Chapter 6: The First Encounter

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"Can you believe what kind of training they went through at that Fighter Hall? All the new private keep coming to our center with minor injuries. Cut, scratch, bruises and even small minor degree burn. I wonder what are they doing inside the Hall..." Molly was rambling continuously while preparing the tools for treatment. "I knew right... it must be though. No wonder women are not even allowed to become military personnel in HMIU. I guess it must be so hard. Just look at those gentlemen inside the ward. They all look fine but who knows how mentally and physically exhausted they could be," Tirra added. Nara just smile and kept silent all the time. She liked hearing her friends' conversations, but she alone was not much of a talker. "How about you, Nara? What do you think they do inside that Hall?" Molly suddenly asked. She just shrugged her shoulder and said, "I don't know..." "But your father was the Second Chief Military Officer. I'm sure he always entered that hall almost every day. Didn't he ever mention what happened inside there?" Tirra asked. Nara was silent for a moment. Yes, it was true her father was one of the higher-level officers in HMIU. He attended almost all the confidential meetings held by the military superiors. But he never even shared the slightest detail about it even to his family, not even his wife. Her mother also never knew what kind of job that her father's dealing with. It was a very large 'Secret' held by the Founding Father of HMIU. Only those who joined the Hamilton Secret Service Army know the very core detail of the whole thing. They even had vowed to keep it secret before serving in the military. In short, it was like a tradition for the whole Army to be strictly loyal towards the Supreme Leader of the Army. Whatever happened inside, will never come out to the citizen's knowledge. "Maybe they're just training harder than normal," Nara commented. "Nonsense, just look at them." Tirra pointing her finger towards the patient ward just beside the room they were in. "Those young soldiers must have been trained like hell..." She added. Tirra was probably right. Every day some new soldiers would come to the Health Center for treatments. All of them had some injuries. It's not like it was a very super bad injury. But still getting injured during training shown how hard was the training held by the soldiers inside the Fighter Hall. But to their surprise, none of the soldiers made any complaints. In fact, it was more like a token of pride for them to get injured all the time. It's like they want people to see the proof of what high quality their soldier training was. "I'm done. Let's go treat some muscles!" Molly said jokingly and push the medical cart that was filled with treatment tools towards the patient ward. Tirra and Nara followed her from behind. *** It was five in the evening when all the work inside the patient ward was finished. Nara packed her personal belongings into her sling bag to prepare to go home. Molly and Tirra were still inside the ward. They were on call today and needed to stay back at the Health Center in case some emergency happened at night. When Nara turned around to walk out of the nurse office, she was very shocked to see a big muscular man standing at the door. He seems to be peeking at her creepily. "Oh my goodness!!! You're scared me there young fellow." She almost shouted her heart out. The man walked slowly into the nurse office and stood in front of her. Nara was a little nervous, she took a few steps backwards trying to avoid being too close to the stranger. The man had a well-built muscular body. He had a broad shoulder, his face had a strong jawline. The face was also clean, with no whatsoever beard or any facial hair. He was so handsome and heavenly good-looking that Nara unintentionally stared at him for a little. The masculine smell of his body pierced into her nose, the scent was so seductive. "Can I help you, Sir?" she asked slowly, putting a smile on her face as if she's treating a patient. "I'm looking for Miss Nara Wilson," Reximus answered her. Of course, he knew her already. He had seen her photo before and he had been stalking her for the whole day. But somehow he just pretended that he did not know her, just so he could start a conversation with her. Actually, he just wanted to hear how her voice sounded like. "Owh, it's me. Why do you want to meet me? Are you from the superior military office?" She asked again innocently. She suddenly thought that maybe the man was one of the officers from her father's office. Probably he just wanted to give her a message from her father or something. Reximus looked at her intensely. She must have really didn't know who he was. It was not really a strange thing since his identity as a Hamilton was kept secret by his family. Only when he becomes the Supreme Leader, then his identity will be informed to the public. But for now, for security reasons he was being treated as a nobody. Just a normal military officer. "Nara, are you single?" Reximus asked, dropping the formalities between them. "Excuse me? Who are you? Why are you asking me that? I don't even know you, Sir." Nara was a little taken aback by his sudden question. And the nerve of this guy dropping the formalities, even before they knew each other. It was kind of rude for her. "I'm Rex." He introduced himself. "Just Rex? No last name?" Nara asked. "Yes. Just Rex." "Okay then, Mr Rex. What can I help you with? What are you here for?" "Nothing. Just checking the Health Center. How long have you been a nurse?" Reximus was trying to start a conversation again. Actually, he already knew how long. He read her entire personal profile last night. He knew everything about this woman. But somehow, he still wanted to ask her. Nara kept silent. She looked at Reximus suspiciously. 'Who is this man? Why is he suddenly asking about my personal matters?' Looking at the silent woman in front of him, Reximus couldn't help but chuckle. 'This woman must be scared of me for barging in like this to her.' "I'm sorry if I'm being rude. I'll go now. Thank you for your time," he said with a smile, then walked out of the nurse office. Nara was dumbfounded. 'What with this man? He's so strange,' She thought.
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