
Forbidden Attraction: A love across realms

magical world

Blaze, an overly independent wolf has only one purpose; to avenge her friend who was wrongfully killed and to liberate her people. What happens when she falls in love with the prince of the enemy wolves, the same people who are responsible for the death of her friend and the ill fate of her people. Will she abandon her love for the sake of her purpose? Or will her love force her to abandon it all?

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Stop, let them go!” Blaze screamed as far as her lungs could, running with every strength in her but her tiny legs couldn’t go as fast as she wanted. “Blaze, no.. don’t come over here. It’ll kill you too- Ahhhhh” Charity managed to say before the wolves tore her body apart, her blood splashing across the lake. “Noooooo.” Blaze shrieked as she watched her friend get killed by a horrendous looking wolf. Now, Elena was next. The wolf began approaching her with an evil glint in its eyes, the screams of the little children filling up his ears. Blaze didn’t know what to do at the moment. She was still a weak child who didn’t have a wolf yet. But, she couldn’t let Elena die too. “Please. I beg you. Don’t kill her too.” She cried out loud, going on her knees to beg the wolf. They all knew that it was a werewolf and not an actual wolf so he could hear them. The wolf stopped and turned towards Blaze, his furry mouth stained with the blood from charity’s frail body. The animal took slow, calculated steps towards Blaze, his intention, to add her to the list of victims. “Please.” Blaze continued with tears flowing from her eyes nonstop. She didn’t even realise that she was a shaky mess as her eyes stayed glued to the shredded body of her friend. Elena was glued to a corner, wondering when it was going to be her turn to die. Away from her was Blaze, who could see the fear in her eyes as she sat there crying and shivering. She had to do something to save her friends because this werewolf didn’t look like he had plans on sparing either of their lives. If only she could get him to change back into his human form then maybe she’ll be able to put up a fight. What was she thinking? She was only twelve years of age, for crying out loud. The wolf takes fast strides towards her, getting ready to eat her too when Blaze lets out a loud scream that comes out as a roar, shocking both herself, Elena and the wolf who was pushed by the wind her scream generated, it’s head getting pierced by a tree branch. “Ahhh.” Elena screamed again, watching as the wolf changed into a human but it was now lifeless. ‘What just happened?’ Blaze thought to herself knowing fully well that she didn’t have a wolf yet. Even if she did, werewolves couldn’t do that, not while they were still in their human form. Covering her mouth with her hands out of shock, Blaze ran towards Elena. “Come on, Elena. Let’s get out of here.” She said, her heart beat increasing by the second. They had both forgotten about the fact that Blaze’s scream was powerful enough to lift a grown wolf unto his death. The only thing on both their minds was to leave the scene immediately. “What are we going to tell her parents?” Elena said as they ran through the woods, not caring about the fact that they had no shoes on. “That she is dead.” Blaze said, cleaning her tears with her exposed arm. * * * * * The memory from that night was something Blaze wanted to forget but whenever she stopped thinking about it, she felt a pang of guilt in her chest. It was as though she was wronging charity. But it had been eight years already! Eight years of guilt. “Look at this.” Jack said, pointing to one of the stones that had been stained with blood indicating that the battle had been a fierce one. “Do you think the blood belongs to one of our own.” She asked, bending down to take a closer look at the splash of the still fresh blood. “It could be. We lost over twenty warriors in the battle.” He said with a sigh. Blaze had a frown on her face at his statement. Their number was reducing with every battle. This was bad for the clan. “If only Alpha Kayden would let me go to battle, those cowards would be dead already.” She said with so much anger and hate towards the people from the main town. “He has his reasons, Blaze. We can’t lose you too.” Jack placed a hand one of her shoulders but she shrugs it off immediately, already pissed. “So, you think losing over twenty warriors every time is better? Do not even try to side with my father, Jack. Do not.” Her voice lacked any hesitation as she spoke letting Jack know that she was not joking about what she said. “I’m not siding with your father. You are just twenty years old. You are still a child.” “Oh please.” She scoffed, turning towards him. “ A child that is more powerful than fifty of our men all put together? A child that killed a wolf with just a scream while she was just twelve years of age?!” She screamed at him, her neck veins popping out of anger. “A child that was unable to protect her friend because she couldn’t control her powers.” Jack screamed to her face, obviously annoyed by her lack of understanding. A few seconds later, his eyes widen, realising that he had said something he shouldn’t have. “Blaze, I am so sor—” He tries to say but her hand in the air stops him. “Go away, Jack.” She said, trying hard to fight the tears that were threatening to fall. “Please. I-” He says again but it only infuriates her more. “I said leave!” She raised her voice this time around, her eye colour changing to a bright shade of red, matching with her hair colour showing that her wolf was about to take control of her if nothing was done. Jack lowers his head guiltily as he turns to leave. ‘How could he say that to me?’ She thought as she watched him walk away. “f**k!” She yelled, the entire forest shaking at the sound of her siren voice. She stopped so suddenly, realising that she wasn’t alone in the forest. ‘Someone else is here.’ She thought to herself as she moved quietly around the bushes, her heart panting with excitement as she hoped that it was an enemy wolf. The thudding sounds she heard continues as it seems that whoever was in the bushes was now running away. ‘Oh no. You don’t get to escape.’ She thought to herself with a sinister smile as she followed the sound of the thud, her powers helping her move swiftly. “Shit.” She groans as a large body pushes her to the ground. ‘Damn, where did that come from?’ She thought to herself. Opening her eyes, a pair of grey eyes with black hair meets her vision as the stranger stares intently at her. He had pinned her to the ground thinking that she was weak just like the others. ‘The joke’s on you.’ She thought to herself as she swiftly changed their position and was now overpowering the stranger. ‘He is definitely from the main town.’. She thought, looking at his posh clothes and neat hair. Without asking much questions, she raises her hand up, ready to land a punch on the beautiful face of the stranger. “Wait!”

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