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Reese’s POV “Out again, I see. You don’t ever listen, do you?” Fredrick, my best friend said with a cheeky grin. He stood by the door of my room, his back glued to the wall and his legs crossed like he had been waiting for a long time. “It’s never pleasant to see you, Fred. What are you even doing here? Don’t you have your little mate to play around with?” I teased, taking off my jacket as I crashed unto the bed, my mind playing out scenes from today’s encounter with Blaze. My heart stung as I remembered that today might be the last time I ever saw her. “I got tired of playing around with her. I need a new toy.” He clicked his tongue, a sinister grin making it’s way to his face. “You shouldn’t refer to women as toys, Fredrick.” I tell him for the one hundredth time and he just nods his head, not really listening to me. He had always been like this. Using women like they were some tool for pleasure. I was his best friend but his ways disgusted me. “About to give me a lecture? Forget about it.” He dismisses me with a wave, his brown hair bouncing up and down as he spoke. Damn, he needed a hair cut. “Your father, has he said a word since you made the attack on the outlands?” Typical Fredrick. He would quickly move on to another topic the moment he sensed that he was about to be lectured. My heart ached hearing him talk about what I did to the wolves in the outlands. I was plainly following King Jethro’s command but I still led the attack and killed quite a number of them. Blaze was right to despise me. EARLIER THAT DAY “ I guess that makes two of us.” I tell her with a cheeky smile on my face. It grows even wider when I see her blush slightly. As if she remembers something, she turns to me with a new look on her face. She stared at me with hurt written all over her face. She suddenly stands, her eyes throwing daggers at me. “It was your people. Right?” She says in a low voice but I could tell that she was holding herself back. To be honest, I had no idea what she was talking about so I just let her continue. “Huh?” “Do not give me that look. I know that it was you monsters from the main town that attacked my people!” She yells, her eyes slowly starting to become a light shade of red. I didn’t know what to say. She was right. It wasn’t just my people, I led the attack myself but with orders from my father. “I’d kill you right here but that would only make me a monster like you. Killing all those innocent women and children. You disgust me, Reese.” She spits, her face full of disappointment and hatred. I wanted to tell her that I didn’t kill any child or woman, perhaps the other warriors did but that was only because they had to obey my father. We had only one purpose, to bring in the special wolf but even after capturing a good number of them, the special wolf was no where to be found. “Leave, Reese, and never come back. I won’t spare you the next time I see you.” She glares one last time before taking off, leaving me to wallow in guilt. PRESENT DAY “He hasn’t. He must be too disappointed to see my face. I failed him.” I say with a sigh and Fredrick shakes his head, knowing fully well that I was right. “Do you think they knew that we were coming? Perhaps they hurriedly hid the wolf from us.” He says and I wave my hand. “That’s not possible. I don’t even think they have the special wolf. If it was one of them, they would have put up a fight knowing that they had a wolf that powerful.” I explain, not fully understanding things myself. It honestly made no sense to me why they would let us invade their territory and kill so many people when they had a wolf that was strong enough to kill a hundred wolves all at once. “I had the same thought too. Do you think they are just waiting for a day to attack. I can’t see to figure out what’s going through their mind.” Fredrick says, his right hand placed under his chin. “Whatever it is. I don’t think it was right of us to capture all those people. It doesn’t feel right.” I say, the guilt eating me up. “What are you talking about, Reese. You shouldn’t let your father hear you * Fred says, looking at me like I had committed a sin. “I mean it though. They haven’t done anything to us, so why do they need to suffer?” I sigh, my right hand running through my hair in frustration. “Are you drunk?” He says, leaning in to look into my eyes. “You don’t look like you are, so where is this nonsense coming from?” “Are you suddenly having sympathy for those cursed lot. Even the moon goddess despises them which is why she placed a curse on them and had them exiled. They are pretty much witches and if we give them the chance, they’ll kill us all.” He says and I turn to him with frustration. “This is just what we heard. Has any of them tried to kill you? Besides, that was ages ago. These ones, the children, they have nothing to do with the sins of their ancestors, so why have them suffer, Fredrick.” I rake my hands through my hair, suddenly feeling a surge of emotions that couldn’t be explained. “They might actually be good people, for all we know but we’re too blind to see it.” I tell him but he looks at me with the same disappointed look father probably had on his face when he learnt that I was unable to find the special wolf. “Have you been visiting them? Is that why you’re being sympathetic to them all of a sudden. I get it now.” He nods his head, giving a small laugh that doesn’t get to his eyes. “I haven’t. I just feel this way.” I deny. Even though we were friends, I wouldn’t risk telling him of my adventures in the outlands. “Don’t lie to me, Reese. Is that where you have been running off to recently? Why? Do you have a lover there?” He mocks, his eyes searching mine but I close them, shaking my head in denial. “That’s not it.” I tell him, mindful of my tone. I didn’t want to react, it would only make him more suspicious. “Then what is, Reese? What is?” He continues, raising his voice slightly. “We have a duty to our people, to protect them from the rest of the world. That includes those cursed wolves from the outlands. Even if we have to kill each and everyone of them, we should do it happily, knowing that it is out duty.” He continues. Hearing him talk reminds me of all the people that were killed by my people in the recent attacks. But, maybe he was right. We weren’t doing it for ourselves. We had a duty for our people and we were only carrying out that duty. I have done nothing wrong. Besides, Blaze and I had nothing in common. We were from different worlds. “You’re right.” I say with a nod. All of this was said but I still found my thoughts drifting to a certain red haired woman. ‘Get out of my head, Blaze.’
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