1370 Words
Blaze’s POV * * “Jack!” I call out, walking around the woods quickly but there was not a single reply from him. Where could he be? I was beginning to panic as memories from years ago begin to flood my mind. I wouldn’t be able to handle loosing another friend. I was probably just over reacting. I hear shuffling noises around the forest following by a groaning sound. It sounded like a wolf in distress. “Jack.” I run towards the Jack’s wolf which seemed to be wounded. “Change into your human form, Jack. I can only help you that way.” I tell him, my hands caressing his body softly as he whimpered in pain. “I tried. I just can’t.” I hear him say through his wolf. “Try harder, Jack. You’re having a had time doing so because of your injury. Give it another try.” I urged, taking a glance at his wound to see how severe it was. The depth of the wound on his leg suggested that it had been punctured by a sharp object, a branch of a tree perhaps as evidenced by the slow trickle of blood. A profound sense of confusion engulfed me as I stared at him. “Come on, Jack.” I urged, gently coaxing him. Reluctantly, he shifts away, his uninjured leg retracting and he changed back into his human form. Overwhelmed by shock, my hands instinctively rose to cover my mouth as my gaze fixed upon his injured leg. I was damn right. His left leg bore an immense gash, so deep that a surge of fear washed over me by merely observing it. I quickly cut out a piece of my clothe to tie his leg in an attempt to stop the bleeding. “What happened?” I asked softly, concern etching my voice but he only responded by closing his eyes, overwhelmed by the pain. “Tell me about it later. We should leave.” The journey back to the tent was truly exhausting, especially for me since I had to carry him the entire way back on my back. I couldn’t allow him to walk on his own in that state. And even if he tried, it would have been impossible for him. “Blaze!” Elena called out my name, followed by several other warriors who were out enjoying themselves. They were still in high spirits, celebrating my recent acceptance into the warrior group. “Good heavens, Jack. What happened?” She asked, her face filled with worry. “We should get him in first.” I tell them, still carrying him on my back as I hurriedly went into his tent. Time was of essence here. Thankfully, the sun was still out so we didn’t have lighting issues “What do you think?” I ask Elena, who was in the process of examining the wounded area.. She was not a warrior like the rest of us as she gave up on that dream the day she watched charity get shredded into pieces by a wolf. Instead, she got healing abilities from the moon goddess and was now our pack physician. “It’s really bad. I’ll do what I can but I cannot guarantee that he’ll be able to use his leg for a couple of weeks.” I plopped down on the wooden chair that sat close to the bed, my heart aching with pain. “Do what you can.” Elena gave a slight nod as she got down to work, an unconscious Jack lying underneath her. “It’s one of them. It has to be.” My father and the other head warriors were all seated at their strategy table. “I agree with her, Alpha.” Clementine speaks up, her deep voice spreading across the room. Alpha Kayden released a heavy sigh, his eyes reflecting a tinge of sorrow as they met mine. “Leave the room, Blaze.” He said, his voice filled with a mix of sadness and authority. Confusion and frustration swirled within me, prompting me to raise my hands in exasperation. “What? Why?” I exclaimed, annoyed again by my father’s decision. “We the elders will need to discuss further on this. You should leave.” He explained, his tone firm yet gentle. Reluctantly and with a resentful stomp of my feet, I reluctantly complied with his command, making my way out of the tent. “Blaze?” I hear a voice call out to me from where I sit at the edge of the mountains. My first instinct is to be cautious but then I realize that my people and I are the only ones in the vicinity so I relax a bit. “Tell whoever sent you that I’m fine. I’ll be back in a few hours,” I respond calmly. The spot where I am sitting offers a pleasant view, and with the sunset painting the clouds with a beautiful glow. It is a peaceful scene. “What?” The voice says, this time a bit. That voice.. “Reese?” My eyes widened in surprise as I watched the stranger from that faithful day make his way up to me with a curt smile on his lips. “It is you. I knew that red hair only belonged to one person.” He sat beside me, happiness written all over his face. “What are you doing here? How did you even find me?” There was a frown on my face as I spoke. I wasn’t angry with me or anyone at that. I was just annoyed with everything that was happening and he decides to show up. What better way to let out some steam than to use him? “Easy there, little wolf. I didn’t find you. This is a coincidence.” I still didn’t believe him. It felt like he had been searching for me. I just had that feeling. “What are you doing here, Reese?” He didn’t know how dangerous this place was to him since he was from the main town. “Needed a place to relax.” He dusted his boots, his black hair scattered across his face as he looked up, admiring the beautiful scenery. “And there’s no place like that in the main town?” I scoff, turning away from him. “There are, but there’s no red haired beauty there.” I wanted to wipe that stupid smirk off his face so bad but I would need to first get myself a check-up with Elena because why did his statement make me blush? I must be losing it. “Beautiful.” I hear him say and I smile, nodding my head slowly. “It is.” The sun was now beginning to set and the sky looked even more beautiful as a shade of red began to make it’s way into the clouds. I turn my face towards him only to see that he was already staring at me with a small smile. Somehow, being around him made me feel at ease even though I would never admit it. I could feel all the pent up anger I had when I came here beginning to slip out. “Are you a Luna?” He suddenly asks making me laugh a bit. “What makes you think so?” I ask with my own smile tugging at my lips and I happily give in. “You’re unbelievably strong and beautiful. What alpha wouldn’t want to have you as a Luna.” He said, now looking away from me. “Don’t you think I’ll need to first be his mate for that to happen?” I say with a smirk on my face and a look of realization dawns on him. “You don’t have a mate yet?” He didn’t sound so shocked by it, if anything, he sounded relieved. “Not yet. I’m fine with not having one though. I don’t need it.” I say, meaning every word. “I guess that makes two of us then.” He says and I feel Anika, my wolf jump with excitement.
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