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Blaze’s POV “Dad!” I run over to my father as soon as we arrive at a cave where my Dad and the other warriors sat impatiently. “Princess.” He calls out to me, engulfing me in a bone crushing hug. “I’m glad you’re safe, my princess. We need to move out of the village.” “Dad. What is going on.” I look him straight in the eye knowing that it was impossible for him to lie to me. Even if he tried, he was a terrible liar. To me at least. He closes his eyes for a second, looking at the other warriors who were also as distressed as he was, maybe even more. “We’re being attacked by the wolves from the main town.” He finally says with a sigh. I feel my blood boil and my heart race hearing him say that. A new feeling of anger taking over me. “Why are we running away then? This is our chance, Dad. Our chance to finally get our revenge.” I say immediately, hoping that my dad would agree to it. “Their numbers, Blaze. We can’t handle them. Compared to the number of warriors I saw, we are nothing.” He said in defeat, his expression showing that he was ashamed of his helplessness. That’s when it hit me. “Mother. She’s all alone, dad. We need to get her.” I say, turning around to leave when I feel a hand gripping my arm. It was my father, even worse, the look he had on his face was scaring me. “We can’t.” He says, a tear escaping from his eye. “Your mother stayed back to fight them off so they don’t come after you, blaze.” For a few seconds, it was as though the entire world was frozen. The only thing I could hear was the sound of my heart pounding harshly against my chest. “What are you saying, father?” I slowly pull my arm away from his grip. “Why would she do that?” The other warriors that were watching, slowly began to leave. Soon, it was just I and Alpha Kayden, my father. “Those people are after you, Blaze. They know about your powers and they want you for themselves. Your mother couldn’t let that happen so as the Luna of the pack, she decided to fight them off along with the other warriors.” His voice held so many unspoken emotions but he fought them off, not wanting to seem weak as an alpha. “Why are you telling me this now?! Let them come to me father and I promise you, none of them will be spared.” I clenched my fists, my heart burning with both pain and anguish. A long silence ensues until it becomes unbearable so I take it as my cue to speak up. “Do you think she is still alive?” Father turned to me with a faint smile tugging at his lips. “Diane is a strong and brave woman. The bravest I know. She’ll come back to us.” His voice cracked as he spoke, his eyes glistening with unshed tears. It hurt to see him like this. The love he had for mother was well known and admired across the village. Even as an alpha, he always took out the time to shower her with love. It was most admirable. A few minutes go by with neither of us saying a word, both thinking about the possibilities of seeing mother. “Let me join the warriors, father. Please.” I scoot closer to his sight, my hands clasped together as I begged. “You know how powerful I am. The entire village does but not once have I been allowed to protect our people. We keep losing more warriors by the day. Something needs to be done.” I cried out, my whole body shaking with anger. “I cannot let you.” He says with a sigh, both his hands going over his face. “Why?” I retort immediately. “Because you are my daughter. You mean more to me than all of this. I know that I am being cowardly but I cannot risk you too, Blaze. I cannot.” He yells, his hands going over his head. I don’t even notice the tears that begin to flow slowly from my eyes as I watch my father break down. All of this was happening because of those darn bastards from the main town. “Oh, father.” I lean in, wrapping my arms around him. “It is at times like this you need to remember that you are not just my father. You are also the Alpha of this clan which means that you are responsible for everyone in it, not just me.” “Let me join the warriors, father. Let us protect our people together. It will one day be my duty to serve and protect them just as you have done so please, father, make me one of the warriors.” * * * “What are you doing here, Blaze?” Clementine, our gamma said immediately I stepped into their training ground, her blue eyes staring at me curiously. Her blonde hair looked white today. Perhaps it was because she had just changed from her wolf form. It was already three days since the attack on our village but dad and the warriors had decided to not return yet since it would ensure the safety of the others back at the village. If the enemies knew that their target wasn’t at the village, their focus would shift. “As of today, Blaze is now a warrior. She has decided to protect her people at all cost, even if her life is put on the line.” My father says from the side. Various gasps is heard across the training ground from the warriors who couldn’t believe that Alpha Kayden had finally agreed to let me join in. They all knew how protective he was of me and even though he knew that I was more than capable of protecting myself, he never let me go out by myself. It was surprising that none of the villagers or warriors judged him for that. Well, they were all aware of how hard it was for my mother to conceive so they could understand why he didn’t want any harm to come my way. A round of applause, along with a few screams and cheering is heard before Clementine speaks up. “Welcome, Blaze. Those bastards do not know what is coming for them.” She says with a battle cry causing the others to cheer even louder. Dad gives me a proud smile which I happily return, making a promise to myself to not make everyone, especially mother proud. But first, where the f**k is Jack!
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