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Chapter Two “Wait!” Reese yelled, both his eyes closed as he feared for his life. “I do not mean to fight you.” He said calmly, looking closely at the violent lady that was above him, her bright red hair catching his eyes. ‘Damn, she’s really strong for a woman this beautiful.’ “Why did you sneak up on me?” She asked, her large brown eyes staring deeply into his as she straddled him even more, ready to pounce on him once again. “I didn’t sneak up on you. Can you please get off me? Our position is quite misleading.” Reese had a smirk on his face as he looked down, watching her eyes widen as the realization of what he meant dawned on her. The speed at which she used to lift herself away from him caused a light chuckle to leave his lips as he got off the ground himself, dusting his pants. “What are you doing around here?” The red haired lady asked with a static frown on her face, her eyes scanning him up and down. She was probably the most beautiful woman Reese had seen in his entire life and he had seen a lot of beautiful women. There was something about her demeanour that intrigued him. He was a lot bigger compared to her petite body but she didn’t look like she was swayed by his looks and judging from what just happened, she was more powerful than she looked. “Around here? You talk like you own the place.” He said cockily, still unable to take his eyes off her. Her gaze was fixed at him, almost like she was weary of him. “This is our territory and you are not one of us.” She pushed closer to him until she was only a few inches away from his face. ‘Is she perhaps, trying to scare me?’ He thought to himself. Taking a few minutes to admire her beauty from a closer distance, he realizes that her eyes were changing rapidly between her brown ones to a bright shade of red. None of his people had red eyes. As a matter of fact, red eyed wolves didn’t exist anymore. Or did they? “By ' one of us ' do you mean the outcasts?” He asked curiously knowing that if she was one of the outcasts then he was going to be in serious trouble. “If that is what you people call us, then yes.” She said, her eyes showing the hatred she for his people. Well, s**t. He would be damned if his father were to ever find out that he trespassed. But then again, she didn’t look like a witch, just like he had been told. If anything, she looked like an angel, a goddess. “So this is where you guys hide away.” He had a smirk on his face as he spoke, clearly trying to infuriate this red haired goddess before him. He used his left hand to slightly push her away, taking his time to get a closer look of his surrounding. “I didn’t expect you guys to live in a bush but then again, you are outcasts after all.” He said cockily, watching as she clenched her fists, anger and annoyance beginning to take over her. Before he even had the chance to take another step, she raises her hand in an attempt to land a strike on his overly pampered face but he blocks it just in time. “Let me go!” She says with gritted teeth. Her eyes throwing daggers at him. He wanted to take another close look at her face so instead of doing as she said, he placed his free hand on her waist, pulling her even closer to him. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” She yelled, using her strength to push him away, this caused him to stagger, almost falling in the process. “Ouch.” Reese couldn’t believe that she would be able to do that. But then again, she was able to over power him at their first encounter. ‘Who is this woman?’ He thought to himself. If anything, he was now intrigued by her much more than ever. “Don’t you dare lay your filthy hands on me, you animal!” She yelled. There was something about the way she looked at him that bothered Reese. She wasn’t just hating from what she had heard. It was almost like she had a personal reason for hating him, not that he had done anything to warrant that. He was slightly hurt by her sudden outburst but he decided to brush it off, knowing that she wasn’t to be blamed. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to do that.” Reese said, looking down in shame. He shouldn’t have touched her without her consent. What was he even thinking still talking to her? They were forbidden from relating with the outcasts and as a prince, he wasn’t even meant to be here. “Go away from here before I do something you won’t like. I do not want to hurt you.” She said after a while, her eyes softening a bit. “Can I at least know your name?” He attempted taking another step towards her but she moved away from him like he was some plague. “Blaze??” A voice called from a distance, indicating that someone else was coming. “Leave.” She said hurriedly, her eyes looking out for whoever was coming. “If you are caught here by my people, they will kill you. You need to leave, now!” She whispered, her beautiful face filled with worry. “My name is Reese.” He said before running off into the bushes, his feet going as fast as possible as he heard other voices from the forest. “Blaze.” He said, smiling to himself as he thought about the beautiful but feisty stranger he had just encountered. Somewhere at the back of his mind, he knew that this wasn’t going to be that last meeting. “I’m going to find you, Blaze.” * * * * “Where on earth have you been? Your father has been looking for you.” His mother rushed towards him with a worried look, her maids following behind her at the same speed. “I went out, mother. I am not a child anymore, you know? I can look out for myself.” He said with a groan. “No, Reese. You are our only son and heir. You cannot look out for yourself.” She retorted with a straight face. “Your father demands your presence at his chambers, Reese.” Hearing his mother say this caused him to stop dead in his tracks. His heart beat increasing by the minutes. “W-Why?” He asked with a shaky voice, turning to look at his mother, fear written all over his face. “I don’t know but you should go now. He has been waiting for you.” She said, walking off with her train of maids following behind her. Reese racked his brain for every possible reason as to why his father would want to see him but he found none. ‘Someone couldn’t have possibly seen me going out of the city, right?’ He thought to himself. ‘Dammit. What if I was caught going into the outlands.’ The fear he had for his father caused him to tremble in fear as he wondered what reason his father could have for wanting to see him. All through his journey to his father, Reese couldn’t help but be restless. The Alpha King, his father was the most feared man across the three kingdoms of werewolves. Even as his son, he was terrified of that man. As soon as one of the guards in front of his father’s chambers opened the doors, his saliva dried up. The entire room was dark and gloomy, just like his father. “Come here, Reese.” The deep voice of his father thundered across the room. “You called for me father.” Reese’s sentence was slow and calculated, not wanting to say anything that could infuriate his father. “Prepare yourself my son. We’ll be launching an attack on the outlands soon. We heard that they have a rare wolf amongst them, one that will be beneficial to us.” His father stood up from his chair as he walked towards Reese, his eyes filled with the greed and hunger for more power. “You’ll be leading the attack, son. Do not fail me.”
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