Chapter 3: The Candidates

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"Pick one." Marshall Hamilton ordered his only son, Reximus. Reximus looked at the three photos of different women in front of him. They were only three of them inside the meeting room. Reximus, his father and his right-hand man, Kennedy Hoffman. Ken was more like a friend to Rex. But he also happened to be his personal assistant officer, who would follow him around whenever he had to go for any work business deal overseas. "They all are the daughter of the higher-level military officer in HMIU. The first one is Dr Ayana. She is a doctor at the Hamilton Military General Hospital. Her father was Lieutenant General Hendrix. The second was Miss Melissa Miller. She's a lawyer at the Hamilton Military Court and she's the daughter of the First Chief Military Officer. And.... the last one...." Ken seems hesitant to explain. But Reximus gave him a look that he knew was a sign for him to continue. "The last one is the daughter of the Second Chief Military Officer. I would say that she wasn't the best choice, but I'm not in the position to give you such advice." Ken said. "What's her name?" Reximus was curious. "Miss Nara Wilson. She just a nurse working at the Military Health Center." Ken answered. "Even though she's just a nurse, she seems to have a very good family background. Her father had been loyal to us for almost more than twenty years. She also had a brother who serves with Hamilton Secret Service Army as well, he was assigned at the overseas military base. Her mother was once a teacher at the Hamilton Military school. So, her background alone was firm enough for her to be one of the candidates." Marshall suddenly added, looking at his son who kept staring at the photo of the third woman. "Give me a few days to think. I will need some time." Reximus requested. "Two days. That's all you got. When you've decided already, I will proceed with my retirement. And you will be the next Supreme Leader. By that time, you will have to marry within a month. So choose quickly and carefully. There's no turning back after this. She'll be your woman till your last breath." Marshall looked very stern when he said those words to his son. Reximus nodded and take all the three photos on the table and put them inside the inner pocket of his long black military coat. The three of them then walked out of the meeting room together. *** It was still early morning when Reximus called Kennedy to accompany him to meet all the three candidates whose one was supposed to be his future wife. Ken agreed without any hesitation. When Reximus finished his breakfast, a Rolls-Royce car already waiting for him in front of the mansion. Ken was standing near the passenger door, ready to open it for Reximus. As soon as Reximus walked out from the front door of his mansion, Ken quickly opened the car door and Rex got into the car in an instant, followed by Ken. The car door closed. "So, who do you want to visit first?" Ken asked Rex casually. Reximus gave him a smirk, then said "Ayana." "Great, the sexy one always becomes the first priority." Ken chuckled. The truth was, it didn't really matter who he visited first because one thing for sure, since yesterday, Reximus had been looking only at one photo and he had been keeping that photo inside the pocket of his military coat the whole time. It was actually the photo of Nara Wilson. He didn't know why it bothered him so much, the word from his father yesterday in the meeting room kept repeating in his mind. 'She'll be your woman till your last breath'. Maybe because when his father said that, he was looking at the photo of Nara. So whenever he looked at her photo again, the words of his father kept coming back to his mind. "If you were me, who will you choose?" Reximus suddenly asked Ken. Ken was a little shocked but then he gave Rex a very meaningful smile. "Aren't you knew me well? Of course, I would choose the very obvious sexy one. Ayana..." he's giggling. "You're so gross, you think about s*x all the time," Reximus snapped at him a little. Just like what a big brother would do to his little brother. The fact was Reximus and Kennedy were very close since they were little. They grew up almost together, going to the same school and enrolling on the Hamilton Secret Service Army at the same time. They even undergo the hard soldier's training together as teammates at the Fighter Hall. The only difference between them was their family background. Reximus as known come from a full military family, while Kennedy was the son of a lawyer couple. Both Ken's parents were lawyers. Over time, they grew up becoming stronger personalities as they were now. This was also the reason why Reximus chose Kennedy as his right arm man. Ken was his most trusted friend which he could share anything he wanted. That little fellow knew almost everything about him. "But seriously Rex, who would you choose?" Ken asked again. This time with a little serious tone in his voice. Reximus only gave him an expressionless look. He doesn't even know himself the answer to that question yet. 'Who would he choose?'
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