
1891 Words
ESTRELLA POV I let out a groan as I tried to open my eyes. It was hard at first, but I was able to open them. I looked around and noticed I was in a hospital. I remembered everything that happened and decided to check up on my wolf immediately. “Stella are you okay? Please answer me.” I begged, hoping she would answer me. It took her a minute before she answered. “I am fine, just sleeping. How do you feel in your body?” she asked. “Sore and so heavy. I don't know if I can move my hands and legs just yet. Are you sure you are doing fine?” I asked her, wanting to be sure she isn't lying to me. “Believe me, I am not lying. I am fine. There is no longer poison in your system, so I am perfectly okay.” she answered. “Thank you for hanging on. I really don't know what I would have done if you didn't make it. That's a hell of a poison. You are really strong that it didn't kill you.” I said. “You are forgetting it's also your body too. It would have not only killed me but also. Thank goodness we are both safe and fine. And also we made it as warriors. We will be getting our revenge, and then we can finally leave this place and get a life of our own.” Stella said, sounding so excited. I smiled, not knowing what to say. The door opened, making me look at that direction. To my greatest surprise, it was Gerald who was walking in, or rather, he was limping to me. “Gerald what are you doing here?” I asked him. “What sort of question is that? Why will you be asking what I am doing here? Can't I come check up on my sick friend again? Or you don't want me anymore?” he asked, pouting. “No it's not what you think. Don't say that. I am only just concerned about your health. You were injured badly. You shouldn't be out of bed. You should be lying in your bed instead, resting and recovering.” I told him. “How can I rest when my friend was stabbed and was almost killed? Do you realize how worried I was when I heard what was going on? I wanted to leave the hospital to go to you but they didn't let me leave.” he said, looking so annoyed. “I am sorry for making you to be worried. Look, I am fine and alive. That's all that matters right now. Isn't it?” I asked him, hoping he calmed down. He sat on the bed and helped me sit up before he hugged me gently. “I am so happy you are alive.” he whispered. “I am glad you made it also.” I answered. He pulled me away and stared at my face before announcing. “We did it, Estrella. We are now warriors of the Golden Pack. We finally made it.” he grinned. “Yes we did. We made it together.” I smiled. “We must try our best since this isn't our pack.” he said. “I agree with you about that. We have to prove ourselves to everyone.” I said. “I am ju.....” he started when the door opened in a loud bang, making the both of us jump in shock. I turned to see who was the angry person who opened the hospital door like that. I was speechless when I saw Beta Zander standing right in front of the door. He looked like he was about to shift. “What are you doing here?” he asked as he walked in and shut the door roughly. “I...I....I.........” I was about to answer him that I was brought in here but interrupted me. “I asked you a question, omega. What are you doing here?” he asked again, looking at Gerald and not me. He was actually talking to him instead. But why is he acting so harsh on my friend? I thought he cared about him because I clearly saw it on his face earlier. “With all due respect, Beta Zander, I have a name. My name is not Omega but Gerald. And you asked what I am doing here. I came to see my best friend of course. Is there anything wrong with seeing her?” Gerald asked, not looking scared at the Beta. I wonder where he got such guts to talk back to a beta when he is just an omega. “You should be resting on your bed instead of moving around. Your leg is injured. You need to take care of yourself first before thinking of others.” Beta Zander said to him. I didn't want to feel offended by what he just said, although it was so hard to. But sadly, he is right. One should take care of theirselves first before thinking about others. “Estrella isn't just anyone to me. She is my best friend and I care about her more than anything.” Gerald said, sounding offended by what Beta Zander just said. Beta Zander let out a sigh as he was trying to calm himself down. “Fine I apologize for sounding that way, but you can't blame me. I just care about you, that's all.” he said. “And why do you care about me when there is nothing serious about me? I am just an omega who doesn't belong to your pack.” Gerald said, looking lost. “Wait are you saying you aren't feeling anything?” Beta Zander asked with his eyes wide open. “What is it that I am supposed to feel?” my friend asked, still looking confused and lost. “Wait what happened to your wolf? Is it saying something to you?” the beta asked. “He is asleep because he needs to rest from the fight. He is also an omega.” Gerald answered. “Oh I thought you lost him. That's why you can't feel the bond.” Beta Zander said, looking relive. “Sorry but Beta Zander, you keep saying things that make no sense since you got here. Please can you explain yourself to me so I can understand clearly.” Gerald requested. Without saying a word, Beta Zander walked to Gerald and slowly rested his hands on his cheeks. It was when Gerald closed his eyes like he was lost in the touch that it occurred to me what was going on between the two of them. “Mate!!!” Gerald whispered. I couldn't make a sound, so I had to close my mouth with my hands. Gerald pushed the beta away from him. “Sorry but can you leave. I can't see you right now.” he said to him “Bu.....” “Leave right now.” Gerald said loudly. I watched as Beta Zander walked out of the room quietly. I looked at my friend to see him looking conflicted. “No way will my mate be a male. I can't accept that. I refuse to accept that.” he whispered to himself. I decided not to bother him with the issue since it looked like he was in a tight corner. Maybe when he is more relaxed, I can get to talk to him. He left my room to return back to his after saying for a while. I let out a sigh, feeling so much pity for my friend. I can understand where he is coming from. I am sure he wasn't expecting to come find his mate here because he came just for his family. Also, he must have always dreamt of having a female mate only to see he is paired with a male mate. It must have been a real shock to him since he wasn't expecting it to be this way. I feel so much pity for him. I don't know what I would do myself if I find out my mate is in this same pack. I can't have a mate here, or else he will ruin my plans. I just hope he is still far away or even dead. I really don't mind if my mate is dead. At least it is better that way. After that day, Gerald refused to talk about the issue about he and Beta Zander, and I didn't ask him about it. I noticed he kept avoiding Beta Zander all the time. We finally left the hospital and we were taken to the house given to us. Beta Zander wanted Gerald to stay at his house, but he declined immediately and instead on staying together with me and the rest of the warriors. From the look on Beta Zander's face, I am sure he isn't happy that Gerald doesn't want him. At least he is true to his feelings, and I can see how much he loves my friend. Now, the only problem at hand is Gerald changing his mind and accepting him. I just hope my friend makes the right choice, although he has refused to talk about it. After we spent a night in our new house, which was comfy and nice to stay, we were informed that we would be taken to the alpha for him to address us and accept us as his warriors. I felt my blood get cold when I heard that we would be meeting with that evil monster who is a murderer. I didn't know how I was feeling, knowing I was going to see him soon. I was having mixed emotions. I was feeling happy that I was going to see him and study him more then at the same time I was feeling so angry that I was about to see the face of the man who murdered my family. I decided to do my best while seeing him. It was almost time to leave, so I took a quick bath and dressed into a track suit which was given to us. We were told to form a line and match to where the meeting is held. I was happy that we were only going to meet just him and not the whole pack. We walked in and waited for him to come while standing. Before I could see him, I had already felt his presence. The aura of a strong Alpha. But what is that smell? It is so amazing, and I can't shake it off my head. I know I was meant to look forward since it's an order as a warrior, but I couldn't stop myself from turning to find out where the scent was coming from. I almost passed out when I saw who the scent belonged to. “Alpha Gustavio is our mate Estrella.” Stella said with fear in her voice. I stood there watching him in disbelief. No way will my enemy be my mate. I can't and will never allow that to happen. I looked at him with a deep frown of hatred. I did the next thing that was in my mind. I walked away.
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