The Phone Call

1150 Words
Joshua’s pov: I lay in bed watching Emma, I almost marked her earlier, and I couldn’t do that to her, not before I told her what I was. I watched her hair flow through my fingers as I was lightly stroking her face, I smiled to myself, and watched as a small smile appeared on her mouth. I looked at my watch and it was midday. We spent all that time together. I loved being with her. I kissed her on her forehead, and then on her nose. I hear the message come through on my phone, but I am happy just staying in this moment, probably the wrong number. Another message comes through and I decide to take a look. It must be urgent as only one person has this number, and she promised to never use it, only for an emergency. I look at the screen as my sister's name crosses it. I read the message ‘ I need you to call me, it’s urgent, please, please call me ‘ I get out of be and watch as Emma unconsciously, stretches out her hand and searches for me. That makes me smile. I walked to the other room and dialed my sister's number. She answers the phone but in a whisper “Hallo” “Hi” “This had better be urgent, Una.” I could hear the annoyance in her voice as she answered “It is. You need to come back.” “I walked away from all of that. You know that, Una.” “Yeah I know, but we need you. Mom and I are in some deep s**t here, and we are still your family. Joshua, we really need you, please.” I looked over to where Emma was sleeping. “I don’t know if I can.” “This is not a can situation Joshua, this is a must, you didn’t just walk away from the pack, you walked away from us, and we need you” I heard the emotion in her voice, I knew what she said was true, but I had finally found some semblance of a normal life, I didn't want to give that up. “I will meet with you, but I am not going back to the pack.” “Fine, we just need to see you and try and sort out some stuff.” “No Una, no we. I will only meet with you. No one else must know that I am there” “Okay okay” “I need your word on that.” “Fine, Jesus Joshua, I won’t tell a soul” “Okay, I’ll send you my flight details” “Bye Joshua, I really am looking forward to seeing you, and by the way, Happy Birthday, for yesterday” “Thanks, I miss you too, sis.” I ended the call and was deep in thought about why my sister wanted to see me. I had a close relationship with my family growing up, but my mother had never liked Erica. In some strange way, I blamed her for Erica’s death. The idea was stupid and immature, but hey, that’s how I felt. I went online and booked the first flight out, which would be in 2 days' time. I got back into bed and drew Emma to me. I pushed her hair out of the way and nuzzled her neck. She smiled and stretched and then turned to me. God, I loved her smell. “What time is it?” “Noon, what time do you have to be at work?” “Six” “I’ll go with you.” She smiled at me, “You don’t have to, you’ll just be sitting there watching me” I tickled her stomach. “That happens to be my favorite thing.” She laughed at me and kissed me on the forehead. I pulled her mouth down to mine and kissed her. “I also need to discuss something with you.” She gave me a concerned look. “Is everything okay?” I hated worrying her “Yes, I need to go home for a few days, but I’ll be back before the end of next week.” “That’s fine Josh, you don’t need to explain anything to me, we are not a couple.” She tried to get up but I pulled her down on the bed. “I consider us more than a couple, Emma.” She smiled but I could see I wasn’t convincing her. “When are you leaving?” “In two days.” She shook her head “And where exactly is home.” “Wyoming, in a town called Esterbrook. We live about 15 miles out of town” “Are your parents still alive?” I felt a little uncomfortable with the questions, but I wanted to answer her questions. “My mom is my dad, passed away about seven years ago.” “I am so sorry” she stroked my arm while she was talking to me and it was becoming distracting. She stopped and then held my hand, kissing the top of it. “I have one sister, who still lives with my mother.” She smiled while looking at our hands intertwined. “You must miss them very much.” “I do, but I made a new life for myself here in Dublin.” “What exactly do you do, Josh?” I wasn’t going to tell the whole truth, because for the last 5 years I had basically only followed her around, checking on her and making sure she was safe. I took some local jobs to keep myself in room and board, but mostly I just followed her “I do some odd jobs here and there”. “Oh and how old are you?” “I recently turned 27” “OMG really when” “Yesterday” “Oh My God, Josh, you should have said something, we should celebrate.” “Emma, you gave me the best present I could ever ask for.” She blushed and looked down. She got up and as I tried to grab for her, she smacked my hands away, laughing all the way to the fridge. “I am starved. Can I make you a sandwich?” I got up as well. “Please” The rest of the afternoon we spent watching movies and laughing together. When the time came for Emma to go to work, we showered and dressed and I walked her to the pub. We repeated this routine until I had to leave for Wyoming. I dreaded being away from her.
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