#3 An Unusual Night

2286 Words
Lucian was taken aback. How was it possible? Not even in his wildest dreams, he had imagined that his rigid heart would waver in a not-so-fancy bar and for a suspicious random girl he met a while ago. He looked away and took a deep breath. He reasoned it was because of her unusualness he was feeling that way. Tomorrow he may not even remember this place, let alone Madelyn! "I am Madelyn, the bar girl." Madelyn pouted, waiting for Lucian to answer her. She was not sure why, but Lucian intrigued her. For the first time, she had a tough time reading someone. "Lucian. Madelyn, the bar girl, and what else?" Lucian sipped his alcohol as he looked up to meet her gaze. He again felt something strange. He chucked the rest of the alcohol and asked for another. Madelyn quivered her brows but made another. This time, she knowingly doubled the alcohol content, only to test him. "Just to let you know, even if you give me the entire bottle, adding nothing, I would have no problem." Lucian chuckled at her foolishness. He was an alpha wolf. But only if she knew. "You are strange!" Madelyn handed him over the glass and made one for her. She called it a night as another girl came over the counter to replace her. "Not as strange as you!" Lucian raised his glass for a toast, but Madelyn had already finished hers in a go. "Why is someone like you even at a place like this?" Madelyn asked as she poured some more wine into her glass. "What do you mean by someone like me?" Lucian raised his brows. "You know, the Casanova types who think they can get laid with any girl because they have the looks and money." Madelyn snickered. Lucian chuckled. The girl was not only strange but brave, straightforward, with a strong persona. "Nothing particular. I was wandering to clear my head and saw this place. But I am certainly amused by it." Lucian chuckled as he winked at her. He wasn't sure why he was even doing that. For some reason, he didn't want the conversation to end. It was indeed strange that he wanted to leave after one glass. "Are you trying to flirt with me? Because you have to do better." Madelyn let out a deep breath, seemingly uninterested in furthering the conversation. She was even uncertain what made her curious in the first place. He was like any other man in the streets of Vegas, looking for one thing. No wonder she wants to escape this place and find out about herself. She looked at her father and brother. Her reasons were right there. She nodded her head, chuckling at her fate as she began wrapping for the day. She directed something to her replacement. "Are you leaving?" Lucian grew anxious. What was this strange feeling? He was better than this. The girl clearly had no interest in him, and right now, she was clearly disrespecting him. It was not something his wolf could withstand. "Yes, it was a long day, and I have to take care of the counter. Rosy here will take care of you." Madelyn introduced him to the new bartender and left without a proper bye. Lucian was done with her, or at least he thought so. He felt infuriating even to have allowed a moment of weakness to face such a humiliating situation. He gulped down a few more glasses before he realized Rosy was throwing herself at him with many direct and indirect hints. He had lived among the humans for long enough to know by now what they wanted. Plus, her arousal was all over the place. Lucian winked as he paid the bill with enough cash for Rosy to wonder what she did to enjoy such a considerate tip. "Can you leave because your boss seems to be noisy and a killjoy?" Lucian grinned as he twisted his thin lips into a devilishly handsome half-smile that was enough for Rosy to go weak on her knees. For a moment, Rosy would have wondered if she was supposed to share it with Madelyn since she served him for the most part, but his direct question made her heart waver. She did not know what she did right to deserve his attention. He was one of the most handsome men she had seen who was perfect in every way. Rosy left the counter for a few seconds and returned to him with a wide smile. She had found someone to replace her for the night. Lucian looked in the direction of the counter. As he had thought, Madelyn was giving him a dirty look. But Lucian let out an evil grin in her direction as she gritted her teeth. Just to tease her a little more, Lucian grabbed Rosy's waist pulling her to him and gave her a deep kiss. Madelyn wasn't sure why she was irked like never before. She knew Rosy was attractive, and she dolled up every night looking for rich customers. She had this weird fantasy that subsequently someone would get smitten by her, and her life would change for good. Also, it was not the first time Madelyn turned down someone who later picked up Rosy. Indeed, she asked Rosy to replace her because she thought Lucian was one of those shallow men. But now, she was uncomfortable about it. And she ended up doing something she had never done before. She grabbed her bag and headed out to follow Lucian and Rosy. She reasoned that she wanted to ensure Rosy's safety. Madelyn didn't have to look long. Rosy and Lucian were waiting for their cab on the opposite side of the road. They were already kissing each other as if glue or something fixated their tongues. As soon as they got inside the cab, Madelyn rushed towards her car. Her heart was racing, and she couldn't think clearly at that moment. In a hurry, her car key fell. She hissed, pissed at her and the timing and the unreasonable thing she was doing. She took a deep breath and crouched to look for her keys when someone picked them up for her. The smell was too familiar for her to know the owner of the scent. It was really one ugly night. Why did he have to come when she was already having a hard time? "It's not funny, Jeremy. I am not in a good mood." Madelyn rose to her feet, pissed. "He wants to meet you. You can't take forever to change your mind, Madelyn." Jeremy spoke, grinning at her as he playfully dangled her key chain. Madelyn hissed as she nodded her head in frustration. "And how many times do I have to tell you that I will not change my mind? I belong here." "It is, for now, Maddy. How can you ever belong here? Boss wants you even if you are not half good as us. So he will have you." Jeremy pined as he flashed his yellowish teeth that made Madelyn frown even more. He was unhygienic and broody. She hated him more than his boss, who was at least decent to look and talk. "Before I break a bone or two of yours, I suggest you leave!" Madelyn growled as she fisted her hands, ready for a blow at any moment now. Her anger was directed at her fists and she was not going to withstand this nonsense any longer. "You should control when you can!" Jeremy chuckled as someone moved behind Madelyn. She had barely turned to check the new person when Jeremy injected her with something strong enough to make her dizzy and go on her knees. "You- will- regret- this- jerk-" She fainted as her vision blurred. But right before she could lose her sense fully, a familiar smell struck her nose, giving her some hope and also a sense of fear. Jeremy and his partner were about to kidnap Madelyn when a punch landed on Jeremy's face, strong enough to break his jaw. His partner shriveled from the powerful blow. Before things could get ugly for him, he make a run for his life. But Jeremy still had some vigor left in him when he tried to rise to counter. He rubbed his eyes to see a tall man with alpha traits. He had no fear in his eyes and was not going to let him take Madelyn at any cost. He knew it was a battle he would never win. His aura was just too powerful. But he also feared returning to his boss without a good fight. Before Jeremy could decide another blow came from Lucian that knocked him off for good. Lucian crouched to check Madelyn's vitals. He sighed when he found her vitals. He was certain that the man knocked off beside him was a wolf. But he was unable to make a firm decision about what Madelyn was. She was definitely stronger than the female of her age and structure, even a wolf wanted her for some reason, but she doesn't reek of a rogue or a werewolf smell. Lucian looked for the car key, and he found it lying on the ground. He picked up Madelyn and placed her in the rear seat. It wasn't one of the fancy cars he drove, but that would do for now. Plus, he needed to take Madelyn to safety to know more about her. He was not certain how much her father and brother were involved, and he did not want to make any hasty decisions. So he thought caring for Madelyn till she woke up to give him answers was the appropriate thing to do in that situation. Lucian felt conflicted as he drove. He had never carried any new woman, or for that matter, anyone he didn't know, to his presidential suite. He would always book a different room to spend the night, only to vacate it the next day. But he wasn't sure if he should do that this time since he knew she was not safe and the best place to keep her was with him in the suite. After Lucian placed Madelyn on the bed, he opted for another round of hot showers. It was almost morning, but the sun was yet to rise above the horizon. It was definitely the longest night since he left the moonlit city. As he picked up the shower gel, Madelyn's voice echoed in his mind about how he reeked of s*x. He couldn't help but a tenacious smile lingered over his lips. He washed up himself with more determination to wash off the last ounce of the smell of s*x from his body. Lucian had forgotten to carry a change of clothes to the washroom. He had grown so accustomed to living alone in that suite that he would walk naked or with a towel wrapped around his lower body to his closet. He cursed under his breath as he wrapped a towel, hoping that Madelyn would be still sleeping. He had to be quick and grab anything before she woke up and get a wrong idea about their situation. But it wasn't Lucian's day. Or maybe it was! As soon as he stepped out of the room, Madelyn was already standing in front of the door, her hands wrapped around her chest and her eyes darting towards the door. Her face was red with anger and she was ready to tumble the world with her fierceness. But as soon as Madelyn's eyes fell on Lucian's perfect torso with water droplets trickling around as it fell from his washed hair, she couldn't help but feel a little aroused. His towel was wrapped way too low that paved enough for her imaginations to run all over the place. She had forgotten why she was here and what happened in the parking lot. Her brain was filled with erotic images of Lucian and her, and things she didn't know she could imagine about a stranger man. "I can smell it," Lucian said in a soft voice, but the confident smile on his devilishly handsome face was enough to snap Madelyn out of her amorous trance. "Wear something!" Madelyn grumbled as she turned her face away and headed in the opposite direction. But when Lucian followed her, she scowled, turning to face him to ask him to stay away, only to bump against his flat and hard chest. She wanted to scream and yell at him for walking so close to her when dressed so little, but her hands had their own mind when it ran over his chest as he chuckled from above her. "That way is my closet." Lucian leaned to whisper in her ears, snapping her twice out of her inappropriate thoughts and actions. This time Madelyn felt flushed as she stepped aside with her eyes fixated on her shoes as Lucian walked past her towards the closet. As soon as Lucian was out of her sight, her breathing became erratic as she fanned her face, blushing about what happened between them. She was feeling overtly hot and her cheeks were flushed. She could feel the wetness between her legs and the memory of the water dripping down his chiseled body crossed over her head as her fingers pined to touch them again. For the first time, she was unsure what she was feeling and what she wanted. Her heart and mind were all over the place, and the things she was feeling were alien. Indeed, Lucian was not just any random man, and she was finally beginning to realize it.
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