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Blaze’s POV “What are you doing here, all by yourself?” Jake said, accompanied by his brother, Jack. Jack had a look of regret on his face as he walked behind his brother. I know that he probably didn’t mean what he said but it ticked something in me. I’ll definitely forgive him but not yet. “I’m not a child, Jake.” I brush him off and begin walking away, my eyes scanning the bushes, thankful that the stranger was no where to be found. For some weird reason, I could still scent him even after he was gone. How is this even possible? But then again, thank goodness Jack and Jake didn’t get to see the man from the main town. They wouldn’t have spared his life if they did, that’s for sure. I don’t even know why I let him go? For some reason, I just didn’t want to hurt him. It was surprising for even me, considering how I feel about the folks from the main town. There was something about the way he spoke. And his smile.. good heavens! What am I doing, for goodness sakes??!! Thinking about him like that? He’s my enemy. His people are responsible for Charity’s death and by being one of them, that makes him responsible for her death too. ‘You are attracted to him.’ I hear my wolf say cockily. “I am not. He is a good looking young man. There’s nothing wrong with admiring now is there?” I say back to her in my defence. ‘Keep telling yourself that. I’ll be hear when you fall in love with him but don’t forget, he’s an enemy.’ She says one last time before disappearing. Fuck all of this! I’ll kill him myself the next time I see him. * * * “You went to the forest again, didn’t you?” Mother said the minute I entered the house. Her hands holding some of our old clothes that she was sending off to some kids who had none in the village. Being the chief alpha’s daughter, clothes were one thing I never lacked. Even as outcasts, we still lived out normal lives, happy llqp whatever we got. “I wasn’t alone, mother. Jack and Jake were there.” I tell her, taking a jar of water from the wooden table. “Don’t lie to me, young woman. I saw jack around just a few minutes ago.” She retorted, her hands never leaving her waist. It frightened me how much I looked like this woman. I was basically a replica of her, just a little younger. Even as she spoke, she made gestures that were similar to mine. “Mother, please. Not you too. I am sick and tired of everyone telling me what I can and cannot do. For the one hundredth time today, I am not a child.” I yell, stomping my feet as I stormed off to my room. Shit. I shouldn’t have gone to my room. I need to go back to the training ground before noon. Now I have to walk back to the sitting room. Goodness. That is going to be so weird! ‘You’re so stupid, blaze.’ I hear my wolf say. “What the hell?! Don’t even start with me, Phoenix.” I tell her, calling her by the name I personally gave to her. She hated it at first but after realizing that I wasn’t giving up on it, she learnt to live with it. ‘Fine. You’ll be the only one doing the walk of shame in front of your mother anyways. Good luck.’ She says mockingly and soon, she was gone. So much for having a wolf. As I enter the living room, mother was still there but this time around, she had company. “Blaze.” There was a change in the tone of her voice this time around. Her big brown eyes were shaky and had fear in them. “What’s wrong?” I say, my eyes looking between my mother and Jack who was back at the house. I have been seeing a lot of Jack today. “You need to come with me, Blaze. You’re father calls for you.” He says, taking steps towards me. Something was definitely wrong. I look at mum and realize that the fear in her eyes was growing by the minute. I could feel my own heart begin to race as I thought of every possible reason for her to feel this way but none came to mind. “No. Mother, tell me. What is wrong?” I say, running over to mother who had a frightened look on her face. “Go to your father, Blaze. Go now.” She says, pushing me towards Jack. “What are you doing?” I say with a shaky voice, turning towards her but she pushes me further until I find myself behind the door. “Go, Blaze. Your father needs you. Our people need you.” That is the last thing she says before shutting the door on my face. “Mother! Mother! Please, open the door!” I yell, banging on the door for her to open up but silence was the only reply I got. What in the world is going on? “Come on, Blaze. We need to go now.” Jack said, pulling me away from the door. “No! Stop! I need to speak to my mother.” I scream with tears flowing nonstop from eyes, pushing him off me as I attempted running back to the door only to be pulled back my two other strong hands. “Come on, Blaze. We need to leave now.” Jake said, lifting me from the ground with his wolf strength as Jack followed behind. "Can you at least tell me what is going on?" I say weekly as hake moved swiftly across the village. Everything looked pretty normal to me, including the villagers, so it was quite hard for me to even think of a reason. "We'll tell you everything once we get to Alpha Kayden. But until then, you stay with us." Jake said, his swift movement causing my stomach to turn. "Why can't mother come with us then?" I ask, my body shaking from one side to another. From the corner of my eyes, I could see Jake trying to keep up with his elder brother's speed. "Because you are more important to the clan, Blaze." Jake says before sealing up, not replying to whatever question I had to ask again. My mother was the Luna of the clan for crying out loud. If she wasn't important then why was I? I was just a child, right? I also had a scary feeling that this would be the last time I see my mum but I didn’t want to welcome the thought. Everything that was happening was so strange and unexpected. Nothing was making sense to me. What the hell is happening and why is no one telling me anything! I need f*****g answers, Goddammit. I knew one thing though, something terrible was about to happen.
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