2399 Words

CHAPTER 16 –––––––– AT ABOUT SIX IN THE morning, I woke up because of the annoying ringing of the phone. I found it difficult to take my arm out from under the comforter, to feel around sleepily to find the receiver and finally answer the phone. My mind was foggy because I had slept too little. Nonetheless, even in my foggy state, I recognized Mr. Johnson’s voice, the big boss from New York. The anger in his voice woke me completely. I didn’t understand what got into him and made him so angry. Yesterday, when I had spoken to him for the last time, everything seemed all right. Moreover, the branch was closed over the weekend, so I couldn’t understand what the problem was. “I want you to come back to New York at once. I don’t know what you were thinking, where your mind was, effectively

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