1092 Words

CHAPTER 17 –––––––– AN IMPORTANT CHAPTER in my life ended then and there when I clicked SEND. I must confess that my finger shook on the mouse when I did it. I embraced myself to numb somewhat the shock I felt at the thought that a long episode in my life had ended, and then, I closed my eyes because the light of dawn was hurting my eyes. It poured a diffuse pain in my heart. I felt tears under my eyelids but I refused to let them fall. I opened my eyes only when the smell of coffee had become so strong that it meant that a cup of coffee was held right under my nose. I could feel the steam tickling my nose. I was a bit bothered by Ian’s manner of walking without making the slightest noise and I opened my mouth to say something about it, only to shut it almost immediately. I didn’t thi

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