#4 The Wolf

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Lucian buried his face in his closet as he breathed heavily. He was trying to be confident and the one in control a moment ago, but deep down, he was in peril. His insides felt funny while all his wolf screamed in his brain was to take Madelyn and make her ours as if that kind of savage thing was something appropriate, to begin with. He looked back, unsure of what he was hoping for at that moment. He wondered if this was how mates were supposed to feel? But he knew for sure there was no way he could feel that way without any proper physical contact. Maybe it was just how humans felt around someone who attracted them. Since he has spent quite a considerable time between them, his head and heart and even his wolf are fudgy.  Lucian wore random dark blue jeans and a black v-neck shirt. He usually would spend some time figuring out his clothing or take advice from Elsa. But today was different. He needed to cover himself before he started thinking from everywhere except his brain. He took a deep breath and a long sigh before stepping out of the room to face Madelyn. He hoped that she was back being furious rather than timid or flushed because that made his self-control a total slack. The attraction he felt for was undeniable and irresistible for him at that point in time. "Hi," Lucian whispered as he saw Madelyn standing on the balcony, watching over the slightly purplish sky. The day has finally begun to break, bringing an end to that unusual night.  "Why would you accompany someone like Jeremy and kidnap me here? I feel terrible for standing here and giving you the benefit of the doubt when I should be really running away from you now." Madelyn's voice was low, and she shuddered. She had sensed the presence of another man, but his smell was not strong at first for her to be conclusive. The only other smell that she could pick in that state before losing her sense was that of Jeremy's horrible one and Lucian's.  "I should be feeling offended right now. But strangely, I feel elated." Lucian snickered, walking closer to her. He was happy that even if she had her reasons to leave, she still could manage to trust him.  "Because I am a fool?" Madelyn sighed, turning to face Lucian. "I am not sure if I can call you that. You are definitely unconventional but not a fool." Lucian closed the distance even more as the sky became more reddish, with purple, red, orange lights piercing through the darkness. He could feel Madelyn too piercing his heart. Madelyn didn't reply to Lucian. She was still waiting for Lucian to confirm if he was her savior or kidnapper. The rest depended on that and not how she felt about this hot and handsome man who was definitely creating waves inside her.  "I was not with whoever Jeremy is. I saw him attacking you, and I could not let them take you." Lucian finally answered, giving her some respite.  It made way for many questions like where Rosy was and how he knew she was in danger, also things like how he was able to fight off someone as strong as Jeremy baffled her. But she was unable to put those questions into words. "Who is Jeremy?" Lucian finally broke that uncanny silence since he was more than curious to know about Madelyn. Knowingly or unknowingly, he has gotten involved with her affairs. And now, he can't help but feel protective about her. He was certain that she was somehow involved with his kind. But why and how? "You don't know him, and yet you managed to escape him? Who are you?" Madelyn queried as her previous disorganized expressions were now replaced with confusion and curiosity.  "I didn't escape him. He was no match." Lucian bragged. He did that for obvious reasons and also to find out if Madelyn knew Jeremy's true nature.  "What? There is a limit to boasting!" Madelyn scoffed as she disregarded him as if he was lying.  "And why would you think it as boasting?" Lucian was not going to let the matter settle. His suspicion that Madelyn knew his nature and was somehow involved was becoming stronger and stronger. Madelyn's first instinct was to laugh it off. But when her eyes met Lucian's serious ones, she knew he wasn't bluffing. That was when panic crept inside her as her expression changed to worry and frown. She was now swallowing too hard, and her pupils were dilated in fear and distress. All this while she thought either she had gotten kidnapped or she had managed to escape it again. But not once did it occur to her that it might have become uglier to a stage where her family could be of harm. "What happened?" Lucian furrowed his brows as he tried to coax a now worried and miserable Madelyn. "What did you do!" Madelyn scowled as she ran inside to find her phone. But it was drained of energy and switched off.  She ran towards the door. But she couldn't open it. Who locks the door with passwords and fingerprints even from the inside!! Who was he? But she had no time to ponder on those questions now. All she wanted was to go to her family and check for their safety. They have suffered enough because of her. "f**k!! Open this door!" Madelyn screamed even when Lucian was standing right behind her, startled and confused. "It is not safe outside. Where do you think you are going? Who are those people?" Lucian blocked her as he questioned her, trying to put some sense. "f**k! I will jump off the roof!" Madelyn was indeed mad even to think that. It was on the top floor of a really tall tower. Even he wouldn't survive that. So no matter what Madelyn's identity was it was too risky to find it that horrible way. It was another thing if she was a bird or angel or something with wings. But was it even possible? Who knows? When he saw her really rushing towards the balcony, panic kicked inside him. That was no way to find her abilities. He had no other way but to stop her.  "Where do you want to go? I will take you." Lucian offered as he stopped her. One thing he could tell was he was faster than her.  "I have to go home. You have no idea what you have done. They are not thugs or someone you can mess with, Lucian." Madelyn's eyes were red and puffy. She wasn't crying, but maybe she would any moment now.  Lucian sighed.  He understood what she meant. Her family members were definitely humans. They can never withstand wolves, even those of omega rank if they decided to threaten or attack them.  It didn't take them long to reach her home. Madelyn was so scared that she had difficulty opening the door without Lucian's help. But when she saw her father and Zack sleeping in their rooms peacefully, she took a breath of respite. She went out to talk with Lucian without disturbing them.  "They seem unaware of what happened to you," Lucian said as a statement. He wasn't sure if he should be surprised that they didn't notice her absence or if it happened too often for them to be suspicious. "I don't live here. I stay on the next street. One can't be careful enough." Madelyn replied as she sat on the porch.  "What are you afraid of, Madelyn? Who are those people? I won't ask you twice." Lucian sat beside her, resisting his temptation to hug her or coax her that he was there for her.  Madelyn looked at Lucian, her eyes fixated on him. She wondered who he was. There was a strange sense of confidence that she felt around him. She was not helpless. It is just that her family has finally begun settling down, and she didn't want to jeopardize it because of her. No matter where they went, someone or the other found out about her, and they had to move again. But this time, it was not just someone. But she was scared she wouldn't be able to fight them off alone. She looked at Lucian with hope and pondered if she should involve him.  "As I said, they are not random thugs that you can fight or call the police, Lucian." Madelyn looked at the morning sky. The day has completely broken.  "You heard her!" A voice came over the front gate. It was Jeremy. He had recovered unusually fast, even for a wolf. Lucian could vouch that they were not even beta wolves except one. So there was something going on behind their enhanced strength and recovery. It reminded him of the war with Antony and made him more restless. Four more wolves came out of the van as they gave a dirty smile to them.  "It seems you forgot the punch from last night." Lucian chuckled as he rose to his feet with confidence. No matter how strong they seemed, they were no match for him. He was the alpha of the Silverlit pack and the rightful owner of the earth dagger.  "Just because you took me by surprise doesn't mean you can win us again!" Jeremy spit some saliva with brooding confidence while Lucian smirked. "Can we not fight here!" That was the first time Madelyn spoke, making Lucian hesitate. But he was still not even a day old in her life. So he was not in a position to make decisions for her.  "Then you should come to the boss." Jeremy grinned. "Or we can talk somewhere far from here like your boss had promised me." Madelyn took a few steps closer with confidence. Her fists were firm, and she looked determined and fierce like how Lucian remembered her from last night. He sniggered. Somehow he felt more attracted towards her when she didn't back down against bullies. Everyone has weaknesses, and being vulnerable about them is acceptable to him. But what enamored him was her zeal to fight and protect what she loved.  And just like that, Lucian was clear of one thing. It did not matter what or who was against Madelyn. It didn't bother him even the slightest how tough or rough the journey was ahead. It became irrelevant if she was a human, wolf, angel, or bird! Nothing was relevant except that he was with her in it. Jeremy groaned. But the one behind the wheel honked, indicating them to get inside the car. He looked at Madelyn before rolling up the window as they got inside the van and drove somewhere. Madelyn sighed and walked towards her car. Lucian followed even when she didn't ask him.  She didn't know why but she didn't stop him. She wanted him to come and be with her. She let out a small smile before starting the engine to follow the van. They stopped in front of an open area in the outskirts with few passersby. Lucian had thousands of questions, but he kept to himself, at least until the talk or whatever was over. They walked towards Jeremy and the other men with confidence.  "Come to the boss with us." The man who was behind the wheel earlier said in an affirmative voice. It seemed he was the leader. "I won't. I am not going to be a part of his big plans or whatsoever." Madelyn was equally confident. "Boss won't be tolerant forever!" Jeremy groused. "Then he doesn't have to be persistent." Madelyn voiced. "We have to take you." The leader said. "Mathias, leave while I am being nice," Madelyn warned. Lucian was impressed. Madelyn not only was confident, but she had a strong presence. She had a never-back-down attitude. "You think you can win five of us? What because he is with you?" Mathias chuckled, throwing the cigarette bud to the ground as he stomped his feet over it to make some point. "You heard the lady," Lucian said in a bored tone. The only reason he was withstanding all this nonsense was to utter the word wolf or something. But everything has a limit. But before he could complete the remaining, a hand was directed towards him. Lucian was way fast to dodge, making Madelyn surprised. He even was quick enough to hold the attacker's hand and crush it enough to make his bone shatter as he cried in pain. She has already begun suspecting that Lucian was not human. That move was only an affirmation of her suspicions. They had so much to talk and know. "I had warned you," Jeremy screeched as he ran to get inside the van. He already had his fair share of punches last night and didn't want to face Lucian. While the other two fought with Lucian with an intention to keep him engaged, Mathias's sole target was Madelyn. But Madelyn had some skills. She was sharp and stronger in her punches and blows, even if she was slower than Mathias, who was definitely a beta wolf. She had quick reflexes, more endurance to pain, and had an impossible recovery speed. It made her unique despite her footwork.  When Mathias and the other wolves felt that they wouldn't be able to fight and win over their combined strength, they had no choice but to run.  "It's not over, Madelyn. We will be back. This wolf will not be around to protect you always!" Mathias grumbled as he rolled the window shields before escaping.  Madelyn sighed as she limped to the ground. She was exhausted and running out of breath. Despite her strength, she was not good at stamina.  Lucian crouched to check on her and maybe confront her about what Mathias had said. But before that, Madelyn again fell on his lap, probably unconscious.  Lucian sighed, nodding his head in disappointment and also fascination. He leaned a little, wondering if it was alright to steal a kiss. He was close enough to her lips to feel her warm breath on his face while his heart pounded inside his chest. Only this woman could instill such desires even at places and situations like this.  He swallowed hard and closed his eyes, closing the remaining distance to kiss her plump lips when he felt a smack on his head. "You better not dare!" Madelyn whispered as she took a deep breath, snuggling to rest her better in his lap.  She was tired and maybe pretended to have lost her senses anticipating that kiss. But now that it was about to happen, she flustered.  Lucian chuckled as he raised his head and wiped the hair out of her face. She opened her eyelids a little and closed again, maybe out of embarrassment.  He picked her up to the car in bridal style as she buried her head in his chest and wrapped her hands around his neck, leaving everything to fate.
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