

love after marriage
arranged marriage
first love

How does it feel when you married the most powerful man in the country, yet no one knew that you are his wife?

Nara, a simple nurse, was chosen by the Hamilton family to be betrothal with Reximus Hamilton, the next heir of the Hamilton legacy.

Reximus was a very ruthless, cold and heartless soldier who had been trained for years to only fulfil his duty as the next Supreme Leader of the Hamilton Secret Service Army. He doesn't like mingling with emotions and he certainly doesn't like women. He never dates or loves any woman before.

When he marries Nara, he thought that he's just fulfilling his duty to secure the next bloodline for the Hamilton by making Nara pregnant. Little did he knew that Nara would turn his life upside down. That woman managed to cast a love spell on him.

But things got complicated because, for security reasons, Nara's identity as his wife was kept secret. How would he feel seeing the woman he'd marry catch the attention of other men around her? Will he be able to stand the jealousy?

Not to mention that there were also women chasing after him even though everyone knew he was a married man. How would he react? What would his secret wife feel?

Will their love story going to end well?



This story is fully fictional. Some things might be similar to real life and others might be different. Please let your imagination run wild throughout the reading.

Happy reading everyone!

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Chapter 1: Need To Get Married
Reximus's POV: It was a normal morning just like any other day. But today was different because somehow the old man, my beloved father called me suddenly, asking me to meet him at the family mansion. His voice sounded so serious on the phone. As if there were something really important and urgent for him to tell me. Without delay, I hurriedly got up from my bed, took a shower and getting ready to go to the family mansion. As I was trying to put my shirt on, my butler knocked on the bedroom door. His name was Randy and he was in his early forties. He had been with me since I was ten. He was my family butler at that time but after I turned twenty, I moved out from the Hamilton family mansion and lived in my own mansion. Randy followed me here to serve me as his new young master. "Come in," I ordered him. The door was opened and Randy walked two steps and stopped. "Good morning, Master. Breakfast is ready. Do you need me to bring it here?" He asked. It was the same dialogue that he had been repeating every morning to me for the past five years. "No need, Randy. I'm in a hurry. The old man called. I need to go now. Please prepare my car." "What about your breakfast, Master?" "I'll have them at father's house." Randy nodded and then he excused himself out of the room. Ten minutes later, I went downstairs and the car was ready in front of the mansion. I jumped into the driver's seat and drove towards the family mansion. It only took about a few minutes to arrive. I never let a driver took me to the family mansion. I would personally drove myself. My family had been very secretive over family matters so only a few people were welcome to the Hamilton Mansion. When it came to my household, only Randy and I were allowed to enter. Most of the time, I would only come alone. As soon as I got out of my car, the guard at the front door bowed down to show respect to me. He then opened the front door for me. "Welcome back, Young Master," he said. I nodded a little and entered the house. My mother, Marianne Sullivan-Hamilton, was sitting in the living room grooming her fresh cut roses inside a vase when she saw me in. "Son, I don't know you would come today." She looked surprised. "Haven't dad told you?" I was a little shocked. Did the old man want me to come in secret? "Dad? He asks you to come? Oh... maybe he wanted to discuss that matter...yesterday..." my mother muttered something. "What matters, mom?" I asked solemnly. "Owh, nothing son! Go on he's in the study. Upstairs. By the way son, have you had breakfast yet? It's still early. Why don't you have breakfast with us later." I just nodded and quickly went upstairs to find my father who was supposed to be inside the study office. I was about to enter the room when I heard him coughing continuously. I stopped myself waiting for him to stop coughing before I knocked on the door. If there was one thing I learned about my dad's ego, it was that he did not like it when his family saw him sick or in a bad condition. A Hamilton needs to look strong all the time. Having weakness was a big no to the family pride. Just before I was about to knock on the door, it was opened from inside. My dad was standing there trying to get out of the room. "Reximus. You're here. Good." He said. He patted my shoulder and then making a hand gesture ordering me to follow him. "Let's go downstairs and have breakfast first. We'll talk in the dining. This is something that I want you, as well as your mother to know." He explained. My heart was pounding hard. A sudden urge of anxiety suddenly rising inside of me. 'What is this old man trying to tell me?' I kept thinking about it while walking behind him. A variety of breakfast meals were served on the dining table. As always my father would sit on the chair at the end of the oval long mahogany table. My mother sat on his right side, while I sat on his left side. I and my mother were facing each other while my father was in the middle. We started eating for a while before the old man broke the silence. "I will be retired soon." He said. I stopped eating and looked at him. My mother did the same as well. "Honey, isn't it too early for him?" My mother asked my father, and she glanced at me. "Nonsense. I was twenty-one when I took over Hamilton Legacy. He's twenty-five. He's old enough to take the responsibility. After all, this is his life purpose. He was raised for this.” My father suddenly shouted. Not in an angry way, but more of an assertive way. "What is this about, dad? Explain to me thoroughly," I asked in a low voice trying to calm him down a bit. He looked very stern. It might not be good for his health. "You know our legacy. The rules, the marriage and all those strict rules that your great-great-grandfather have made before. Now it's your time to rise as a new leader. But first, you need to get married." He explained. 'Get married?' I was shocked for a second but I did not show it to my parents. My face was expressionless all the time so many people weren't able to read my emotions. Some of them even called me the cold, heartless person because of that nature of my behaviour. "But Hamilton were very strict when it comes to choosing a new member to be part of the family. So you might not have many choices of choosing your future bride." My father added when he saw that there was no reaction from me. "I see..." I muttered. "Son... Hamilton was very particular in choosing the next Lady of Hamilton. They won't be just choosing a woman based on her beauty. But also her personality, family background, character and her personal achievement. You knew what they always said, a great child will only come from great parents. So it's been a family tradition all along. I hope you understand and don't pressure yourself too much." My mother added on. I looked at my mother, smiled a little and then looked down to my plate. The bread on the plate seemed not tempting anymore to my stomach. I suddenly lost my appetite. What my mother said was true. The Hamilton was always very particular in choosing the new member of the family. My mother herself was once a politician, a very strong one to be exact. She founded a charity organization that ran based on the workload of the people themselves. People were willing to help her creating continuous charity events and providing for those in need, that even after she married my father and had to move inside HMIU territory, the people she left behind still ran the organisation for her. And now look where she ended up. She married my father, the most powerful person behind the HMIU. She was chosen to be the woman who bore the next generation for Hamilton. That's how picky the Hamilton was. Only the best were allowed to enter the family. Speaking of it, sure enough, my bride-to-be must be chosen among the best as well. So maybe it would not be much of a problem for me to choose after all. Love was not an option at all. It's just a matter for me to fulfil my duty as a Hamilton.

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