out a gasp like she was looking at an horrific person. “You are crying. What is wrong son? Are you ill? Do you need to see the doctor? I will call him immediately.” she said as she began to move around. I raised my hand and touched my eyes to see she wasn't lying. I felt my face was wet. Tears dropped off my eyes and I didn't realize when it did. I angrily wiped it off. First of all what is wrong with me? Second of all why the hell is tears dropping from my eyes? I have forgotten when last I let a tear drop off my eyes. Even when I am having the hardest moment of my life, I never cry or let a tear drop from my eyes. So what the hell is going on with me? This isn't ordinary at all. I turned to see my mum was still panicking as she was moving around. “Mum you don't need to send for a doctor. I am fine.” I told her making her to stop moving and turn to look at me. “Are you sure you are fine? Do you feel any pain anywhere? Do you need to see the doctor or something?” she asked looking so worried. “No I don't need to see the doctor. Something just entered my eyes that's all.” I lied. “But then why did you drop the glass? You know you can tell me anything and you don't need to hide anything from me. I am your mother and I would love it if you tell me anything and everything that is bothering you.” she said calmly. I put on a straight face to guard my emotions from showing. “Like I said, I am fine Mum. I will just clean this up and then go to my room.” I told her. I was about to get what to use to clean when she stopped me. “You don't need to clean. I will do it myself. Just go and rest. You look like you need rest.” “No I should clean my mess. I will do it.” I insisted. “Ramon you better go to your room right now. Leave it to me to handle it.” she said frowning. Now I know better than to disobey my mother. I love my parents but at the same time I still don't allow them into my personal space just like that. I still respect them because they are the ones who birthed me and also trained me into being the person I am today. I can't disrespect them no matter what. “Thanks Mum.” I said before leaving the kitchen. I walked to my room and locked the door. “Can you explain to me what just happened a while ago?” I asked my wolf. “I honestly have no idea too. I also felt the pain you felt. It was so painful. I thought you were stabbed but at the same time it wasn't you who is stabbed. It's like we are feeling someone else pain.” Rick answered. “What do you mean by we are feeling someone's pain? Could it be that we just lost another pack member? But this pain isn't like the normal one we usually feel when a pack member dies.” I questioned. “You are right about that. It isn't the same feeling. Wait can you call your sister? You haven't seen her throughout the day. Check on her. I just hope she is fine.” he said sounding worried. I quickly tried to mind link her but her walls were up. I looked around for my phone and quickly dialed her number. After four rings she picked. “What a great surprise to see you are the one calling me big brother.” she said sounding all fine. “Why the hell is your walls up?” I asked trying not to lose my cool. “Huh? I was having some fun time with my friends and I didn't want to be disturbed. Besides I never knew you will actually try to send me a message because you never do that. Why? Did something happen at home?” she asked sounding worried. “No nothing happened at home. Hope your good where you are?” I asked. “Wait this is getting so suspicious. You are worried about my safety all of a sudden. It means something happened. I am coming home right now.” she said and I heard a sound of a chair moving. “You don't need to come back home. Nothing is happening over here. You just be fine and safe wherever you are. Don't come back home.” I said before hanging up. So if she is fine then who the hell is hurt? I wanted to mind link Zander but then I remembered he is busy with the new warriors. Today is a big day for them. It's a combat day where they are to fight to win. I can't interrupt him right now. Maybe it's best if I go out myself to see what is going on. I stood up from my bed and walked out of my room. As I was heading to the door, the door opened and I saw Rosa run in. The moment she saw me, she quickly ran to hug me. “Rosa can you step back for a second?” I said as I tried to push her away. She refused to listen to me. After all she never listens. I told her not to come yet she didn't listen to me. I wonder when she will start to listen to me. “Are you okay Ramon? Is mum and dad okay?” she asked. “Everyone is fine. Now can you let go of me so I can go out?” I questioned. She let me go and looked at me. “Are you sure everything is okay?” she asked still not believing my words. “Go to the kitchen and you will see mum there. Ask her and she will confirm that everything is fine.” I told her before walking out of the house. I began to patrol round the pack to see if I can find anything suspicious but I saw nothing. No dead bodies. The security is still tight. Everyone were doing fine. When the people saw me walking around, they all greeted me before walking away. Nothing strange is happening around the pack. So why the hell did I feel that sharp pain? Or is the pain coming from him? “No the pain is not coming from him. We cut ties with him remember so there is no way you will feel him. This is something different. Now is not the time to think about him.” Rick said immediately. I let out a sigh and decided to forget about what I just thought about. As I was walking back to my house, I noticed some men walking to me. They don't look familiar so I am guessing they are part of the warriors who came here from other packs. From the way they were walking, I can guess they didn't make it and they have been sent home. I decided to hide myself because I don't feel like meeting them or talking to them. “I just hope she will be fine. She is hurt so badly. I wonder how she was about to survive with that deadly wolfsbane poison.” Someone said catching my attention. Who are they talking about and what is this am hearing about that deadly poison? I walked out of my hiding place and stood in front of them. I needed to get my answers directly from them. The moment they saw me, fear filled their faces. “Alpha Gustavio.” they all said in a shaking voice. “Can you give me clearer explanation about who used wolfsbane poison in my pack?” I asked. They began to look at each other. One of them then stepped out to speak. “Alpha we had a fight today. One of the men fought with the only female who came as a warrior. They fought each other so well but then the man decided to stab her with a dagger filled with wolfsbane poison.” Rick took over and let out a very low growl taking me by surprise. I have never felt him get this mad before. The men all got so scared and were shaking like they were having a fever. “So what happened next?” I asked them. I wanted to know everything that happened. “Erm... act...actually the man shifted into his wolf form and then she shifted also. Her wolf is so white and big. I have never seen a white wolf before in my life. She was able to defeat him and she won. Now she is the winner although she is rushed to the hospital because she passed out because of the poison.” the man said in a hurry although I was able to understand everything he said. I also have never seen a white wolf in my life. I thought they were extinct. I didn't know they still exist. Wow this Estrella has once again proved me wrong. I wasn't expecting her to win. And to say she was also stabbed with poison yet she was able to still win. That's so remarkable of her. She indeed deserves to be a warrior. “You all are free to go.” I said. They didn't walk but ran as they left my sight. I let out a sigh as I began to walk. I looked up few minutes later and saw myself in front of the hospital. I began to wonder what exactly I was doing here. I unconsciously brought myself here. I turned to go back home since I have nothing to do here when I saw Zander walking out of the hospital. He looked so disturbed about something. I was stunned that he walked past me without saying a single word. It's like he didn't see me at all. I let out a cough to get his attention. He turned to look at me before facing front as he was still continued walking. Then he turned again this time it was so fast then he stopped walking. “Alpha what are you doing here?” he asked looking confused. “I was just walking around. What are you also doing here?” I asked him. “I came to see someone.” he answered looking down. “And who is that person?” I questioned. My mind went to Estrella. Maybe he went to check up on her since her condition is critical. “My mate. I found my mate.” he answered. “Your mate is here?” I asked in disbelief. He nodded. My heart dropped the moment I heard him say that. Could it be that Estrella is his mate? “Is it the female warrior?” I asked him. “Huh?” he looked confused for a second. “Oh no alpha. It's not her. Actually my mate is a warrior also and he is a male.” he answered. For a second I put on a shocked face before covering it up. “A male?” I asked. “Yes alpha. His name is Gerald.”
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