Chapter 5: Stalking the Nurse

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Reximus's POV: My heart beat faster when she suddenly turned her gaze on me. I quickly turned away. The nervousness that I felt was somewhat different. I never felt like this before. What is this? What is this weird emotion? I know she's not looking at me. She just turned her head around looking at those soldiers on the bed. She probably just have her gaze on me by accident. But that small gaze from her gave me extreme anxiety. When I'm sure she was already looking somewhere else, I continued staring at her. I looked at everything she did. Every single thing she did, like an obsessed person. Then I suddenly felt like someone approaching me from my right. It was Dr Morgan. He was the Director of the General Hospital, as well as one of the doctors that served at the Hamilton Private Health Facility in the Hamilton Mansion. In short, he's one of the family doctors. So, he knew quite well about my true identity as the Supreme Leader's son. "Looking at the candidate?" He asked as he stood beside me. I just nodded a little. "It's Miss Wilson, isn't it? She's the Second Chief's daughter." Dr Morgan trying to confirm it with me. I nodded again. "What do you think of her?" I asked him out of the blue. Dr Morgan pointed at himself as if he didn't believe that I'm actually asking his opinion. But when he saw me in silence, he quickly turned his gaze to Nara. "Nara is a kind nurse. If you ask me honestly, I think the other two candidates are far better than her. I mean in terms of achievement. Dr Ayana and Miss Miller were both excel in their field. But Nara was just a nurse. Nothing special about her." He answered. I frowned a little. Probably because I expected him to give some positive feedback about Nara. But then Dr Morgan added his words again. "But of course if you asking me in terms of personalities, I would prefer Nara than the other two. Nara is special. You can see how much she attracted attention from everyone around her without her realizing it. She was a sincere person by heart. It was shown from her actions and behaviours. That's her special charm. Many soldiers came by to this center looking for her after she treated them, but we manage to hide it from her. Don't really want her to feel terrified to work here with those attentions." I was stunned by Dr Morgan's revelation. So, this woman did have a lot of admirers. Kennedy was right. I've got a lot of competitors. I couldn't help but smile looking at her who was so immersed in doing her job. "Do you want to talk with her in private? I can arrange it if you want," Dr Morgan offered but I quickly declined it by shaking my head. "No need. I will just watch her for now." I said to him. He then nodded and excused himself as he had some patients to attend. *** I don't know how long I've been watching Nara, following her from time to time. And to my surprise, she still didn't notice my existence. She really did not care much about the people around her. She just talked with her colleagues, and she didn't bother at all at the people who kept giving secret gazes on her. 'Dear woman, do you realize you look like a goddess? Every man has their eyes on you. I can't believe that I'm one of them.' I muttered in my heart. It's already lunch hour and so I followed her to the hospital cafeteria. She's walking with two of her colleagues. They must be her best friends. They looked really close. They took a seat at one of the tables in the middle of the cafeteria. Meanwhile, I choose to sit at the corner a bit far from them, so Nara won't catch my existence. Well, actually I doubt that she will notice me because she didn't since this morning. She was so immersed in her own world. They ordered some food and brought them to their table. They quickly start eating as if they're in a hurry to continue their duty at the Health Center. Out of the blue, Nara suddenly stood up and walked towards the cafeteria counter probably because she wanted to buy something. She was looking at her phone when suddenly a man collided with her. Her phone dropped to the floor. I could see that the man was intentionally trying to collide himself with her. A sudden group of men from the table nearby quickly rushed over to the floor trying to help picking up her phone. "Nara, I'll get it for you." "Miss Wilson, are you okay? Let me get that." "Oh dear, I help you with that." "Don't worry, Nara. Let me pick it up for you." "Is the phone okay? If it's broken, I'll buy you a new one." All of the men talked almost at the same time. The one that collided with Nara also tried to help her picked up the phone from the floor. 'My God, those fools... They are trying to get her attention.' I gritted my teeth in dissatisfaction. I could feel that there was a sudden feeling of jealousy came crashing into my heart. Luckily none of the men was touching her. They all behaved decently as if they tried to impress Nara. Nara looked stunned by the sudden event. She took her phone from one of the men and thanked him. Then she smiled at them before she continued her steps to the cafeteria counter. The man that gave the phone to her seem excited and jumped a little with a joyful feeling. He must be very grateful because Nara talked to him. What a fool... When Nara already sat back at her table, her friends looked at her in amazement. She's eating calmly with her innocent face. "Nara, you're really clueless. Aren't you?" One of her friends said. Nara looked up at her friends. "Yes... she's really clueless." The other friend agreed. Nara put a smile on her face and shaking her head a bit before looking down playing with her food. "I'm not clueless. I'm just not in the mood to date anyone right now. I just start working six months ago. Now isn't really a good time for me to have a commitment. I am still young after all," Nara defended herself. 'Still young my ass! I'm going to make you my wife next month.' I was so determined now to choose her. She's the one. I'm going to make her my wife. I could hear their whole conversations because my table wasn't that far from them. "Since you're so popular, may I suggest someone worth dating for you?" One of her friends said playfully. "Who?" Nara asked with curiosity. Her friend took her fork that she used to eat spaghetti before. She then pointed the fork at me who was sitting behind them. My eyes widen in disbelief and I quickly covered my face with my left hand. Nara turned to look at me. But it seems like she can't fully look at my whole face. My heart starting to race as the adrenaline kept kicking. 'Oh my God, I going to get caught stalking at her.' I gritted my teeth in distress. Her friends noticed me. But actually not just her friends but also the women around the cafeteria. Seems like all of them staring at me in adoration. I was so focused on Nara, I actually didn't realize that other women were focusing on me. 'Damn it! What do I do?' I quickly stood up to leave the cafeteria when suddenly I realized that Nara and her friends were also about to leave. My legs froze in an instant, they were walking towards me and there it was, the most alarming situation happened before me. Nara brushed off her shoulder accidentally with mine. My heart starting to beat faster as some cold sweat beginning to run down my forehead. I hold my breath in nervousness. "Oh, I'm sorry, sir. I didn't realize you were there." She said casually and gave a gentle touch to my shoulder to avoid colliding with her body. She didn't even look at me. Her gaze was only looking at my chest level. Can you believe it? She's ignoring me. That's just unbelievable. When she and her friends left the cafeteria, I gasped in disbelief. That woman was really something. I chuckled a little as I found it very funny that I got an adrenaline rush over her momentarily presence. That's it. I am going to talk to her. I am going to make her notice my presence. *** I was still watching Nara at the Health Center while eating some sandwiches to fill my empty stomach. Because I was too nervous about the incident at the cafeteria, I actually forgot to eat for lunch. Now it's already late in the evening and soon Nara will be off from work. As I waited patiently, my phone rang. Kennedy was on the line. "What?" I picked up the phone. My eyes still staring at Nara from afar. "You actually stalking her for a whole day? I can't believe this," Ken was mocking me with laughter at the end of his sentence. He probably said that because I didn't show up at the Military Base today. I actually skipped work. "She's fun to watch," I said plainly. "So determined, hah?" He's making fun of me again. But of course, as a man who didn't like having emotion like I always did, I just ignored his words. "I'm busy. Talk to you later." I said to him and hung up immediately. As I put my phone inside the pocket of my coat, I saw Nara was waving at her friends. She was probably going to get home. She walked out of the patient ward and walked towards the nurse office. I followed her from behind. I stood by the door of the nurse office and saw her packing her personal belongings into her sling bag. When she turned around, she shouted in surprise because of my existence. "Oh my goodness!!! You're scared me there young fellow." She gasped a little.
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