Chapter 7: Chosen

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Thinking about that strange man, Nara could not sleep at all that night. Her mind kept repeating what happened inside the nurse office this evening. Who was that guy? Why did he come? Why did he ask all those questions? She tried to find reasons for his action but it was of no use at all. But wait! Why would she even think about him? It's not that important. 'Probably because he was heavenly handsome in every way,' her mind mocked her. Nara quickly brushed off the thought of the man. She lied in bed and wrapped herself in the blanket. She didn't move at all for about twenty minutes, and then she suddenly fell asleep. *** The next morning, Nara woke up as usual. She was about to get ready to work when her mother suddenly came into her room without knocking. "Nara, my dear. Your dad called. He said that you can't go to work today. There's something important he needs to tell you." "What? What do you mean, mom? I can't take a leave today. There's a lot of patients in the Health Center. Molly just texted me this morning. She and Tirra were on call last night. They must be tired. I can't take a leave. I have my morning duty." Nara was anxious. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure your father had settled it for you. Just don't go. Your father is coming home. It seems like what he wanted to say is very important. So you must stay, okay?" Nara just nodded, agreeing to her mother's request. When her mother left her room, she let out a sigh. What on Earth was happening? Yesterday, she met a very handsome but strange creature at the nurse office. And this morning, her father suddenly wanted to tell her something important. 'Are both these incidents related?' Her mind kept wondering. About half an hour later, her father came home. He immediately asked Nara to sit in the living room. Her mother was there too, wanting to know what's happening. *** Gabriel Wilson looked into his daughter's eye. Sitting beside her was his beloved wife holding her daughter's shoulder as if she's trying to comfort her. This morning he received a sudden letter from the Supreme Leader himself. It was a private letter because it was sealed by the Hamilton family mark 'H'. When he read it, he was so surprised and happy. But then, when he thought deeper about it, he couldn't help feeling worried. It was a letter of betrothal. The Hamilton family itself asked him to present his only daughter for betrothal. Who wouldn't want it? The Hamilton was the most powerful family in the country. It was a great honour to be invited of becoming part of their family. But when he thought about how his daughter might react, he frowned a little. But then again, why not as well tried to explain it to his daughter. There was no harm in it after all. *** "Nara, have you heard about the Hamilton family?" Gabriel asked his daughter softly. "Of course, dad. Why wouldn't I? We live in HMIU after all," Nara answered him politely. "Do you know they have a son? The next heir of the Hamilton Legacy?" Nara was confused. What was it with her dad this time? Why he suddenly asked her that? Looking at his daughter confused look, Gabriel continued, "Over the past generation, the Hamilton had been very selective towards who enters their family tree. The one who was chosen usually someone from a great family background or someone who personally achieved something great in his or her life." "What are you trying to say, dad? Give me the point already." Nara became more anxious. "They chose you." Her father simple words gave a thousand questions to her little mind. 'They chose me? Why me? What is so special about me? I'm a nobody, I'm just a nurse. I never did something great.' Although it was true that her whole family had been serving to HMIU in their own ways, but that shouldn't be enough to actually be a reason to be chosen as part of the Hamilton family members. "Look, honey. The future heir himself handpicked you. I'm sure there must be a reason. I knew you probably think you aren't that qualified. But why not give it a chance. It's a good opportunity for you and our family as well." Nara's mother trying to rationalize with her. Nara was getting more unsure and her anxiety kept increasing. She knew what her parents meant, but her mind kept denying the reality. "Dad, when you said they chose me, did you mean that I need to...need to...," Nara was hesitant to ask. "Need to marry the heir, the son of the Hamilton family." Her father continued her words. She was speechless after that. 'Getting married? This early? I'm just twenty-three. I just started working as a nurse about six months ago. Being in a commitment so soon?' Nara's heart was pounding hard. Then she suddenly remembered about the man she met yesterday in the nurse office. 'It can't be him, can he?' "Shouldn't I at least know the name of that man whom I need to marry?" Nara asked out of the blue. Her father smiled at her. "His name was Reximus Hamilton. I have seen him before several times during work. I personally think that he was a very fine young man." 'Reximus Hamilton? Wait! The guy yesterday said that his name was Rex too. Could it be that they're the same person? Oh no Nara! You were thinking too much.' Nara still looked confused. She was silent for a while as if her mind was thinking about something. Then her father gave a another surprising news. "We will be having lunch with their family this afternoon." Boom!!! It felt like a bomb had been exploded inside Nara's heart. "What? So soon?" She was dumbfounded.
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