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Joshua’s POV: The morning I left for Wyoming, Emma took a taxi with me to the airport. We stood in the waiting area. I was filled with emotion and I saw tears in Emma’s eyes. “This is not goodbye, sweet-cheeks” she smiled at me and slapped my arm. I knew she wasn’t crazy about the nickname, but it brought a smile to her face and that’s all I wanted to achieve. “I promise, I will be back.” She shook her head and then ran into my arms. I kissed her and then I started walking to my gate. I looked back at her and waved. She waved back and tried to smile at me. My heart felt heavy, it felt like I was leaving a part of me behind. My flight home was filled with thoughts of Emma. Just thinking about our time together made me smile. I didn’t want to be away from her, already Remus was sulking and I couldn’t blame him, I wanted to be near her, to feel her in my arms. This trip home was becoming a nuisance, but my sister needed me. I messaged Emma on the plane. ‘I already miss you’ Her answer made me giddy. ‘Then come back, quickly because I miss you too.’ I had been on the plane for hours, but it felt like days. I was in a hurry to get this trip over with. I watched as we descended into the Wyoming airport. I exited the plane and grabbed my bag. I only brought one backpack with me, so I was able to store the pack in the overhead compartment. As I took the escalator, I noticed my sister waiting for me. She had tears in her eyes as soon as she saw me. I felt a little emotional. I had not seen my sister for 5 years, not since the death of Erica. She ran towards me and I hugged her close to me. “Oh my god Joshua, I missed you so much.” I smiled at her. “I missed you too, little bird”. It was the nickname my dad had called her and it immediately made her cry. I hugged her even closer. I really did miss my family, I admitted to myself. She looked up. “I’m sorry, but I really need my big brother here, especially now. I know this place stirs up memories of Erica can’t be helped.” I was amazed that Erica’s name didn’t bring up any emotion in me. I smiled at her. “No problem.” She stared at me. “You look well Joshua, is there something you want to tell me” I wanted to keep Emma all to myself so I didn’t mention her. “No, I just feel a lot better” “Might I hope that this visit will turn into a permanent thing?” “No, I am flying back to Dublin soon, very soon.” She looked irritated with my answer. “Fine, then we need to get this done fast.” She stared at me. “I’ll take you to grandpa’s cabin. No one will know you are there as there hasn’t been anyone there for 5 years, so you can also count on your privacy.” “I appreciate that” I threw my luggage in the back seat and we got into the car. Our drive was quiet. Una gave me the silent treatment. She was sulking about something. “What is keeping you in Dublin?” she asked a little aggressively. I stared at her side profile while she drove. “Nothing” She slammed her hand against the steering wheel. “Look, I’m not stupid, you traveled for a while and then settled in Dublin, something happened there, plus the fact that you were basically suicidal when Erica died and suddenly you seem okay. Something definitely happened” I smiled to myself. “ See what I mean, you are actually smiling.” “Look, I don’t want to talk about it.” She looked resigned to the fact. “Fine, but whatever it is, I am happy for you.” I smiled again, just remembering the couple of days I spent with Emma, and already missing the s**t out of her. The five years watching her was torture, but after having her I didn’t want to be without her for a second. She was in my blood, my reason for existing. We stopped at the cabin, the old familiar feeling washing over me. I can remember spending very happy days here with my family, with my father. I missed him, the way he died was still a shock. We had been plagued by Rogues for months, but still they shouldn’t have been able to kill him. Surely he should have heard when they attacked from behind. The whole thing was just strange. I shook my head to clear it and concentrated on my sister. I watched her as we walked inside. Something was clearly bothering her. I went outside to switch on the generator. When I came back, she had already started a small fire and packed out some of the groceries she had brought with her. I took a seat on the couch. “So wanna tell me what’s going on?” She took a seat across from me and when she looked up, I could see she was worried. “We are in deep s**t Joshua.” I leaned forward, placing my crossed arms on my knees. “You and mom” “Our family” “Care to explain” “It’s Aaron” I frowned at her. Aaron was Erica’s brother. My beta “What about Aaron” “He is forcing me to marry him.” “What, that doesn’t sound like Aaron?” She got up and shook her head at me. “Are you f*****g serious Joshua? You just refused to see him and Erica for who they truly were. Aaron had always been power hungry and Erica was the same. Why do you think mom didn’t like her?” I got up. I was angry as f**k. “I will not sit here and listen to you badmouthing my dead mate and if you don’t get to the point soon, I will f*****g leave.” She huffed up “Yes okay” “He is forcing me to marry him, even though I found my mate and he knows it. He thinks by marrying me he will secure the Council's support as I am of an Alpha bloodline and your sister, he is trying to become Alpha of the Silver Moon Pack.” I took a seat again. “You found your mate.” She smiled softly then stared back at me. “Yeah, it's Jude.” I laughed at her “My Gamma” “Yes, when I turned 18, I found him. He, of course, knew I was his mate, seeing as he is 6 years older than me, but he didn’t want to say anything until I turned 18. Joshua, I am so in love with him, I cant imagine being without him” She was mirroring my sentiments exactly for Emma. “Fine, I will help, no one will force my sister.” “She hugged me around the neck. “Oh thank you, thank you, thank you. Does that mean you will come back to the Silver Moon? I cleared my throat. I felt uncomfortable. “NO, I am going back.” I saw her face fall. “He, he wants the bonding ceremony done in a week” “And if you refuse?” “Jude will be killed” she inhaled a breath and started to cry. “What the f**k is happening at Silver Moon? We were never the pack that threatened and killed. Why this power struggle?” “You have been gone for 5 years. What did you think was going to happen?” I gave her a side glance. “Fine contact the council set up a bonding ceremony for 6 weeks from now, ask the council to come and witness it, tell him you will only do it then” She looked shocked. “I can’t bond with him Joshua.” “Leave everything to me Little Bird, I will fix this.” “Your playing a dangerous game by inviting the council. I am not sure it’s the right thing to do” I smiled at her. “I will also be inviting some of the other Alpha’s. Before I left, most of them were growing tired of the council's interference in pack business. I hope that hasn’t changed.” “I don’t know, but I hope your plan works.” She hugged me and cried again. “It is good to see you big brother, I am happy you are back.”
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